17. Where Kisses Turn Into Bruises

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"If it takes you more than an hour to get ready, you may not be as cute as you think you are- just sayin'."

"Shhh. I'm trying to watch this, jerk." She hissed, sinking down next to me.

Don't get me wrong. I love watching the main characters' arguing turn into a make out sesh as much as the next guy, but if I had to watch one more chick flick, I was going to scream. Sabrina and I had gone on our fourth date as of yet and people were starting to ask if we were dating. Our plan was working in that department. I gave her rides to school every morning. I walked her to her first class and gave her a wink as I strolled away to gym. We watched movies at both of our houses but nobody at home had even asked about a significant other. Each date was extremely painful. I almost told her to forget the whole thing about seven times, but the end goal kept my mouth glued shut. Her perfume was starting to linger in my car, which was incredibly distracting. It was so sweet, it almost made me want to punch a wall. One of my buddies noticed it and commented about the air freshener. If he only knew.

I looked over at Sabrina, who was enthralled with Matthew McConaughey on the screen. We were sitting in her basement, watching How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I gave the guy a look. This kid looked like the definition of a Grecian profile. I guess he's not bad looking, if you're into that. Sabrina looked like she had found the new Jehovah and was almost drooling. Without really thinking about it, I started to compare myself to him. He was white, I was black. He was a few inches taller than me, but I was still growing. His bone structure was-

The garage door slammed and we both jumped. Footsteps thumped across the kitchen floor and I heard the fridge open. Sabrina met my eyes and mouthed, "Cal". She started to panic, about to get up, when I had brilliant idea. You know how I could tell it was amazingly genius? Because I knew I was gonna get slapped at the end of it.

The basement door opened and I lunged, grabbing the end of her shirt and pulling her back onto the couch. Her eyes widened as she started to yell, but my mouth crushed against hers, silencing whatever she was going to say. Her mouth was hard against mine and our eyes, wide open and glaring, clashed. I pulled her closer and she bit my lip, letting me know that if my hands moved anywhere else, there would be hell to pay. The lights flicked on and I saw her eyes close. Letting mine fall shut, I tangled my fingers in her hair and tried to get lost in the kiss, but all I could think about was Cal coming down the stairs and-

"Bri?" Cal called, not really paying attention to us on the couch while looking at his phone. "Can I use the movie-" He looked up, breaking off as we did, each of us breathing heavily.

Sabrina giggled. "Sorry, Cal, I'm down here."

He glared at me. "Israel."

I nodded, glaring back. "Cal."

He grimaced and scowled at Sabrina. "Bri, a word please."

She raised one eyebrow, flicked her long dirty blonde hair over her shoulder, and hopped onto my lap. "Sorry, I'm comfortable where I'm at. Turn the lights off when you go upstairs, will ya? Thanks."

He dropped his soccer bag on the ground with a thump. "Sabrina, now."

She clenched her jaw. "No."

He stormed over to me, roughly yanking her up by the elbow, and pointed towards the door. "Get out now, trash."

I stood up, shoving him away. "Let go of her. You treat a woman with respect."

He sneered. "Kissing in a dark room with your hands all over her is respect, huh?"

"It was just a kiss. Nothing more, calm down." Sabrina crossed her arms.

He whirled on her. "Does Mom know that you're dating her boyfriend's son?"

She pouted. "Leave us alone, Cal. This has nothing to do with you." She grabbed my hand. "We're together. Deal with it."

"That's enough-"

"What, I can't have a boyfriend now?"

Growling, he pushed her away from me. She slammed onto the ground, cradling her wrist. "With anyone but him, I would give my blessing."

I rushed over to her, helping her up. "I know you're used to treating me like a punching bag," I spat. "But try to treat your own sister better."

He scoffed, turning to leave. He paused at the bottom of the stairs, calling over his shoulder. "This isn't over, Lewis. Watch your back." He stomped up the stairs, slamming the door behind him.

Sabrina let go of the breath she had been holding and launched at me. Hugging me tightly, she whispered, "I'm not afraid of him. He would never actually try to hurt me." She set herself back a little and looked into my eyes. "But thanks." Out of nowhere, she punched my arm. "That's for kissing me."

Smirking, I leaned forward. "It won't be the last time. Count yourself lucky."

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