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Expect more of these.

I swear, sooner or later, majority of my Oneshots will be about medical treatment.
I mean, come on. It's the only thing I'll ever be familiar with.

Sort of

"Can he still speak..?"

"He can. He's still able to do Physical activities and such, but there's nothing we can do about his situation...

... He's permanently blind.."
Two years ago, an accident occurred. One with Tom in it.
A drunk driver collided with the car he was driving in.

On that specific day, Jon had decided to tag along with him to see what he did as a job and simply spend time with a friend.
These were one of the only times they could spend time together without the gang knowing.

Together, they made their way back from work when suddenly a speeding car was making it's way towards him. He tried to steer the wheel, attempting to avoid the other, but failed.

He was slightly conscious after the hit; barely keeping himself awake. He heard people murmuring around him, he heard multiple sirens from police cars, he heard the siren from the ambulance, but everything was pitch black.
The last thing he remembered hearing was Jon's anxious calling before fading into unconsciousness.

The accident flashed on the news. Not surprising, really. Almost anything will be displayed on television.
It spread through social medias, websites, and televisions at people's homes, until the news reached them.

They were simply switching through channels, waiting for their friend to arrive for their monthly "movie nights" when they stopped on the news channel after seeing something that caught everyone's attention.
Edd slowly set the Cola Can he was drinking down on the table as his expression morphed into a mixture between worry and shock. Matt's eyes grew wide as he sat on the edge of the couch, squinting his eyes; clarifying if he was dreaming or not.
Tord's face went pale.
He did not and could not believe what he was seeing. What he was hearing.

They were all in a state of shock.

They appointed a visit to the hospital the next day.
They needed to see him, they were the only ones close to him as friends.
Plus, Tord being his fiancé.

Surprised? I hope not.

Tord burst through the doors, surprising everyone that was there, but quickly went back to their own business.
He hurriedly approached the front desk, followed by a tired Edd and Matt, asking for Tom's room number.
The lady at the desk had to ask them what their relationship was with the patient, after being told (harshly) that he was his fiancé and had every right to see him.

"Tord, calm down." Edd grabbed his shoulders and stared at him.
How could he calm down? His soon-to-be husband so happened to be lying in bed, probably dying?

"Of course he's not dying. Stop."

Tord sighed.
He has to be okay.

Tom lay there in bed, simply staring up into nothing. Was he even looking up? He didn't know.
Gosh, how long had he been out?
The beeping of a heart monitor could be heard from beside him.
'On the left.' He thought.

He felt something rough against his eyes... Fabric?
No, not really...

Tom reached up to touch the cloth as he recollected his memories of the night before..

'Wait.' His body tensed. 'Where's Jon??'
He looked (at least he tried) around the room, desperately searching for his friend.
Who knows what could've happened to him?

"Jon?" Tom called out.

The door creaked open, followed by the clicks of heels.
"I'm sorry dear Thomas, your friend is in another room. But fret not, he's in good shape..." A female voice called out.

"I'm your doctor, Ms. Serine. How are you feeling?"

Tom didn't say a word. Instead, he simply lifted up his hand and touched the fabric that covered his eyes.
The doctor hummed.
"We cannot remove it just yet, sir Thompson."
Tom slowly put his hand down.

There was a knock from the door.
"Come in." Said the doctor.

The door made another creak.
"Doc, there's someone who wants to see Thomas Thompson?"

That was him.

"Ah, of course... Who are they?"

"Well, one of them claims to be his fiancé..."

Tom wondered. 'How is he doing? I hope he's okay... Gosh, I want to see him again.'

"I shall have to meet up with them first to discuss things before they can see him."
Dr. Serine declared as she left the room, signified by the clicking of her shoes.
The nurse looked at Tom.
"I have been sent in to remove the cloth. Would you like me to?"

"But, I thought-"

"I'm pretty sure she said 'yet.'..." The nurse interrupted.
She walked up to Tom, carefully removing the fabric from his eyes.

"Can he still speak..?" Edd asked, worried about his dear friend.

"He can. He's still able to do Physical activities and such, but there's nothing we can do about his situation... He's permanently blind.." The doctor replied.

Tord grabbed her shoulders and looked at her with his eyes furrowing.
"Let us see him."

"Very well..."

She lead them down the hall and into one of the rooms.
Once they had entered, they saw Tom sitting up on the bed, eyes wide open.
A nurse sat beside him as she held a long piece of bandage.
She gave him a look of pity before diverting her attention to the guests that were at the front door.

Tord immediately walked over to Tom.
Tom turned his head to look at where the direction of the voice came from.

Tord smiled seeing that his fiancé was okay. He reached down and held his hands in his own, interlocking their fingers together.
Tom loved that warm feeling. He loved the way Tord simply held his hand in such a manner, yet he gently pulled his hands away to raise them up to Tord's face.
He cupped his cheeks, slowly feeling his eyes and then his nose down to the mouth.

"Tom? What's wrong-"

"Tord..." Tears began to fall down his face.

"I can't see you anymore..."

Sorry, I got tired. I have exams this week.

TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now