I Became an Idol Because...

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Jungkook POV


"Taehyung! Taehyung! I'm going to jump!"

I am an energetic kid. I always love running and doing things extroverts would do.

Right now, I'm playing in my school's playground, with my best friend, Taehyung. We've been friends for a really long time now. We were playing on the side of the play structure closest to the school's fence, because we're cool like that.

"Aish, Jungkook, what if you hurt yourself?" Taehyung said from where he was in the wood chips at the bottom of the play structure.

"I'm not going to hurt myself. I'm not sensitive like you!" I teased.

"Yah! that's really offensive! Especially since you're saying it to your Hyung!"

"You're only older than me by a year! If you were born the same year as me, I would've been the Hyung here!"

"Whatever Jungkookie, just jump down here already and get youself hurt," Taehyung walks to the side where I most likely won't jump on top of him.

I did as I was told. I got on top of the railing thing they have, so kids won't fall of the playground, and stood there with my arms spread out. Just as I was about to jump, I heard a loud screeching noise. All the kids outside turned to look at what caused the noise. A car was driving out of control. Going from one lane to another. Kids started screaming and running when the car started coming our way. I was frozen though. I stared blankly at the car, rapidly creeping towards the part of the playground where Taehyung and I stood.

Once Taehyung had gotten out of his motionless state, he immediatley yelled out to me,


I came back to reality and looked down at Taehyung. His face was pale white. I jumped. When I thought I was going to have a very rough landing, I was caught.

Taehyung and I fell together on the ground. Then, we were pushed by a harsh impact. It was indeed the car that had pushed us. I was trembling.

"T- T- Taehyung, TAEHYUNG!" I had yelled when I put my hand on his back to be met with a massive amount of blood on my hand.

"Jun- Jungkookie, remember when you told m- me that you wanted to be an idol when you grew up?" I nodded. " Do well in sc- school for me, be the best Jungkook you can be. Become a worldwide famous idol for me," Taehyung looks at me weakley.

"Okay Tae," I say as tears start to invade my cheek.

"J- Jungkookie, smile. Smile even if it has to be f- fake," Taehyung smiles.

I smiled back at him.

He continues. "I want you to know that I love you."

I didn't know how to respond.

A lot of grey smoke covered us. We were underneath the play structure which had fallen on top of us.

His eyes started closing. "Tae-"


We were both soon on stretchers. I was coughing my lungs out before they put one of those air mask things on me.

I blacked out on my way to the hospital.


I entered the room.

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