Episode 12: Irreparable- Nighttime/Morning

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"Last time on Total Drama Double Trouble..." Chris began through a narration, "After pulling off one of the biggest moves of the game, Callie raced to save her friendship with Daniel, and they agreed to a final four deal with Alina & Karlie."

*Shows shots of Callie & Daniel talking, and Callie & Daniel shaking hands as they eat omelettes*

"Unbeknownst to them, Alina struggled through another unsuccessful night on Boney Island, while Karlie managed to convince Veronica, Kavan, and Dallas that Callie and Alina swapped their votes instead of her."

*Shows shots of Alina walking through the rain, and of Karlie talking to Veronica, Kavan, and Dallas*

"But to her surprise, Dallas managed to convince Veronica & Kavan that Daniel was behind the swap, causing them to make a plan to blindside him."

*Shows shots of Dallas ranting, Daniel thinking, and of Veronica, Kavan, and Dallas planning to blindside Daniel*

"During the immunity challenge, the campers felt the pressure of being in a bomb squad as they attempted to diffuse their paint bomb. In the end, Daniel's memory capacity proved to be too vast to match as he walked away with his first immunity challenge win of the season."

*Shows shots of Callie cutting a wire and getting blown up, Zeyad cutting a wire and getting blown up, Karlie cutting a wire and blowing up, Daniel cutting a wire, Daniel cheering, and Daniel receiving the Golden Marshmallow necklace*

"With their plans to blindside Daniel ruined, Veronica, Kavan, Dallas, and Karlie agreed to split their votes between Callie & Alina, with the goal to eliminate Alina and thus, weaken Callie at the same time.

*Shows shots of Veronica, Kavan, Dallas, & Karlie making a plan, and Callie & Alina talking*

"But not wanting to give up on her alliance, Karlie warned Callie, Alina, and Daniel of the plan, encouraging them to split up Veronica & Kavan.

*Shows shots of Karlie warning Callie, Alina, & Daniel, the quartet strategizing, and of Veronica & Kavan talking*

"Being the swing vote, Karlie attempted to recruit Zeyad & Spencer into helping her with the blindside, but they were on board with sticking with Veronica to make a new majority alliance, leaving the three of them in a tough spot."

*Shows shots of Karlie talking to Zeyad & Spencer, Zeyad & Spencer rebutting against Karlie, and the three of them thinking deeply*

"In the end, Zeyad & Spencer stuck to their plan and helped Veronica split the vote, but Karlie stuck with her old alliance and turned the tables on Spencer, sending him away in a confused haze."

*Shows shots of Zeyad & Spencer voting for Callie, Karlie whispering to Daniel, Callie, & Alina, Karlie voting for Spencer, and Spencer being visibly confused as he rides away on the Jet Ski of Losers*

"Eight campers are left; who will be voted out next? Find out right here, on Total...Drama...Double Trouble!"


After the completion of the opening titles, the cameras turned their attention to the kitchen of the mini-mansion, where Daniel & Alina were situated. Given that they were able to survive the last ceremony, they were elated, and wanted to take some time to rest. Now that their alliance nearly had the numbers advantage, they were ready to start taking control of the game.

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