Episode 13: No Piece of Cake- Immunity Challenge

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Once the commercial break came to an end, the focus of the episode switched to the seven present campers in the main camp area. They all gazed at the dozens of small birthday cakes resting on stumps,  seven long, differently-coloured cake stands lined up in a curve, and a baseball bat lying next to each oven. At face value, the challenge didn't seem dangerous, which raised the spirits of the campers, although they knew the challenge couldn't be easy.

"Greetings campers; it's time for your next challenge: Total Drama Birthday Bash," Chris declared as he stood next to Chef Hatchet, "Today's challenge is brought to you by this episode's sponsor: Chef Hatchet's Crafty Cakes."

"Chef, how many businesses do you have?" Veronica asked, curious.

"Kid, you can't just specialize in one area," Chef Hatchet noted, "You gotta be good at many different things; gotta bring in customers of many kinds."

"Anywho....let me explain the challenge," Chris requested, "In each cake is a laminated card with a letter on it. You must use these letters to spell out a word on your cake stands. The more cakes that you search through, the more letters that you'll have to spell a word. You'll have ten minutes to spell and lock in your word. The camper who correctly spells the longest word will win immunity. If more than one camper correctly spells the longest word, immunity will go to the camper who locked in their word first."

"At this point, I don't think that I need immunity because my alliance is going after Callie & Alina. But I need to try and win just so that duo doesn't."- Dallas

"I need to win immunity. If I don't win, there's a fair chance that I could be voted out, and I'm not ready to go yet."- Callie

"I'd like to win this challenge; even though we have a deal with Karlie, Zeyad, & Dallas to split up Callie & Alina, they could easily turn it around and split up Roni and I. I'd rather not take that chance."- Kavan

"I'll give you a few minutes to think about your strategy, and then we'll get started," Chris declared, allowing the campers to disperse.


With a jump cut, five minutes of footage were skipped, cutting to the campers standing by their respective cake stands. They all were getting themselves prepared for the challenge: Veronica was stretching, Kavan was jumping up and down to get his heart pumping faster, while Karlie was in a deep state of thought, wondering what she was going to try and spell. Unsurprisingly, everyone was going to try hard, and they all were ready to fight in order to win it.

"Alright campers! Get ready to shake, bake, and spell!" Chris declared, confusing the campers a little bit, "Ready, set, go!"

With that, all seven campers sprinted out into the main camp area, racing to grab a cake and find a letter inside. As much as they were tempted to eat the cakes as they were searching, they realized without hesitation that immunity was more important to them than the cakes. Before long, cake and icing flew everywhere as the campers ferociously dug through the cakes.

"Gah!" Alina exclaimed as Callie accidentally threw cake into her face, "Could you please stop that?"

"Sorry!" Callie apologized as she grabbed a card and ran back to her table.

"At this point, even though I want to be nice, this is one case where I kinda have to be reckless and just try to get as many letters as I can."- Callie

"Let's do this..." Kavan declared as he prepared to tear apart a chocolate cake, "Well.....maybe just one bite..."

"Kavan!" Veronica called out, "Less eating, more searching!"

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