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Requested by: @Princess-Shadow
I'm so sorry it took this long-

"That little trouble maker..." Tord hissed. "I bet Edd's tired of his shit."
He stomped outside and began to run into the city and into the scene where the little "battle" took place.
Even you can even call it one.

"Now where would they both be-"
Tord's question was quickly answered as he heard a shriek from inside one of the cafes. He rushed up to it, pushing the doors wide open to see what was going on.
There, on one of the tables, "Power-Edd" was holding some sort of demonic pup in his arms. The pup kicked and struggled in his grip, which gave Edd some difficulty in restraining him.

"For someone as small as you, you're fuckin' strong-" Edd groaned.
It's void-like eyes opened only to start glowing a familiar purple.
"Oh no-"
It began to grow; kicking Edd causing him to be released, and attempted to flee the cafe. But Tord stood there in the entrance, one hand holding some sort of treat.
Except, it wasn't.
The now oversized pup stopped in it's tracks to look at it.
Tord smirked. 'Gotcha '
He raised his hand with the treat, and waved it around.
"Ya want it? You'll bet your ass you're gonna have to get it!"

Tord rushed out the cafe and led the creature into an open space.
Edd soon followed behind, witnessing the scene play out.
Tord saw him from above,
"Quick! Catch!" And threw it at him.

Edd got the message and quickly caught it. The treat turned into a tranquilizer which Edd quickly threw at it's arm.
It's ears perked up, it squealed in pain, and it fell limp.
On the ground, there it lay peacefully. Slowly, it turned more human.
Not fully though.

"Finally. Gosh Tom... Look at how much trouble you can cause..." Tord looked up at the very damaged city caused by the man that lay in front of him.

The civilians began to clap as they cheered and yelled "hooray for Power-Edd!"
Edd slowly floated down onto the ground, and let out a tired sigh.
"He sure is difficult to contain, huh?"
Tord looked at him. "Ya think?"

The mayor walked up to them, a wide grin on his face.
"Thank you Power-Edd! You saved us all once again! And you..."
He turned to Tord.
"Thank you. With whatever thing that was, you helped Power-Edd stop this... Thing."

Tord waved is hand forward. "Nah, we're just trying to make sure this poor thing gets back to his original form."

"Oh?" The mayor looked over their shoulder to see a half human half demon.
"How are you going to do that?"

"We'll find a way. For now..." Edd lifted up his friend. "We should get going." Edd thanked Tord and flew off.
Tord exhaled deeply. He was pretty exhausted from that alone.

"Dammit-" Tord sat up from their bed and walked out their shared room to see what was going on.
A sudden shriek filled the household. It came from the kitchen.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me."

As he rushed down the stairs, he hoped he was wrong.
Unfortunately, there stood Matt, slowly backing away from the table, watching Tom push random objects down onto the ground.
He was like a cat-dog hybrid.

Tord examined the kitchen more.
The chairs had fallen over, the plates and a few other items were smashed on the ground, food stains and liquids painted the floor.
If only Edd was there at the moment, but duty calls.

Tord sighed a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose at the mess caused by the one and only adorably retarded bastard.

Tom, upon hearing the sigh, looked up to see him there.
With a happy Yelp, he wagged his tail and jumped off the countertop.
Tom himself was in a mess;
His fur was coated with many types of food substances and stains. Matt on the other hand, was completely fine. He was just pissed that he didn't get to eat his Cornflakes.
As Matt went to go find a mop (since he volunteered to clean the kitchen for the sake of Cornflakes) Tord picked up the 'pup' and examined him.
In response, Tom licked him multiple times to which Tord slowly put distance between us him and his face.

"You're getting a bath." Tord said.
Tom's ears flattened out as he let out a whine. He didn't like bathing.
Not in that form anyway.
But as long as Tord gave him the bath, he wouldn't mind.

Tord carried him to the bathroom and set him on the tub. He let the water run, putting shampoo on his hand to bathe Tom with.
As he scrubbed him, he told Tom.
"Sometimes, you act like a dog."

Tord received a small splash of water at his face. Tom was wagging his tail innocently and tilted his head as if to say "what?"
Tord smirked playfully.
"So that's how you want it, huh?"
He splashed water back at Tom, knowing he had the upper hand.

I mean, Tom was the size of a pup at the moment.

Tom decided to find back even though he was currently small, and splashed into Tord.
Tord laughed.
The two of them continued their game.
After Tom's bath, Tord lay down on the bed, with Tom in his arms. He was finally in his human form.
Tord let out a deep sigh.
"Why don't you stay like this more often?"

Tom looked up at him with an innocent smile.
"I get to bitch around when Edd's not home, and I get to mess around with Matt."
He snuggled up to him.
"Besides, it's the only way to get you to spare time with me."

Tord wrapped his arm around him.
"Min kjaere, the things you do for attention."

TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now