Chapter Seven~ Blood Brothers

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It has been a few days since both of my awkward encounters, I’m still pretty upset. I get to work and follow my normal routine. I clean tables and refill the ice bin, followed by a quick peak into the bathroom to see what needed cleaning. I was cleaning a stall when I heard my name being called.

I set down my cleaning tools and briefly looked in the mirror to make myself presentable. I walked out to the empty dining room to see Kian standing with card and a single daisy.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about O2L.” He said looking down at his shoes, making my scoff.

“So you’re not at all sorry about kissing me?” I crossed my arms

I was becoming annoyed and wanted and answer. I also had work to do because my own place would not pay for itself.

“I talked to Ricky about the other day…” He trailed off.

“And..” I urged.

He stepped a small step closer to me forming eye contact making me slightly step, regret filled his features.

“We fought. He looks better than he did yesterday but he has a busted lip.” He scratched his neck and continued. “He bruised up my sides but we are fine, haven’t talked since.” He finished rubbing his arm softly.

I felt tears fill my eyes; I had been the reason for violence. The thing I had tried so hard to get away from. The thing I THOUGHT I had gotten away from. Kian’s bruised sides and Ricky’s busted lip and more than likely bruised eyes were MY fault.

“Kian…” I started but salty liquids interrupted my words.

“Iris please don’t cry.” He stepped towards me and I stepped back once again.


I stare at the fragile girl that is now crying in front of me. I am utterly crushed, ashamed even. I was supposed to look after her and keep her happy, not because I had feelings for her but because she had been through enough hurt. I gave one last attempt to comfort her and she finally accepted. I hugged her tight and rubbed her back lightly wanting her tears to stop.

“Iris?” I turned to see who I assume is her boss.

“Sorry um-“ Iris pushed away and wiped her eyes.

Her boss was a middle aged women whose name tag read ‘Stacy’.

“Sweety you can go if you need to, we are dead today anyways.” Iris nodded and took off the rubber gloves that had consumed her tiny hands.

“You need a ride?” I asked her looking into her wet orbs.

All she could do was nod and with that she followed me to the car.


I hopped into the passenger seat and stared blankly out the window.

“Take me to Ricky.” I ordered, wanting to see the damaged I caused.

Kian hesitated then turned down their street. We pulled into the familiar driveway and I followed through the gate that leads to the front door. I walked in and it was silent, no laughter or footsteps just silence. Kian pointed to the stairs and I ran up them to Ricky’s room.

“Hey I-“ Ricky yelled before realizing who was at his door.

“Iris…” He mumbled and stood up from his crowded desk walking over to me, his wounds becoming more visible. I felt the ump in my throat returning filling my eyes with the familiar salt liquid.

“I’m so sorry.” I stuttered inspecting his features.

He slightly flinched at my touch. Kian walked into Ricky’s room and I felt Ricky tense.

“Guys please stop this. You two are best friends.” I backed away and looked at both of them.

Out of nowhere Kian threw a fist in Ricky’s direction. Ricky returned the action and son the were both on the ground tossing and hitting.

“JC! SAM! SOMEBODY HELP!” I screamed, crying and scared I backed into a corner and slowly slid down the wall. Covering my eyes in fear.

Soon Sam was in the room, stunned. He grabbed the back of Kian’s T-shirt and tugged him off Ricky. JC followed into the room with only boxers on, proving he was asleep. He came to me and tried to calm me down.

Kian spit a mouthful of blood onto the floor making me sick. Ricky stood up, blood covered his face. JC pulled me out of the room leaving Sam to help the two work out what had just happened.

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