How Did It Come To This?

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I've been gone for like.... Forever and people still read this shit...
Why tho-?

I mean, I'm not judging, but I feel like I don't deserve this...

I really wanna confess the actual reason why I've been disappearing.

I'm disappointed in myself..
I've lost motivation, the passion, the skill, and probably the ship (I'm still a strong fan guys, it's okay)

Most of you have already left me XD that's fine...

Also, I feel that I can't entertain you guys enough and it's really hard when I start thinking-

I really wanna stop thinking-

What I'm trying to do is apologize for lying to you about school. Although it's true that I am busy, the main reason I don't post is that I'm scared... What would happen if the oneshot turned out terrible than the first one?

The first one was already bad itself-

I have a few drafts that are empty and one that has not been finished:

I have a few drafts that are empty and one that has not been finished:

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That's my sorry excuse of an Author

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That's my sorry excuse of an Author...

I'll never be better than others. I have to accept that.

I know I've kept you waiting.
It's not fair.

But, I'll do my best to get back on track.
Just so that I can update more.

I still have a long way, right?



I miss you.

These three words aren't enough to explain.

And it's also because my fingers are getting tired whOopS-

But... I hope you're doing alright.
I'm sorry-

Please be okay.
I also really miss your updates. Usually, when I'm feeling down, I'd read your stories and find inspiration- it helps me when I'm feeling terrible...

Hope to hear from you

Take care readers... If you did read this-


I can't make promises I can't keep.
The only promise I can make is that this book will remain.

I'm not sure if it'll be continued...

I'm sorry

Once again, for the third time, Thank you.

TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now