I'm Your Protector

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Taehyung POV

You could say I've been alone ever since Jungkook's family moved to America. Let me see now, that was six years ago. He was fifthteen at the time he moved away. We were best friends. All ways glued together. Never able to be separated from eachother my mom would joke.

But as I started gaining feelings for him, things got difficult. His family was starting to lose money due to Jungkook's mom company not wanting to pay their employees the amount they usally earn on their paychecks. That's when Jungkook started being less interactive with me. He started working to earn some money to pay bills and taxes. Jungkook started getting stressed, and the fact that he gets homework every night from a few of his teachers didn't help. I wanted to help him, so badly, but Jungkook would alway tell me that he was fine or yell at me to go away. My heart shattered every time I would be taking a walk around the neighborhood, and I would see him, squatted down on the grass in front of his house, crying.


I remember that one time, where he fell asleep. It was freezing outside, yet there he was, lying on the cold damp grass, shivering to death. I couldn't bare seeing him like that, so I walked up to him, placed him into my arms, and took him to my house. I entered my room and layed him on my bed. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and some more comfy clothes. I carefully changed him not wanting to wake him up, but that's when I saw them. There were dried and freshly wet cuts on his arms. Tears slowly went down my cheeks as I finished changing him into my clothes. As I lay on my bed I had my arm securely wrapped around him. I would've fell asleep if Jungkook hadn't woken up.

" Mmm, where am I? " Jungkook mumbled out, starting to get up.

" Jungkookie, it's okay, you're at my house. " I replied.

" T- Tae? Wait, where's my clothes? Oh my gosh, did you change me? " He asked me, looking down at his arms which were pressed against my chest.

I started thinking about his cuts. " Y- yes. "

" You saw them. Didn't you? " He quietly said. I could tell he was tearing up.

" Jungkook, please don't do it again. Do you promise to never cut yourself again? " I took out my arm from underneath him and had my pinkie out, waiting for him to accept it.

He looked at me, and then linked our pinkies together and we stamped it with our thumbs. " I promise. "

That started to happen often. It was like I had to take care of him.

So I did. 

But after a few months, he was off to America.

End of Flashback

That's what other people would call the past.

But I would call that the last time I saw my best friend/crush.


Everything was much more colorless without him. I told that to my mother a few weeks after he was gone and she started to check my vision. Being the doctor she was, I ended up having a check up for my eyes. Oh, how I wish Jungkook was back.

" Taehyung! Come down for dinner at least! " My mom called from the kitchen, but I didn't go.

" You need to at least eat something! " I still didn't go down.

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