35. I Think There's Someone At the Door

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I rearranged the flower for the sixth time in a minute. She was going to hate them, dump the entire vase over my head. She probably hated me. She was supposed to be home any minute. What was taking her so long? Did I get the day wrong? Today was Tuesday, right? Off work at 6:30?

I heard the garage door open and my palms got even more sweaty. Groaning at myself, I quickly wiped them on my pants and looked up as she walked in, smiling slightly. 

Andy froze. "Cal? What are you doing here?"

I winced, even though I expected as much. "I came to apologize. I know I was way out of line." She put her backpack down on the marble counter and came around to me. "I shouldn't have butted in, but I guess I kinda lose my mind when it comes to people I care about."

She nodded, but still didn't say anything.

"I just wanted to let you know that I really am sorry about trying to get involved and tell you what to do. I do care about you quite a bit, and even if you decide that we are best going our separate ways, I always will. So," I slid the vase towards her. "These are for you and I will be going." I walked away, going deliberately slower than necessary. When I reached the front door, I paused, hoping to hear her say, "No, wait, come back, don't go." But she didn't. So I got in my car and drove home.

My mom was walking through the house in her tailored skirts and blazers again. She was back in full advertising executive mode, having apparently figured out that she wasted too much time on Israel's dad as it was. The house looked spotless, her hair was perfectly curled, and she was wearing makeup.

I peeked into her office and waved at her from the door. 

"Yes, Mark, we need to move on the Addams' deal tomorrow. What do you mean the presentation isn't ready yet? That was supposed to be on my desk yesterday. Mark, hold on." She muted the call and said, "Hello, darling. How was school?"

"Fine. Don't let me bother you."

"Oh, I'm almost done with this call. Why don't you go grab a snack and I'll finish up here, then get dinner ready? Ok?" She smiled and clicked back. "Mark, I need that presentation on my desk by tomorrow morning, or so help me..."

I walked through the house, moving my football crap into the mud room. I thought about texting Hudson, but I'm pretty sure he was in a pit right now. I didn't enjoy dealing with under-the-influence-of-anything Hudson. He used to get drunk every weekend and come to school high everyday. He mellowed out last year, but I think this whole thing with his parents' investigation threw him off the deep end again.

I winced, thinking about Elena. I still hadn't really gotten to know her since they had started dating, but I knew that she never went to parties. And she didn't really strike me as a light up on the daily type of girl.  She was probably livid. I smiled ruefully. What a pair we were, both pissing off the first girlfriends we'd had in a while.

My mom walked in the kitchen, the clicking of heels warning me. "Sorry bout that, Cal. Mark is incompetent half of the time and drunk the other half. The sad thing is," she said, grabbing a bottle of wine from the mini fridge in the pantry. "I'm massively successful half of the time and drunk the other half. The difference is that Mark works better while drunk."

I laughed. "Why not fire him?"

She scoffed. "Something ridiculous like his daddy is on the board. Luckily enough for Mark, I have an excellent secretary that doesn't mind finishing his messes for a bonus from him." She poured herself a glass of wine and scouted for chocolate in the pantry. "Any plans with Miss Andy this evening?"

I shook my head, taking a bite of my sandwich. "No, I don't think we're going to have plans for a while."

She cocked her head, her piercing eyes meeting mine. "Oh?" 

A knock at the door interrupted any reply and she clicked to the front door while I sat down at the table. I heard feminine voices and my heart sped up, until I schooled it into submission. The door shut and my mom walked back to me. "There's a package for you. I just couldn't lift it in these shoes."

I rose and went to the door, wondering about what I had ordered and forgot about. And then I didn't wonder anymore.

Andy stood there, looking as shy as she did in that restaurant waiting for her ass of an ex. "Hi, Cal."

"Andy," I said. "Andy, hi, what's up? Why are you here?"

She smiled and took a step towards me. "I'm s-sorry I o-o-overreacted. I just don't really-y know how to f-function when it c-comes to my d-dad. Or you."

I smiled, lifting a hand to her cheek. "Your stammer is back."

She blushed and ducked her head. "It's b-because you make me n-nervous again." She saw my reaction to that. "No, no, th-that's not what I meant. Oh, God, I-I'm botching this, ar-aren't I? I was t-talking to El-lena and Hudson c-came up to w-work and I couldn't help f-feeling so grateful-ul that I get you and n-not your best fr-friend."

I kissed her nose. "I'm sorry, Andy."

She kissed me softly, rising up on her tiptoes. "I know." 

I took her jaw in my hands and slowly lowered my lips to hers. My restraint went out the window when she melted into me and molded her mouth to mine. Her hands were under the hem of my shirt, on my skin, and my fingers in her hair and on her ribs, and-

My mom's voice called down the hallway. "Cal, please be home by 12? I have work tomorrow."

Andy laughed and we left, her hand tucked in mine.

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