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Tis the season haha

Cold winter winds had blown against the glass window of a male in blue. Small puffs of cloud-like air escaped his mouth and nostrils as he exhaled the coolness of the night.

Shivering slightly, he wrapped the covers around him and clung onto it tightly as if it were his only life source.
His skin felt like ice; cold and numb. He couldn't feel anything; not even the slightest touch.
The winds blew stronger creating a shaking and tapping sound mainly coming from his window. The curtains hung on each side. The trees began to dance along to the melody sung by the cool winter wind.

A sigh of frustration escaped the man's lips. Winter wasn't his favorite season.
One of the reasons as to why he disliked this particular time of the year was the fact that this was when someone close to his heart made a promise.

A promise to return.
A promise of remembrance.
A promise of hope and love...

A promise that had been forgotten, abandoned, and broken.

The thought of that unfulfilled promise lingered and remained somewhere in his mind. It hurt, honestly.

For three years had he waited; three long agonizing years of patience and false hope; and yet his beloved had not returned since.

Doubts flew across his mind as he thought of the negative.

'Was he done with me?'
'Was he tired?'
'Maybe he's had enough, maybe he decided to leave me here to rot. But I highly doubt he'd do so...


He gripped his hair; a reflex to when he was stressed.
Anger and disappointment swelled within him.
Ice-cold tears slowly trailed down his face as he stared out at the snowy abyss.

"When are you coming back...?"

Soft sobs echoed across the room.
The winds grew harsh as he sobbed deep into the night.

He just wanted to feel him once more.
He wanted to feel his warmth as it protected him from the beasts outside of their safe zone.
The warmth he would feel once his loved one would wrap his arms around him engulfing him into a warm and loving embrace.

He also wished to hear his voice.
The voice laced with a thick accent that would often comfort and calm him when in distress, the voice that would whisper sweet nothings into his ear as they enjoyed each others presence.

What would he give just to see him again?
To gaze upon those sparkling silver eyes that would place him in a trance.

He would give up anything and everything.

"Tom? You in here?"
A voice came from outside his room; disturbing the eyeless man from his chain of thoughts.
He grunted in response.
The voice on the other side sighed.
"I'm coming in, alright?"

No response.

Suddenly his door creaked open to reveal a man in green holding cola in one hand.

Cola? At midnight?

Tom didn't move from his position. He wasn't in the mood to come face to face with his roommate.

The cola-lover approached the other's bed and sat on the end.
"Tom, wants wrong? You've been crying for the past few hours. It's concerning."

"What's more concerning is your cola-drinking habit at twelve in the morning."

The other male rolled his eyes
"As if you didn't drown yourself in beer almost every night..."
His voice trailed off as his attention was caught by a certain object near the foot of Tom's bed.

TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now