19. Hey Guys I'm Really Trying

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"Are you honestly still bothered about the whole 'alcohol-and-pot' thing? Cuz it's not that big of a deal." I looked up from the Literature textbook I had open on my phone.

"Can you stop bringing it up? I'm trying to forget about it. I think we should go the route of just straight facts. Nothing graphic, nothing preachy, just information." Elena looked up from my laptop. "I've got my half of the presentation finished, if you want to send me yours."

I nodded, clicking a few buttons before stopping again to look at her. "Are you hungry?"

She met my eyes. "Well," she stretched and checked her watch. "I really should be goin-"

"Do you like Thai?"

She froze. "What?"

"C'mon, Ellie. You like spicy. Thai should be right up your alley."

Her eyebrows sunk. "White people spicy or authentic spicy? You probably wouldn't know spicy if it up and slapped you in the face."

I scoffed. "Please. I spent a summer in my grandmother's home and her cook was native Indian. That man liked hot curry."

"Of course your grandmother has a cook."

"Very hot curry."

She nodded, but still gave me a look.

I rolled my eyes. "You'll see, Ellie. I'm not just your average white boy."

"I think that's exactly what you are."

I picked up my phone and called Five Spice, ordering quickly, glaring the entire time and trying to get under her skin. In the time waiting for delivery, she kept scooting closer as we argued. I don't think either of us quite realized what was happening, but I was entranced. She was like fire personified. Her voice snapped like wood popping in the fire. Her personality was like heat; warm one minute and biting the next. Her curly hair was piled in a bun on the top of her head, but she had to keep pushing it back.

"I wish you'd stop and realize how loud you're being," I interrupted, throwing a piece of popcorn.

She batted it away and scowled. "I'm not that loud and besides-" Abruptly she tripped over something and her face landed on my sternum.

"If you wanted to cuddle with me, you could've just asked."

"I'd rather swap spit with a llama than cuddle with you."

"I think the llama would disagree." I got up, narrowing dodging her hand flying out to slap me, to answer the doorbell. I walked back down the stairs with the little red take out boxes, their Thai version of the white ones. 

She was staring at her phone, muttering to herself. "At least I wouldn't get an STD from merely swapping spit with the llama. With Hudson, I couldn't be so sur-"

"Are you talking to yourself?" I set the boxes up buffet style and handed her a plate.

She took it with a huff. "Well, I was until I was interrupted."

"Wanna enlighten me about what?"

Ellie grabbed a plate and talked, scowling at me. As she ate, her hands gestured with every word she was saying. Finally, she wiped at her mouth with a napkin and looked down at her legs. "I definitely ate too much."

I gave her a look. "No, you didn't."

"You underestimate just how much food I can stuff in my mouth before I need to be stopped."

I chuckled. "I like you the way you are."

She glared. "Para atrás ni para coger impulso."

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention during Spanish. And I meant what I said."

She settled next to me, closer than before, accidentally I think. "Oh, yes, 'thunder thighs' have always been your type."

"I like curves."

"Oh, like McKenzie Pyle's?"

I clenched my jaw. "McKenzie is a twig with too many insecurities."

She shrugged. "That never stopped you before."

"I just gave you a compliment and you backstabbed me."

Elena tossed her head. "You flirt with everyone and get angry when I treat your flattery like what it is."

I rose up higher than where her head was at. "You refuse to take the compliment because that would be acknowledging that there is some reason for people to like your body."

She laughed. "Wow, the pretty boy can talk nice. Keep it to yourself."

"Why do you have to be so argumentative? Every time I make an attempt at being nic-"

"Just stop it, ok? We get it, everybody has to like you, but if you could just chok-"

We were suddenly both on our feet, with our faces much too close. And out of complete impulse and incredible stupidity, I cut off her shouting by grabbing her face and kissing her. Her lips were soft, perfect and very sharp. Wait, no, she just bit me. She shoved me away and ran toward the door. She yanked open the door and went to leave, but hesitated in the doorframe. She cocked her head a little bit, looking down at the carpet. In a flash, the door slammed and she was back at my side, her mouth moving against mine.

"So, does this make me a llama?"

"Shut up and kiss me, ok?"

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