Chapter 10..

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Hi..Its me..Your lazy author and as active reader too..I'm always on wattpad but too lazy to update so i stick to be reader for as long as i want..Hehehe..Sorry for that..Gomenasai..

Let's on to the story..


Sasuke POV

We went back to village with hand in hand and a bouncy blond dobe with wide smile on my side. With him, he make me smile and he brighten up my dark world or should i said my dull world that i had before.

For that, i want to make something that will change our live forever. I want to propose to him..I know we just dating for a month but we know each other from we're little boy until before we officially a couple or i say a weird couple..?? Cause that's what Shikamaru comment on us when we told our group about our relationship. Not that i complained about it. *shrug*
I know..i know..what you guys thinking..'why Shikamaru is the one that comment on us..why not Sakura or Kiba or anyone else..??'

Well if its Sakura, she actually know about me liking Naruto from we were academy same as Ino too..I had rejected her the best way i can and she accepted plus i also told her the truth of who i like the most..Thats why she act all girly to me and need to act all aggressive to my Naru, so that he know that he had no chance with Sakura..
But we know how dense my Naru can be right..Heck even Hinata too know i like Naruto..But she had move on after that and now she's dating with Kiba and she also with my other two formal fangirl had start a secret club called, ☆Sasu♥Naru Fanclub☆ that rooting at Sakura own house..Weird right??

But i could careless..even sometime i also went to the club meeting secretly without me knowing that my Naru also joining it too.
What almost make me have a heart attack, that we meet for the first in this club when i went to give something to Sakura to pass to Naruto but yeah..i didnt know what to do at that time. So i will myself that im gonna be brave and told him my true feeling but my way got a certain dobe i know who pressing his lips onto mine and hugging me tightly and me wrapping hands around his waist so we didnt fall downstairs that we use to go to Sakura's home.
You guys know that Sakura live on 2nd floor right.?? So, i dont wanna me or my Naru to got hurt. Our first witness of our official relationship is Sakura obviously since we at her house and she the one that told EVERYTHING..meaning all things that happend from the START.
Naru looked at my wide eyes and some tears that treating to fall anytime so i just hugged him and there..he crying waterfall i tell you guys cause he crying nonstop until he fall asleep due to it. Being a good me, i bring him home..or more accurately to MY home at Uchiha state.
From there we starting to date and doing our routine as usual with more happiness for me..i dont know him but i know hes happy too cause he keep telling me how he feel to our relationship.
That's another why i wanna to propose to him..To make him happy..
That's another why i need to have a secret meeting with the girls and other group member (since the boys know about it, they joining it too, with force or willingly) to make plan for suprise i will give to him later..
We keep on walking until reach the gate and say our own style of 'hai' to Izumo and Kotetsu who is on guard duty. They 'hai' us back using they own way and continue their duty while we keep on walking to our home at my compound..
After we reach home, i open the door and told him to take a bath first while i cooking our breakfast. He just nodded and kiss my cheek happily before bounce back to our room to prepare for his bubbly bath.
Yeah..he loves bubbles to much to my dismay but what can i do about it. I had learn my lesson last time about it and i swear to God of shinobis to always remind me not to mess with naruto's bubbles bath time or else, i will under 7 feet of the ground after what happend after it.
After i making the simplest breakfast that consist of a BIG bowl of miso ramen for naruto and some mix stir fry of bacons strip, cubes tomato, and some cubes of chicken breast that top with a strip of mayonnaise and 2 of cherry tomatoes.
By the time i place the bowl on his side of table, my naru had come down looking fresh and smells of light citrus of oranges and slight hint of mint. He had sit down and already gulping down his breakfast after give me a peck on nose.
I just continue eating my breakfast while looking at my naru and smile guinely that i reserved just for him. He will smiles back if he noticed my smile. I had finish my breakfast and just let it on the dining table, knowing naru will take them to sink and washing them and let they dry after it while i'm take my turn to bath.
After 15 minutes of bathing and another 10 minutes of self preparation, i told naru that i will go out for something really important and he can continue to sleep if he wanted to. He agree and give me a kiss on the lips before move himself to our bedroom and get asleep while i lock the door before continue my journey to Sakura's house for my ultimate plan that i had planned for me and my naru.

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