"Help Me With This...?"

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Another day in school had passed and Tom was tired as fuck. His quizzes were quite difficult but manageable. What added to the pressure was that all his classmates and teachers saw him as one of the 'brightest stars out of all the constellations.' In other words: Smart kid.
Some people would consider him to be the "nerd". The "odd one" or even the cliché name call "loser". But in that school? No. Being smart meant Gold Medals, Honors, respect from everyone around you, and popularity.


Now Tom wasn't very popular; although he did have a very decent amount of people that looked up to him. His friends were intelligent as well, sadly they weren't ranked on his level of intellect. Edd and Matt assured him that they were fine with that. After all, they were in the same 'A' Classes. They'd see each other often.

...Then there was Tord.

He was intelligent. Knowledgeable; A very smart lad at his finest. He, however, lacked being wise much to his dismay.
Tord was classified as one of the "Golden students" in the university and had an outrageous number of followers. Many looked up to him.

And so did Tom.

But he'd never admit that...

... Yet...

There was this math problem that he had to solve. It was pretty simple for him. Hell, to every 'A' Class Student it was.

He opened the door to his dorm. The place was neatly decorated with shades of purple and grey to fit both his and his roommate's liking. Dropping his bag by his bedside and flopping onto the mattress, he let out a tired groan. Today was the usual. Competing against Tord seemed to be his only activity in school; Studying harder, Visiting the library during his free time, admiring Tord from afar-


"Ugh... Damn... Why did I fall for you?" Tom muttered as he sat up and grabbed his Math textbook, flipping through the pages to find the designated page that was assigned to them. Some would call it homework, but if you stayed at a dorm, what would it be called then? Definitely not 'dormwork.' An hour had passed. Still, his roommate hadn't arrived.
'Must be at the library again.' Tom thought to himself. The eyeless Brit nibbled on the tip of his pencil as he answered every problem with a solution and process. Finally, he reached the last question.

This one was quite difficult than the rest, but nonetheless, he knew how to solve it.

Knock Knock

"Hello? Tom? You in there? Sorry. I took a while cause I fell asleep in the library... Again..." Someone called out from the other side. It was none other than his roommate.

"The door is open." He informed.

As said, it was unlocked. In stepped his roommate, also known as the man he had fallen in love with. Who might that be?


Tord and him had to share dorms since their first year in the University . Truth be told, Tom wasn't actually studying to compete against him, it was more of impressing the person he totally didn't admire from afar. (Cough)
He laughed at the Norski's appearance.
Messy hair, crumpled clothing, books slightly falling off his bag...

TordTom Oneshots (Currently On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now