31. Champagne, Cocaine, Gasoline

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Elena wasn't talking to me.

She had a good reason. I was a jerk the last time we talked. She needed someone to confide in and I was in such a stoned state (I know, I know, I shouldn't have been high but I felt the need for it) that I completely blew her off. I blew my girlfriend off when she need a shoulder to cry on.

Doesn't mean I wasn't pissed as hell. Not answering any of my calls, ignoring me in the hallways, leaving every message opened. She wasn't giving me the cold shoulder; it was like I had never existed in the first place. This had gone on for about a week before I decided I was either going to kidnap her, strangle her, or cry. Maybe all three.

In the parking lot after school, I saw her walking towards her car and seized the opportunity. "Ellie!" I yelled, jogging towards her.

She pretended to not hear me. Nice try.

"ELLIE," I shouted even louder, causing some people loitering to turn and snicker.

Elena looked up, her face absolutely furious. Good. "What?" she hissed.

"We need to talk," I started, reaching for her arm.

She glared at my hand. "Maybe not. I mean, why break the pattern now?"

I flinched. Ok, I deserved that. "Please, Ellie, talk to me."

She softened marginally. And then squared her shoulders and said, with a smile, "No." She opened her car door and slammed it. 

I ran around to the other side, slid into the passenger seat, and smiled back. "Yes."

She raised a single eyebrow. "Do you not speak English? I said no, Hudson. Get out of my car."

"Not until we talk. So, you might as well drive, E."

Swearing furiously under her breath, she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "Ok, Hudson. Talk. Get it all out."

"I'm so sorry for the other day," I started, but she already wasn't having it.

"Oh? Which part? Brushing me aside, being very obviously under the influence, closing me out?"

"All of the above?"

"Brushing me off? That's fine, whatever. But what in the hell were you doing being drunk? Or high? Did you think I wasn't going to be able to tell? We talked about this, dammit. You said you had quit all of that cold turkey. You said-"

"I know, I know, I know I'm an idiot, I know I screwed up, but life is pretty rough right-"

"Oh? And how would I know this?"

I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. "You know my parents died."

Silence for a moment. "Yes."

"The police told me and my brother that it was an unfortunate incident, that my dad had been cleaning one of his guns and had accidentally hit my mom. And, after he realized what happened, he shot himself. That's what the scene looked like, anyway."

"Hudson, I'm so sor-"

"What they more recently told us is that they were murdered. By a wanted felon in four states. Known for robbery, rape, and murder."

"Are you serious?"

"No, Ellie, I joke about shit like this all the time, especially involving my parents." I slid a sarcastic look over to her and continued. "Scott and I have been looking for the perp ever since. The other night, we got a report that he had been caught. He attempted to rob a couple a few towns over and was taken into custody."


"He escaped. And is on the run again."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why? Um, let's see. One, I was insanely, out of my mind, completely high? And you were going to kill me? And then, when you texted me, I felt awful and called you anyway, even though I knew you'd be pissed. I tried to help, but I knew you needed more than your high boyfriend trying to get into your pants while you were emotionally distraught, because that's what happens when I get high. I sit and try to come down, while thinking about you."

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes and I finally looked over at her. She was crying. Really hard, but really quietly.

"Ellie, pull over. Pull over right now."

Swiping a hand at her eyes, she shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"Pull over."

Relenting, she did. As soon as the car turned off, I unbuckled my seatbelt, hers, and dragged her into my arms where she cried.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you and I didn't listen-" she croaked, but I shushed her, smoothing down her hair.

"I wasn't telling you anything, how were you supposed to know?"

After a while, her breathing slowly and her hands crept up my neck, tangled her fingers into my hair. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," I kissed the top of her head. "Now, I think we are both sufficiently apologetic, so why don't you drop me back off at the school and I'll ca-"

I was conveniently interrupted by a very soft kiss. Reeling a little, I looked down at her. "Are you feeling alright? Do you have a fever?"

She smiled. "No, I'm fine."

"I think I just told you that I was high as a kite the other night. Right?"


"If I get a kiss every time I smoke, I'm hotboxing this car right now," I muttered, kissing her gently. We sat there for what seemed like half an hour, kissing slowly, until it seemed her resolve snapped or maybe mine did. Suddenly, my hands were on her waist and she was pulling me closer, until she straddled me, her curvy weight resting deliciously on me, and I didn't have enough hands to touch her with and her mouth did positively sinful things to mine, her tongue tracing my lips. 

I realized if I didn't stop something, our first time having sex was about to take place in broad daylight on the side of a neighborhood road, with children walking past on their way home from school. I reluctantly pulled away, looking deep into her eyes. "Time to go, babe."

She sighed forlornly, plopped back into her own seat, and started driving back to the school.

"Save my place, we'll pick up where we left off later, ok?"

She nodded, kissing my hand. "Is your place going to vacant tonight?" 

My lips curved upward by themselves. "I live with Scott. That man never sleeps in his own bed."

She laughed. "I'll see you later then?"

I got out of her car, leaning on the door. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

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