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Brenna's POV

It's been two months since Andrew re proposed to me. Being five months pregnant is hard work. I've put up 20 weeks with out knowing what my baby will be! We finally find out today!

" Andrew! I'm freaking out... What if we have twins? Or triplets? or QUADRUPLETS?! One is enough right? What if our baby looks weird... ANDREW ARE YOU LISTENING?!" I shouted from our bedroom.

"Yes I was listening, And that would be rare for the baby to look weird. We have my great handsome looks, and then your sexy self."


"Um Brenna? I got a call from YouTube, they said that I have to go back to making videos. But I negotiated and I said I'll do one video on AndrewvsGames, one main channel video and one vlog! And I feel like today is the day that my fans meet you. They know I have a girlfriend, but they don't know we're engaged and having a baby."

"Listen, I'll think about it. But we have an appointment today at five."

"How about I introduce you in a vlog, then explain everything and we can record the ultrasound!"

"Okay!" I said. I never really wanted to be in his vlogs, but I guess I could be in ONE. Andrew had changed me from who I was before. Before I really liked my privacy and to be left alone. But now I can handle crowds, and being with other people. Don't get me wrong, of you give me a book, starbucks and headphones I'll stay away from you for an hour.

"You know, you look really hot when your like this."

I think Andrew was referring to my waist. Before I was pregnant, I was really skinny and.. didn't have a butt. I went from a size Medium to a Large waisted. Andrew sure approved of it.


"Brenna? I'm gonna start the Vlog!" Andrew shouted from out upstairs living room.



" Hey Rockers Andrew here, From Firerockerstudios! And today I am coming back with a Vlog and someone new you need to meet! You may have heard of my gorgeous Brenna. Well, she was very camera shy but she agreed to be in a Vlog! BRENNA? Come into the living room pleeeassee babe?"

I pointed the camera towards Brenna. She waddled into the room wearing a flowy pink ombre maternity dress.

"Hey Guys!" She said sitting next to me.

"So this is my beautiful fiancé Brenna! You wanna show them your ring?" I asked Brenna. She nodded and held up her hand, showing her diamond ring. " And if you were wondering where I was, and I'm guessing most of you were because some of you started #WHEREISFRZ on twitter. Well," I said standing Brenna up " This is where! With this widdle baby here! We don't know the gender just yet, but we actually have an appointment in a few hours! So we will see you guys then!" I said ending the Vlog until we go to the doctors. " See, it wasn't that bad Brenna!"

"Yeah, I guess.. Hey you know what I could REEALLYYY go for right now?" Brenna asked. I knew where this was going.

"What?" I honestly didn't have to ask. It was obvious she was craving something.

"A burger with pickles, mayonaise, bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese PWEEEAASSEEEEEE!!!"

"Okay, Let's go to BurgerKing!"

"Drive through?"

"Yup! And by the time we get our food we can go straight to the doctors!"

We got our burgers an then drove to the doctors office. Right when we walked in they called Dalhberg&Gonzalez. I can't wait to become Brenna Gonzalez. It sounds perfect.

My Brothers Best Friends-Perpetual Jordan/Firerockerstudios FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now