Just Like a Dream

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So this is my published story Just Like a Dream, but it's now going to be a in this story. I'm deleting the actual book.

But for those who haven't read the story, here it is.


Taehyung POV

I'm walking down the path in the park in front of my shared house by myself. Well, that was until...

" Guess who~ " A voice that I can recognize without having to think twice says as the person covers my eyes.

" Let me guess, is it Hoseok hyhung? " I joke.

" No Tae Tae, you're wrong. Guess again, " The voice replied with giggles.

" Well, let's see here, no one calls me Tae Tae except for my Kookie, so is it the love of my life, Jungkook? " I say as I remove Jungkook's hands from eyes.

" Hi Jungkookie, " I greeted Jungkook with a hug and a simple kiss.

" Hi Taehyung. " He says with a smile, but then it turns into the world's cutest pout.

" We haven't seen eachother for such a long time Tae. I missed you, " Jungkook says.

" If a long time means one day then you're right. I missed you too. " I replied while wrapping one of my arms around him and kissing his cheek.

" Do you want to come over to my house Kookie? The guys are there, " I asked him while we walked around the park.

" That reminds me Tae, when are we going to tell them that we are dating? It's been three years and we haven't even told them yet, " Jungkook stated.

" I'm surprised they haven't assumed that we're dating yet. I always thought they would and then we would tell them. " I tell Jungkook while looking at him.

" I mean, we can wait until they assume Taehyung, " Jungkook said while holding my hand.

" Okay Jungkookie. So, do you want to come to my house? "

" Sure. "


" I'm back guys, and I brought Jungkook with me! " I yelled once we entered my house.

" Hey Tae, hey Jungkook, " Namjoon greeted us as the other guys start to come.

" Hey Jungkook, you wanna see this new game I bought for my Nintendo Switch? " Hoseok asked Jungkook.

" Heck yeah! " Jungkook said as he follows Hoseok to his shared room with Yoongi.

The other members went back to what they were doing except for Jin. He just kept at staring at my arm.

" Jimin wouldn't like that Tae, " He says as he stopped looking at my arm.

" What wouldn't Jimin like? That I'm wearing on of his bracelets? Also where is he? " I asked Jin.

" Don't you remeber? He went on that trip with his friend, Dowoon. Taehyung you're making me think that you have a mind of a goldfish, " Jin said as he shook his head in disbelief.


" Bye Jungkookie, " I tell Jungkook when we finally reached his door step.

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