Hospital Hugs

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"Maybe it isn't so bad... " Tord assured his friend, who was currently sitting on the bed.
"You don't have to go to school much, and besides, middle school sucks."

Tom laughed softly, his hand covering his mouth as he did so. "Really?"

Tord nodded.
"It's so DUMB. Kids my age don't even know 1 + 1!"

"They never really like Math. Though, I personally find it interesting."

"You're really smart, Tom. You know that? You don't even have to go to school anymore!" Tord exclaimed, flailing his arms in the air as if that was a good thing.

Tom smiled, then lowered his head as a small frown took place.
Tord slowly pur his hands down, looking at his friend in concern.
"What's wrong?"

Tom looked at him with a sad smile. "I wish I could go to school..."

Tord remained silent for a while. Tom couldn't attend due to his current condition. The fact that he'd never be able to leave his bed, or see the "outside world" was a pretty depressing fact.

Tom had been in that room for most of his whole life, only able to see what's about there when the doctor said he needed to walk around.

"When do you think you can come to school?"

"When I'm better... I don't even know if I will.. "
Tom's voice trailed off.

Tord took a hold of Tom's hand.
"Hey, don't say that, you'll get better! I promise! You're strong, and brave, and smart, and cunning-" Tord was saying all these positive adjectives that Tom couldn't understand him anymore. But it did make him smile wider.

"What I mean is- you'll be okay." He smiled.

Tom hugged his friend, a tear slowly running down his face.
"Thanks Tord, you've always been there for me."

Tord blushed, but hugged back. "T-That's what friends are for!"

They stayed like that for a while. The silence slowly filling the room.

"Hey.. "


"Promise to take me around? I don't know much about outside."

Tord let go and faced Tom. "Sure!"

Just then, another person their age, came strolling in on a wheelchair.

"Edd! What are you doing here?" Tom gasped, seeing his friend come into the room.

Edd giggled at his friend's surprised face. "The doctor said I could come visit! So, I did!"

"Come over here! We were talking about the outside."
Tord motioned for him.

Edd's eyes lit up in wonder. "The outside?! Heck yeah!"

The three friends gathered together, later on joined by their friend Matthew, who was dropped off by his mother.

"I'll see you later, Matty! Love you! Be a good boy!"

Matt waved his mother goodbye. "Bye mum! See you!"

After his mom had left, he turned around, carefully taking out some chocolates that weren't allowed in the building.

"I snuck some in here, the guard didn't know." Matt giggled, proud of himself for being able to do such.

I don't know how to end this.
This is an AU where the gang are all children.
Tom and Edd both have the same disease.
Tord and Matt visit their friends to hang out.

And I have suicidal thoughts

But that's not important right now, because responsibility has gotten the best of me and now I'm going to do what I have to do.


TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now