24. The Best Encore

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The lights went out and the applause was deafening. I couldn't hold back a grin as the little old lady next to me wiped away tears and looked at the flowers in my hand with approval. The lights went back up as the supporting cast took a bow. Regan came out on stage and I wolf-whistled over the raucous clapping. I chuckled when she heard and her mouth curved up into a grin as she bowed.

Outside the high school auditorium, I waited uncomfortably with Regan's family, most of whom were glaring at me. Her dad stood at least a half foot over my 6'1 physique and blue-grey eyes that looked just her's scowled at me from her mother's face. From what Regan had told me, both were immigrants from Ireland who had moved to America right before they had their first son. Ireland seemed like unforgiving territory from what I had seen from her parents.

Regan burst out from the side door, looking radiant. Her face split into a smile as she hugged each of her family members, having little conversations with each of them. Daniel (who was 23) and Maeve (20) had both left for college a while ago, but each came back for their sister's lead role. Her little sister, Ciara, wrapped her tiny arms around Reg's legs and pretended to try to pick her up. She fawned over each person equally and for a split second, I thought she was ignoring me. Then she glanced over at me and then did a double take.

She started laughing and ran over to me, jumping into my arms. "You came," she sighed into my neck.

I nodded, burying my face in her out-of-control red hair while juggling the flowers in my hands.. "Of course I did, I promised."

She set her feet back on the ground and looked at the roses in my hand. "Are those for..." She trailed off, narrowing her eyes. "Anthony Romano, you said you wouldn't-"

"Regan O'Neill, you were perfect and the lead always gets flowers so stop complaining." I grinned, handing over the roses.

She giggled and went up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek, while her terrifying family stared me down.

I smiled nervously, trying not to cry.

Her dad cleared his throat. "Ready to go, Reggie?" His brogue made it a little hard to get what he was saying.

She bit her bottom lip, worrying it a little. "Um, Dad, we got dinner after yesterday's show. I promised Tony we'd go out tonight."

Her brother, Sean, started to protest. He was in his late teens and probably felt the need to protect his sister or release any of that teenage angst, but his mother intervened.

"Alright, Regan. Be home before curfew and we'll talk then." Her mother turned her nose in the air, setting her hand on her taller son's shoulder. Sean glared, but went along with his mother.

After they left, she put her hand in mine. "Sorry about them."

"They don't approve." It wasn't a question.

"We've been over this, Tony." She kissed my cheek. "It's not their decision."

I shook my head. "Regan, it's not right. That's your family and-"

"Where are we going for dinner?" She quickly cut me off and changed the subject.

"I know this great little Mexican place, but I have to warn you. It's a little, well, probably exactly the kind of place your father thinks I should be working in," I shrugged.

She laughed. "That's how you know it's amazing Mexican food."

We picked up our food by the drive-thru and went back to my apartment. The entire time, Regan chattered about the adventures of the drama department during a show. The stage manager who was absolutely crazy, the ensemble hoe who talked about how she should've gotten the lead even though she was only a freshman, and the director who was a bit eccentric but a complete darling. By the time we made it inside, the sun stained the sky orange and purple and cast its final rays onto the walls.

Regan gasped. "Wait, this can't be your apartment"

"Because it's clean? It wasn't this tidy last time you were here."

She blushed, obviously remembering the last time she was here. The heated kisses in the kitchen and the hallway and the bathroom and-

"Then again you were a little distracted."

She laughed, swinging our hands back and forth. "Yeah. This place is breathtaking."

"No, that's your job," I murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple.

She shoved me playfully. "Stahhwwwp," she said, scrunching up her nose.

I grinned, setting the food up around my little table. As she sat down, my phone rang.

She gave me an exasperated look as I picked up my phone. "Tony-"

"This'll be really fast. It's my dad and we can't talk on the phone for more than five minutes without driving each other crazy." I pressed answer on my phone. "Hey, Babbo, what's going on?"

I heard him cough and take a drag on one of his signature, hand-rolled cigarettes. "Anthony, how's my boy?"

"I'm alright. I'm just... kind of confused on why you're calling." I scratched the back of my head. "The last time we talked, you moved back to Italy." And told me not to call again.

"Best decision I've ever made. And partly the reason I called." He coughed again. "Your nonno's health is very bad. His doctor says he has one or two months. It would, eh, mean a lot to him if you got here before he died."

"Oh, not Nonno. Is it his heart?"

"Lungs. Doctor says it was all the cigars." I heard his crusty chuckle. "Funny, they never did me any harm."

"Dad, you were diagnosed with lung cancer last May. You're just as bad as he is." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I'll try to get there as fast as I can, ok?"

"It's your duty, boy. Get here pronto." The line clicked. I turned back to her who looked curious.

"Reg, honey," I began.

"Don't you 'Reg, honey' me, Anthony." She folded her arms. "What's going on?"

"My dad wants me to come visit him."

"When?" She wasn't happy. "For how long?"

"As soon as possible, but knowing my dad, he's exaggerating the seriousness of my grandpa's illness." I dragged a hand through my hair. "I won't leave for another two weeks at the soonest. And I have no idea how long I'll be there."

She pouted. "Where does he live again?"


Her eyes narrowed and the worst shouting match I've ever been in commenced.

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