Part 6

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The last few weeks of your high school life were the absolute worst, you had lost Calum and you weren't even sure if it was your fault? You and Calum were supposed to go to your local university together so that you were both close to your families and each other and then after university you were going to move in together and live your happy life but things were different now, those plans could've all change after you guys broke up.

You decided you wanted to go to a different uni that was out of state so you could get as far away as possible from Calum, and Luke was going to an out of state uni too so at least this way you can still be close to Luke if you ever needed a piece of home.

Graduation day couldn't have come quicker, after the graduation ceremony you and Luke walked over to your family who all congratulated you, you looked up and saw Luke smiling at Calum as he walked Over to
You two. Luke and Calum smiled at each other and wished each other the best for their futures and planned to stay in contact, turns out Calum was still sticking with his plan to go to the local uni. He then walked up beside you as Luke walked back over to your family. "Hey." He said quietly. "Hey Calum." You said with your head slightly down. "I'm good luck with whatever future you decide to go with, I know you're going to do great." He said. You looked up and looked at him weirdly. "Calum it's okay we don't have to pretend to be friend anymore, I can forget about everything that happened this year, I have no other choice anyways, we're going to be living two different lives now, that's how it has to be." You replied playing with your graduation cap. "No y/n, I really mean it, I do wish you all the best, I know what happened to us wasn't the best way to end things but I hope one day you can forgive me for making you feel the way I did, I truly appreciate everything you did for me and I hope you can move past it an live your new life without me." You couldn't help but feel taken back for a minute, you've never seen Calum be so genuine but you liked it.

"Thank you Calum, I really needed to hear that, I wish you only the best too." With that said you both leaned in a hugged each other, you held onto him a little longer embracing him on last time and if you weren't sure when the next time you would see him would be.


The next day you were all packed up and ready for uni. You said goodbye to your family and headed out for a 4 hour drive with Luke, it was quiet most of the time which made you think about Calum more, you were thinking that maybe if Luke knew about you two would things have ended differently? You were too deep into thought and ready you had to talk to Luke to distract yourself, "are you going to miss everyone?" You asked Luke. "I don't know, are you?" He said sarcastically. You just laughed and shrugged your shoulders. "I might miss you." You said to him. "Well that's why I'm only a 20 minute drive from your uni, you can visit me whenever you need to you know that right?" "Of course Luke, I always know." You replied.

You and Luke pulled up to your uni and he was helping you unpack your luggage for you to go sign in to your dorm. "Are you okay y/n?" Luke asked as you were unpacking the car. You looked up at him with a questioning look. "What do you mean Luke?" You replied hoping he hasn't picked up on something. "I don't know, the past few months you haven't really been yourself, I'm just checking in to see if everything's okay with you?" He stopped unpacking the car now. "Yeah Luke." "I'm serious y/n, if there's something you want to tell me I'm not going o be mad or upset I'm your big brother I'm sure I'll understand." Luke replied.

You didn't want to bring it up otherwise you would cry all over again and you didn't want Luke to know, you and Calum weren't a thing anymore anyways so there was really no point.

"I'm okay Luke, thanks for asking though." You replied. You both hugged each other then Luke drove off as you walked to campus to sign in.

When you got to your building which was on the other side of the campus you finally got to your room and noticed your roommate had already set up her things, you placed your stuff down onto the empty bed and fell back onto the bed and let out a loud sigh, "oh sorry, I'll come back." You sat up quickly and saw someone walk into your room who you assumed to be your roommate. "Oh no! It's okay I just got in, I'm y/n, I think I'm your new roommate." You said. "Oh cool, I'm
Josie, nice to meet you and yes you are my new roommate." You both laughed. "Well nice to meet you Josie." "Same here, hey I'm going out in about an hour with some of the other girls on this floor to the diner down the road, so you want to come with us?" Josie asked. You couldn't pass up an opportunity to make a new friend so you agreed. "Sure, thanks." You replied.


You, Josie and some other girls from your dorm ended up at a diner called "Stacey's Diner." Which was only down the road from your room. You and Josie got along pretty fast, you guys clicked basically.

You and her sat next to each other at the diner and kept chatting about your lives before uni, Josie was so similar to you but she was definitely more outgoing than you were but you liked that about her, you needed a friend that was spontaneous and exciting.

You had exchange details about your lives up to this moment with each other, you told her everything that happened with Calum, she just listened the whole time, she seemed to really care and feel for you. "I don't know what we are now? Things didn't end well after the fight but we did wish each other the best after graduation and I haven't seen him since and I honestly don't know when I'll seen him next, it might even been not for another few years when I finish my course." You said to Josie. "I'll be honest with you girl, I think he's still in love with you." She replied. "You think so?" "I do, but I understand not wanting to hurt your brother but you shouldn't let what your brother think stop you from being with Calum if you still love him, I'm sure your brother will understand." She said. "I don't know, I think maybe me and Calum aren't meant to be together, it wouldn't be so hard if we were meant to be." You replied trying to shrug it off, you've been thinking about it for too long now, you needed a break from Calum and you just wanted to focus on yourself for a little while. "True love isn't easy y/n." You looked up to her. "But I guess that's just my point of view, it's totally up to you though, I'm just glad we're roommates!" She said to you.

You smiled back to her and she continued conversation with you but you drifted out of reality wondering if Calum still did love you, you know for sure you still love him but would it ever work if you both got back together. You focused back to reality shrugging the idea off and taking a sip of your lemonade that the waitress just placed down on your table.

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