Chapter Two~ Maybe Safe

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“No time to explain I have to run!” She yelled tugging her arm.

Before I knew it she was gone. I turned around and I saw her beautiful hair whipping around the corner. What just happened? I needed to help her that man was livid. I started to jog the direction looking for her then I heard yelling in the garden area.

“You little shit.” The older man spat. Not going to lie it made me mad, really mad.

“Hey man! Don’t talk to a girl like that!” I blurted, but it still sounded intimidating.

The man turned around and he only had a few inches over me. He smelled of desperation and alcohol and he had scarred knuckles.

“I can say what I want. My daughter ran from me.” He gritted through his teeth.

“Even more reason not to talk to her like that.” I spat.

By now no name beauty was out from under the shelves and silver streams of liquid were falling from her golden, brown eyes. I suddenly felt very embarrassed and my cheeks were on fire. I turned around swiftly a proceeded to walk away from the scene.

“Hey buddy wait.” The drunken man spoke.

He took my shoulder and spun me around to plant his fist on my lower jaw.

“Dad stop!” she yelled between a sob.

I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to upset her any more than she was.



I was in my dad’s car now, wiping the tears spilling from my tear docks. My dad was cursing at me and threatening me it was terrible. We pulled into the drive way and I had to wait for him to open my door because he had on the child locks.

He walked around to my door and swung it open. He seized my forearm into the tight grasp of his hand.

“Ow!” I let out in a scream.

He placed his grimy hand over my mouth making my scream no longer heard. He dragged me inside and shoved me to the floor. He kicked my left side, and stomped on my frail fingers. I try to stand up but I’m pushed into the coffee table, giving me a scratch on my forehead. I felt he ruby liquid trickle down the bridge of my nose and I begin to cry again.

“Dad please, stop.” I pleaded

His eyes softened to the rarely seen light brown color they are.

“Iris what happened to you? Clumsy girl.” He cooed and kneeled to help me up.

I was trembling in fear, not knowing when the treacherous man would come through. With a mixture of scarlet and salt water running down my cheeks it burned my agape bottom lip.

“Dad…I want to move out.” I said cautiously standing up.

He chuckled a bit and stood, height proving a disadvantage. I looked up at the man that had given me my DNA.

“Oh Iris don’t be crazy. C’mon I’ll make you some of your favorite tea.” He smiled and it sent shivers through my body.

“No Dad.” My foot planted to the wooden floor.

Before he could answer there was a knock on the door and I looked at my father.

“Don’t you dare open it brat.” He spat dragging me to the pantry blocking me in with a chair.

I was screaming for help. Hoping just maybe that whoever was at that door would hear me and call for help. I’m terrified of confined spaces because of recent trips to this spot. Not even 5 minutes later was there a tall police officer opening the pantry.

“Thank you so much.” I exclaimed and hugged the stranger.

“Miss it’s alright now. Please come with us to the station to figure out some solutions for this.” He said only slightly hugging me back.

This was it. I am finally saved from hell on earth and in safe arms.

A/N Hello!! If you read this far thank you! :) make sure you comment your favorite part and vote maybe follow too? Thank you for reading I love you!<3

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