Chapter 11

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Lets on with the story..XD

Sasuke's POV

After 10 minutes of walking while womens keep looking heartly at me, i had arrived at Sakura's and knocked on the door. After 1 knock there's no sound of footstep, i try 2nd knock while calling her name..after that, i heard rustle of blanket or something and a big thump in the house..i didn't know that she also the same as my naru..loves to sleep in..
After waiting for another 5 minutes, finally..the door is opened and a mild dressed Sakura is infront of me now. She smiled sheepily and let me in before she offered me a cup of tea. Being a manner person i am, i accepted that offer and look around after she went to the kitchen.
There's nothing changed except there's alots of new books about medical things and anotomy. Well, that's understandable..what else did she do anywhere. While surveying my surrounding, i alert that Sakura now had finished the tea and now on her way out to serve me.
I sit down on her couch and try to calm my nervous that starting to creep on me..but hey..Uchiha dont nervous and thats some other things that Uchihas will rarely done. Sakura serve me and then herself before she put the tray on the other side of the coffee table. She look at me calculately even she in her 80% of her conciousness..Despite that, she seem ready to whatever talk that i will be talking after this and its make me a bit calm, knowing she will hear me out.
''Morning sorry for waking you up even its was your time of sleeping..but i really need your help and the others..will you guys help me..??''
"Well, its depend on what you wanna us to do, Sasuke.."
"Right..well...*inhale,exhale* imactuallynervousabouttoasknarutoformarriagebutuchihadontdonervousandfuckimnervousevenimanuchiha😵😵"
I had panting after what i say and the look that Sakura give me is 🤨 and starting to be thinking..maybe try to decipher what i had say..but i know she know the main point of my blabber anywhere..
After almost 2 minute of silent from Sakura side, she nodded her head and had this fucking mocking smile on her face 😏 that tell me thats its kinda make my life ruin a bit..
"Well, well, well..i do know that Uchiha dont nervous and seeing one really intriguing me..and for the matter of fact that you wanna to ask naruto for hand in marriage really perk my interest right now.." she  answer me with the same fucking smile 😏 and sipping her tea smile over too sweetly at me 😊..
Im too uncomfortable under her calculating eyes..well, who wouldnt..?? When you asked you fiance-to-be's bestie and of course they will make a plan that make your life a better or worse..and you just hope for the better like always.. After  1 minute of calculating, she put her drink down and becon me to come closer to her and lean my ears to hear out her plan.
"Well..was i going to tell you is MY idea first before i proceed to plan with others for much better plan..but my plan is you take naruto to a day for your meaning of a day is exactly A DAY means THE 24 hours of day.." she suggested me and im thinking 30 second for it and nodded my head for understandable..
"aaannnnd i suggest you doing the date next week a day FROM HIS do remember his, right??" Sakura ask with a small flame in her eyes try to intimidate me but i nodded anywhere not wanting to hear her babbling more off topic than neccesaries unlike my blonde boyfriend but its ok if its him..
I mean who would do that to your lovely significant other, right..?? Sakura continue more like that i should start the date at early of mornite (a/n °its morning+night at 0000am..i say it mornite cause despite we call it midnight, the hour read A.M and that i had said to all my friends who im texting/calling before, feel free to use this term if you feel like it ☺️°)
She stopped when she knew im not listening anymore and keep on eyes at me while taking sips to her tea before she snapped me out of my little cloud with the sound of clanking of her cup and glass plate.
"I assume that while im giving my suggestion that you had already yours..right?" She asked me while putting her crossed arm under her breast and relax abit but not her eyes that keep looking at me for any arguement.. i nodded my head while make a small smile at her indicating that i INDEED have some date planning in mind for a while and wanting her to hear me out and help me from there ACTUALLY😅
"Shot" she nodded her head to allow me to explain what my plan is..
"Ok..first, i had already buy a ring for him when we walked around the town before he accidentally step inside of jewellery shop instead of teddy's.." i chuckled a bit so do sakura and continue my story/plan.."i shrugging my shoulder and looking around the shop before i stop infront of rings that might suit him and he stand beside me before looking at them himself..i notice he's been looking at this one that he keep on smiling before i asked the employee to bring them out for naruto to see more clearly and asked him to test the size of it..fortunately, the size is the same as his finger's width and he smile while showing them at nodded my head indicate it suit him before i remind him of teddy bear he always wanted since it on sale that day..i asked him to went to the store first and he go after remind me back not to stay for so long or else who gonna oay for the teddy..i nodded and stay a little bit more before i asked the employee to customize one ring for me in size of his finger..its take 1 day to finish them they to me and i agree to it before pay up and tell them i pick the ring up next day before off to naruto with his 3 choosen teddies in his arm and want to buy them all despite i only say 1 and he say its my punishment for being late..being a generous boyfriend i am, i pay them all up before he say he treat me at Ichiraku Ramen as a thank you at dinner that day.." i just finish the ring story and see that Sakura is more awake than before and smile at the time im telling her the story..She asked me to look at the ring but i declined her nicely and said that its Naruto's privilage to look at them first before he show off to others after our planned date..
She understand me and proceed me to tell her about my plan date and we planned it together before she planned more with others and help me from they..i look at the clock at her living room and its almost time for Naruto to wake up and remind her before thanked her for listen up and being there to hear me out and make my way out of her house before make a promise to treat her after the date and Naru's secrect birthday party that the others and me had plan 2 weeks early before.
I on my way to mine and naru's house before i stopped infront of Ichiraku Ramen shop and get inside to buy for us our breakfast..i only let this one slide since im in good mood and wanted to see him smile childishly after that..i pay Teuchi and tell him to come dinner with Ayami and he agree before i continue my home walking..


To be continue..

A/n : im sorry for not updating for more than half a year(basically 8 month since my last update) i have a massive lazy diziness in me but while im at it, im keep on update even just for a pharagraph and thats that..i dont know why im feel courage to finish it this time (at 0610am at my time) but i DID..yeah....i hope you guys can wait for me for more chapter gonna make 1@2 chapter for date day..1@2 chapter for their planned wedding day..1 chapter for their wedding day..1 chapter for their honeymoon(+smut) and maybe 1 last chapter for their happy ending with a bit memories time(depend)..i hope me motivate enough to finish this book before i planned on making other book..FIGHTING ME!!! ☺️😆

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