I Miss You

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Jungkook POV


" Did you really have t- "

* The Memories *

" Jungkookie~, " I heard a voice from behind me.

" Yes, Tae Tae? "

" Have you bought me my birthday present? " Taehyung asked me as he lied down on my bed.

" Taehyung, you're so frekin cute, " I told him as I gave him a wrapped bag with his name written on it.

When Taehyung saw what was inside the bag his face had his big boxy smile.

" YOU REALLY GOT ME GUCCI KOOKIE!? " Taehyung squealed.

" Anything for my Taehyungie, " I tell him as I sat next to him.

" I love you so much, " Taehyung told me.

I wasn't expecting it, but after he told me loved me, he smashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss was deep. Filled with love and passion.

" I love you too, " I tell Taehyung while we kiss.

* Go A Little Back Into The Memories *

" Jungkook stop staring at him, you're going to scare him, " Jimin told me as I admire the new kid.

" But he's SO frekin hot. I don't know why you don't admire him, " I tell him without taking my eyes off the beautiful new kid.

" Because, I'm straight as a wall, unlike you who is as straight as a circle. Plus, I think your new crush is taken. Look at how close he is to that other new kid. "  Jimin said.

And he was right. The new student was a little too close to the other new student.

" But he can- "

* Fast Forward *

" I like you, I've been crushing on you ever since I saw you. So, what do you say on dating? "

" Would this answer your question? " I tell the other guy before I gently pressed my lips onto his.

Soon we're just having a hot make out session until bell rang telling the students that it was the end of the day.

" Bye, " I tell the other guy while I had a red face.

" Bye Jungkook, " Taehyung told me as he walks off with Tae-

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* Fast Forward Even More *

I could see Taehyung walking toward me. It was our fourth year anniversary. We planned on spending it at our favorite amusement park.

I waited for him outside of the amusement park with both of our tickets.

" Hi Jungkook, " Taehyung greeted me with a kiss afterward.

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