4. Love My Life

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The student council girls were practically stalking me. The shorter one, Taylin, had a habit of popping her knuckles when she was nervous and so far, the cracking sound followed me like a lamb to a shepherd. The tallest one, Cami, smiled too wide when I made eye contact. They were vultures.

But I knew what they wanted. I waited until lunch, spotted them sitting at their usual table, and slid down next to them with two of my friends, Devany and Megan. "Hey, what's up?

The most-awkward-out-of-the-group, Mariah, laughed. "Hi, Sabrina. You look so pretty."

I flashed her smile. "So what's all this about the student council fundraiser?"

Cami flushed. "Mrs. McCaulley wants to pull the plug. She thinks no one wants to go to a drive-in movie when it's this chilly." She shrugged. "I don't think it's that bad."

Megan chuckled. "For a couple minutes, no. But for over an hour?"

"But we need a fundraiser," Mariah whined. "There's a field trip we can go on that would look good on a college application."

I nodded. "Not to mention, without the money, homecoming would suffer." I pursed my lips. "I'll have my mom donate hot chocolate and hand warmers to sell and I'll post on social media about it."

Taylin practically squealed. "Perfect. If you come, half of the grade wi-"

"I might not come," I cut in, looking at my nails.

They all deflated.

I laughed. "Girls, I can't go to a drive-in without a proper date."

Taylin heard that and latched on. "Oh, c'mon, Sabrina, all of the boys are in love with you."

I smiled, thinking she was even more right than she knew. At a party a couple months ago, I had drunkenly tied a cherry stem with my tongue and won myself a spot as the honor sex icon of the school. Since then, my DMs and Snapchat were full of panting boys. "Let me see what I can do. But I'm not going to make any promises." 

Cami nodded, not even surprised. "Thank you again."

"No problem. You owe me," I said, only half-joking. Studying each other them, I wondered how pathetic their lives must be to get so invested in a school club. And not even a cool one. "Later, ladies."

As they scrambled to thank me, Devany tapped my arm. "Are you actually thinking about going?"

I giggled. "Do I ever actually go?"

She smirked and shook her head, snickering.

As we sat down by our friends, I pondered that thought. I never go. I can't be that predictable. Snapping a selfie and posting it on my story with the drive-in movie details, I leaned back and sighed. Did I even care that much?

"You've met someone?" I said, sitting up straighter. "You've got to be kidding me."

We sat around our ornate dinner table, me on my phone, Cal sloppily eating a Oreo (how do you mangle a cookie that badly?), and Mom smiled wryly. "I don't think my love life should be that much of a joke, sweetheart."

Cal laughed. "Ok, Mom. Who's the guy?"

She looked up from her computer, taking off her reading glasses and blushing. "His name is Shawn. It's nothing serious yet, but I have a feeling it might become..."

"A wedding?" I asked.

She closed her mouth and cocked an eyebrow. "Sabrina, would a stepfather be that bad?"


"Why? Wouldn't you like someone else to ask for advice or to threaten inappropriate boys off or-"


"Shawn who?" Cal interejected.

My mother sighed, "Shawn Lewis. His son goes to your school, I think."

Cal dropped the ball he held. "Israel Lewis' dad? Is he enormous and buff and has a really loud voice?"

Mom nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah, that's him."

Cal groaned, leaning his head back. "Anyone but him."

"Why, darling?"

"I know his son."

 Oh, amazing! How do you know him?"

"He hates me. Like violently."

"What did you do?" She fixed him with a look.

While Cal stood there trying to avoid the question, I cut in. "Israel Lewis is one of the most popular guys in school, but I've heard he's really stuck up and never talks to anyone."

She threw me look. Because that's what most people say about me.

Cal cut in. "He hates me just because Hudson's my best friend and not many people like Hudson."

Mom rolled her eyes. "I'm not buying that it's all Hudson's fault, for once. Try to be friends. Or if not friends, friendly."

Cal groaned again, walking out and I trailed behind him, but paused. "I'm happy for you, Mom. But I am not sharing my room." I scurried over and gave her a peck on the check, leaving quickly while she laughed.

When I got to my room, Cal lay on my bed. "We can't let this happen."

I shut my door quickly and whirled around. "Just because you wanted to practice your new boxing talent doesn't mean you get to ruin Mom's happiness."

Cal rolled his eyes. "Bri, you don't know the whole story."

"I know enough to realize that whatever you're about to tell me is not worth you ruining my silk comforter. Get your feet off my bed," I snapped, wandering over to my closet.

"Me and Hudson tried apologizing to him in the hallway after school today, but he completely blew us off."

"I wonder why?"

He snorted. "He messed up, too."


"You wouldn't understand, even if I told you."

I laughed. "Is it only coherent in a foreign language?"


"Do I lack the mentally capacity to understand?"




I sat back, satisfied. "Then you suck."

"You suck."

"Can't you be happy for Mom? Ever since Dad-"

"I know Mom thinks this is gonna make her happy but I'm concerned this is gonna seriously backfire." He sighed, popping his knuckles.

I shrugged and pulled out my phone, waving him towards the door. "I don't think I'm too worried about it. Please leave my room now. Thank you. Have a nice day." After he left, I laid back against my grey cushions and tried to forget about the Chem homework looming.

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