Part 4

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It had been almost 2 weeks since you last saw Calum he had been so distant you didn't know what was going on with him. You still texted each other everyday but he was so boring when it came to keeping a conversation, you thought maybe he was upset that you guys hadn't told Luke yet, you didn't know how though, you really didn't want to hurt your brother but you also really liked Calum.

You were sitting at your deck one day after school doing your homework when you got text from Calum. 'Hey y/n, I know we haven't been speaking to each other in a while I'm sorry about that, can I maybe call you and talk to you about what's happening?" You got really nervous not expecting a text like that but you did want to call him and hear him out, maybe he had a good explanation for everything.

You call him immediately without responding back. "Hello..." You hear Calum's voice quietly speak up. "Y/n?" "Yeah Cal I'm here." "Um hey, how are you?" He asked " I could be better I guess, what about you?" You asked.

"Im okay, im sorry I haven't see you in a while, I do want to explain everything but I know you might be mad at me but i just want you to know that know matter what I will always love you, I always have and always will." He said " Okay.." you said just loud enough for him to hear. "Okay, well I have been thinking over this for while don't think that I just made this decision overnight because it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make and I'm really sorry its come down to this and I hate that its come down to this because I do love you-" "What is it Calum?"You asked eagerly. "I'm breaking up with you y/n... I just-" "What..." "y/n I'm really sorry I really don't want to do this but i-" then why are you doing it?" "I can't do this anymore y/n, I cant hide this relationship just because you don't want to hurt Luke that's bullshit, you love me and you know it, and if you really care you would just tell Luke, but it doesn't matter anymore anyways I've started talking to someone else." Your heart broke at his last sentence , you could understand him not wanting to be with you because you didn't want to hurt Luke but the fact that he's already seeing someone else was the worst part, it meant you were never going to get Calum back and it wasn't even your fault,

"Calum..., what do you mean? Wh-what I-I don't understand, how did I Fucked up so bad that you don't want to not only break up with me but already found someone else to talk to, i- I, it hasn't even been 2 weeks we haven't talked and you've already moved on from me? I – how? A I missing somthing?" You asked baffled, you could not process how you were so happily in love with this boy not long ago and how dramatically your life can change in only 2 weeks.

"Y/n, I can not explain how sorry I am, I really Love y-" "no Calum stop, don't say if you don't mean it, if you still loved me you d be here with me trying everthing we could to make this work and not giving up so easily beause of one problem youre faced with, youre an asshole and a coward you couldn't even talk to me in person it had to be over the phone, im so done with you Calum Hood, I hope you and whoever you end up with are happy and never had to hideanything to avoid hurting the one you love just to end up the one hurt in the end, goodbye Calum." You said as you hung up and through your phone across the room screaming You immediately broke down in tears.

After everything you have both been through what hurt mostly was that he gave up on you both when you needed him the most and now he was going to be there for someone else and were left to pick up the pieces alone. You were mad at him for doing that you, he didn't evenhave the decency to break up with you in person, it hurt having to walk around school and see him all the time like nothing had happened.

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