Part 2

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It had been a week since Calum kissed you, you would both message each other back and forth little cute things like good morning and how did you sleep? Luke still didn't know.

Calum was coming over today to hang out with Luke again, you head the door bell ring and you ran down stairs to answer to answer it, you swung the door open and saw Calum standing in the doorway, "hey y/n", "hey Cal" You said as you both leaned in for a hug. "Is Luke around?" "Hey bro!" Luke said coming down the stairs in his towel. "Give me 5 minutes I'm just going to get dressed." He said running back upstairs as he gave Calum some bro shake.

"How have you been?" Calum asked. "Good I haven't seen you here in a while." You said walking to the lounge to sit and wait for Luke. Calum sat on the lounge across from you. "I know it feels like forever, um Luke still doesn't know right?" Calum hesitantly asked, you just smiled and shook your head. Calum moved closer to you so he was now beside you. "I want to ask you something but don't freak out when I tell you and I totally understand if you have to say no." "Yeah Cal?" You said eagerly waiting for his reply. "Do you want to go to the winter formal with me"? You couldn't stop smiling that he asked you, you totally forgot about the winter formal but you were glad he asked you. "Of course Cal, I'd love to." He smiled at your response and leaned in to hug you.

He had his hand placed on your lower back, he smelt so good, you felt like you were holding onto him for what felt like forever, you pulled apart, your faces inches apart, he pulled you closer to him and leaned in kissing your lips softly. You pulled apart and were facing him smiling, "um y/n" You saw Luke walking down the stairs you and Calum adjusted yourselves moving apart from each other. He didn't see you kissing Calum, "do you know where my black beanie went?" Luke said looking around in the laundry basket for it. "It's next to the front door Luke." You replied back looking over at Calum who was already looking at you.

Later that night you were in your room finishing up some homework for school, you got a message from Calum, "hey y/n, if you're free I want to take you out tonight, for dinner?" You couldn't help but you blush and get really excited, you were really into Calum and you knew he felt the same but you both didn't know how to tell Luke or if you were ever going to tell Luke.

You texted Calum back and you were going to meet at Calum's house so Luke couldn't see you and Calum together.


Calum had taken you to a nice restaurant not too far from your place but far enough so no one local could see you guys which you hated that you guys had to do that but you were glad you at least got to spend time with him. "I'm glad you decided to come tonight." Calum said. "Of course Cal, I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." you smiled back to him.

Hi smile grew and he held your hand from beside the table. "I really like you y/n, not just as a friend, I mean it, I really like you y/n and I want to be more than friends." Calum said to you. "What do you mean Cal, what do you want?" You replied. "I want you." Calum said.

You sat there not sure how to reply, you knew you wanted him too but you weren't sure you were ready to tell Luke and how he would take it. "What about Luke?" You said. Calum dropped his head to his lap and sighed, he then lifted his head back up, "we don't have to tell him just yet, all I know is that I want to be with you y/n." Even though you knew you might have to keep this relationship a secret just for a little while eventually you were going to have to tell Luke. You felt a slight squeeze to your hands as Calum was trying to re-assure you, you hadn't realise you drifted off in your thoughts. You just smiled back up to him and leaned over the table placing a kiss on Calum's cheek.


You and Calum have been dating for a few weeks now, you guys usually go out to places out of the area and you both don't act like a couple in front of your friends. No one knew you were dating except your best friend.

You loved Calum but you were really getting tired of this sneaking around and lying. You didn't know how Luke was going to take it or if he was ready to hear it but you were ready to tell him.. at least you thought. Calum called you that night and told you that he was planning a nice dinner for you both at his place since his family wouldn't be home for the night.

You dressed up in a nice dress and heels and went over to Calum's house, you told Luke that you would be sleeping over at your best friends house that night. You knocked on Calum's front door waiting for him to answer, when he swung the door open "damn baby you look amazing." Calum said. You blushed at his compliment, you still weren't used to all his love but you loved him so much for it.

"Hey Cal, you look pretty handsome yourself." You winked back at him. "Well that's because I got to look good for my baby." He came up to you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. "Mhmm as you always do." You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. "Babe look I made dinner, I'm such a chef." Calum said laughing. You laughed with him but always complimented everything headed, you gave him just as much love as he gave you, you always supported Calum no matter what he did and you were there for him while he was going through something with his family. You two had a good dinner and you were laying on Calum's bed cuddling while watching a movie. Calum started kissing down your neck. "Stop Cal, your parents will be home soon." You said as he didn't stop but you didn't really want him to anyways but you were also nervous since you hadn't done anything with a guy before. You started kissing Calum more and the kisses became more heated. Calum was now on top of you kissing down your neck. "Cal, I-I've never done this before." You said hesitantly in-between kisses. You knew you loved Calum and you wanted this but you were just scared. Calum stopped kissing you to make sure you were okay, "Y/n do you trust me?" You nodded at his question. Calum and you moved slowly, he didn't rush anything for you and waited for your approval for everything, you were glad that if you were to lose your virginity it would be to Calum.

You moved to Calum's bed.


"Y/n" "Yeah Cal?" You looked at him, took you hand to his cheek placing a light kiss over his lips. "I love you." You looked up to him. His eyes looked worried and filled of nothing but love at the same time. "I love you too Cal." He moved beside you closer leaning into kiss you. You fell asleep in his arms that night.

The next few weeks you and Calum were closer than ever, but you noticed Calum had been acting a bit different, he wasn't hanging out with your brother as much and instead he was hanging out with a different group of boys, they didn't seem like they had the best intentions but you tried not to think about it too much, you just felt bad for Luke because Calum wasn't coming around as often which also made it harder for you to see him more.

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