New Year, New Start

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It is the same AU from "Hospital Hugs"
Except here, they're a little older.
And yet their still stuck in the hospital, hahahaha

"Tom! Look! Fireworks!" Edd exclaimed happily; his eyes beaming with joy as he watched from his window.

For the past few years, Edd had been getting more ill and had never experienced going outside. On the other hand, Tom was getting better. His doctor (who was also his father) allowed him to leave the building from time to time.

"They're amazing, aren't they?" Tom sighed, looking out as well to see the awesome view. He got to see the fireworks outside last year. He could see it again, but he decided to stay in and accompany his friend.
Edd was grateful, but also felt sorry since his buddy had to stay in.
"I'm sorry you had to stay, Tom."

Tom patted his friend's shoulder. "It's alright, Edd. I'd do anything for a friend."

Tom was able to attend high school two years back, due to his disease being managed. Though, it's still difficult to deal with.

"I hope I can see the outside again." Edd sighed. He fiddled with his fingers as he looked down.

"Hey, you'll see it again. I know you will. It's just like what you told me when we were kids: "you're strong, I know you'll live!" remember?" Tom laughed, reminiscing the times when they were still pure and innocent.
Edd laughed too, remembering how naive he was, and always being told by Tom how things weren't always that way.

Funny how Tom was more bedridden in the past, and Edd was more active. Now the roles have switched.

"You know what would make this new year even better?" Tom said, gazing at the beauty of the explosives just outside, blasting into the sky.

"Is if Matt and I were to visit!" A voice came out from the blue.
Their heads were turned to face their two friends: Tord and Matt, who were happily standing by the doorway holding two big bottles of coke.

"Guys!" Tom called out happily. He stood up to greet the two with a warm hug. "What are you doing here? I though you'd be at the festival?"

Tord shrugged. "We just thought it was better to spend time with you in here. Besides, it's pretty tiring with all the people around." Matt nodded in agreement.

"We also wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well isn't that sweet of you." Tom moved aside to let them in. "Well, I hope you don't mind us just watching TV and looking out the window. It's the only thing we can do."

"It's fine, that's one way to celebrate the new year, right?"
Matt smiled. He sat on a chair beside Edd, giving his forehead a soft peck.
Ah- yes. They got together. Matt has always been supportive to him, which is another reason why he wanted to spend New Year's Eve with Edd. 

Tord probably had the same idea. 

Nah, he most definitely had the same idea.

A party from down the street could be heard yelling and cheering. Trumpets were being blown, and my goodness it was loud! Everyone had already been standing outside as they watched the fireworks come to life, filling the sky with other radiant colors.

Tom perked his head out the window.

"One minute til New year guys!!" 

"Tom, be careful, you might fall down-"

Laughter filled the air as the sounds continued on throughout the night
A countdown was heard from afar, yelling out the number "60"

Matt was excited, so was Tom. Tord was slightly nervous. But for what though?
The countdown began to lower in number. The gang yelled at the top of their lungs, counting down the seconds. Some hospital staff had to come in just to shush the noisy teenagers.

Here they were. Ten seconds left.
Tord patted Tom's shoulder.

"Hey, Tom?"




"It's been a great year so far."


Tom smiled.


"Yeah, I agree."


Tord held his hand.


"I... "


Tom tilted his head.




Tord closed his eyes.

Here goes nothing.



The people shouted, the horns blasted, and many hearts had beaten.
But as the fireworks shot from the sky, and the crows were all cheering, Tord has pulled Tom into a quick kiss.

There by the window.

As they pulled apart, Tord offered a bashful smile, afraid of what Tom would think. But to his surprise, Tom gave him a peek on the cheek.

"Happy New Year, Tord."

"Happy New Year, Tom."

The other two had just witnessed something they never thought Tord would have the guts to do.

But no one was complaining.

New Year, New Start.

Happy New Year everyone❤❤

My new year was kinda sad, but it's all good!
I hope you all enjoyed yours though!
Our street felt dead, as no one except our neighbors beside us came out to life up some small crackers and that's it.

No horns, no yelling, no countdown, no fireworks.

They were all a block away, so we had to watch as trees covered them. But we could still see the colors so...

The noises were across the road on another street so it's still loud, but not as noisy.

I just feel sad.

My Christmas felt dull, and now my New Year.

Well, hopefully next year it livens up

Anyway, thanks for being with me for like... A year I think 😅😅

I love you all so much, I don't even know why you read this, but thank you all❤😭❤😭❤😭👏👏👏

More to come ❤

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