Part 7

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Things had been going well in your new school, you were getting along with Josie really well you guys were like best friends now, classes were hard but you were getting through it.

One afternoon you and Josie had finished your 1pm lecture, you both decided to meet up with Luke for lunch, this was the first time you were seeing Luke in 3 weeks since he first dropped you off at uni, it was also the first time Josie was going to meet him. You had filled in Josie on everything about Luke and Calum and she knew not to bring it up around Luke as he still didn't know, you weren't planning on telling Luke at all either as you and Calum weren't together anymore so it didn't really matter,

You texted Luke to meet outside your uni at the local diner that you and Josie went the first night here. You and Josie walked to the diner "Josie, not to bring it up again but just making sure you know not to mention anything to Luke about me and Calum right?" "Of course y/n, you've only reminded me like 1000 times, don't worry. No Calum." She laughed. You just nodded in agreement and kept walking.

You guys had got to the diner before Luke so you went ahead and ordered as he was close by. Shortly after, Luke walked through the door "hey Luke" you waved to him from the door, "y/n, wtf! You never mentioned that Luke was attractive." Josie whispered to you. "What?" You laughed. "Well He is my brother what did you expect him to be the odd looking one out?" You laughed more.

"Hey y/n." Luke said as you stood up and hugged him. "Hey Luke, this is Josie by the way, she's my roommate." "Hey Josie, nice to meet you." He said as he pulled her in for a hug, "nice to meet the boy that y/n never stops talking about." She said as she sat back down opposite Luke and you sat next to Josie. "I'm her favourite brother that's why." Luke replied. "You're my only brother Luke." You whined.

You guys had dat there for two hours eating and chatting, Josie and Luke more than you, they seem really interested in each other but you had to ask to clarify, "so Luke, meet any new girls at your uni?" Liked glance turned from you to Josie then to his food. "No actually I've been so busy with study I don't have time to look for anyone right now." He said. "What about you Josie." You looked over to Josie he gaze already at looking at you with a death stare, "same as Luke really, just pretty busy that's all." "Oh hmm." You relied in a sarcastic tone. "What about you then y/n, met anyone new?" Luke asked. You weren't expecting anyone to ask you but I guess three can play that game, "same here honestly." You replied. With that you all got up to pay and leave, on your way out Luke asked for Josies number, the excuse he used was 'in case I was studying they could hang out together without me' not suspicious at all Luke. You laughed it off and luke drove back to his dorm and you and Josie walked back to yours.

You didn't feel like studying so you sat on your bed while Josie sat on hers watching a movie on his computer, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your social media's you saw Calum had posted a photo of his new roommate at uni. You liked it, you kept scrolling through Instagram liking your friends photos, you had received a notification from someone on Instagram, you went to open the DM and saw it was Calum.

'Hey :)' you didn't expect him to start a conversation with you, the night you ended everything with him was a big deal, you both said a lot of things to each other and then when you said goodbye to him at graduation it was weird, you ended on good terms but something always felt missing after you broke up with him. You just thought it would've been easier to forget him but it was hard when you still loved him.

You opened the message and went to respond. 'Hi', you didn't want to respond but you couldn't help yourself. 'How are you doing?' He responded. That was a good question, you didn't even know really. 'I'm okay, what about you?' You replied.

C: 'that's good. I'm okay too, how's uni going?'

Y/n: 'it's hard but what else would you expect'

C: 'same here, what classes did you pick?'

Y/n: 'Calum... what are you doing?'

C: 'what do you mean?'

Y:n: 'what did you message me?'

C: I don't know, I miss you'

Y/n: 'Calum we said goodbye already why do you keep coming back into my life'

C: 'I know I said some things to you when we were in high school but I still love you y/n, I can't just forget you that easily, I'm not going to let you walk out of my life again'

Y/n: 'Calum I don't even know what to say to you right now I just know I don't want to go through all those emotions again'

C: 'it'll be different this time please I promise, we can tell Luke we won't have to hide, it'll be different just please give me a second chance I need you in my life'

You contemplated the situation, you had two options, say no to Calum and regret it for the rest of your life wondering if things would be different if you gave him a second chance or give him the second chance and tell Luke about you two and have things go smoothly and actually have a proper relationship with Calum.

C: 'you there?'

Y/: 'Calum idk, we're 4 hours apart for the next two years how are we going to be able to make this work?'

C: 'I don care, I'll drive everyday just to see you we've been apart for a few weeks already and I don't think how I can spend the next two years apart from you with you not in my arms, I love you and I know you love me and I was an idiot for letting you go please it'll be different this time I promise'

Y/n: 'Calum if we do this there's no turning back, you have to be in this 100%, it's going to be hard with study and long distance but if you're willing to do this we have to at least tell Luke this time.'

C: 'of course y/n, I'll do whatever you want, so is that a yes?'

Y/n: 'you never asked a question?'

C: '... y/n, will you be my girlfriend... again?'

Y/n: 'I'll think about it'

C: 'what!!!'

Y/n: 'I'm joking, yes Calum I will'

You can't believe you and Calum just made up and are back together now, you never thought you would have ended up here but you were glad, you missed Calum, you could wait to hold him, kiss him and tell Luke... the time came again where you would have to tell Luke this time the truth, you would both decide how the best time and place would be to tell him but until then you wanted to make sure Calum was 100% about he relationship before you might ruin your friendship with your brother over him.

You heard giggling coming from Josies bed, "what are you laughing at?" You asked her. "Your brother, he's hilarious." She replied. "I'm sorry, you're texting my brother??" "Yeah, he's sending me the funniest memes, here look at this one." She said as she leaned over her bed and faced the phone to you. "Lol I thought it was for emergency's." You smiled awkwardly, "this meme was an emergency." She replied. You thought it was weird that your brother and your roommate were sending each other memes but you just shrugged it off, you couldn't stop thinking about Calum, you were actually back together with him now.

You didn't want to tell Josie just yet, it still didn't feel real to you just yet but you planned to meet up with him tomorrow after curfew since the guards are off duty then so the gates wouldn't be monitored and Calum could sneak in.

C: 'goodnight beautiful x'

Y/n; 'goodnight cal x'

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