Chapter Eight~ Hurt all over

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JC handed me a glass of water as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"You okay?" He placed and arm around my shoulder, he rubbed small circles trying his best to calm me.

The honest truth is, no I'm not okay. Two people I care about just fist fought over my stupid self. I want to hug them both and tell them im sorry for coming into their lives and ending their friendship. My thoughts were interrupted by a worried JC.

"Iris I know you're not okay. How about you go wait downstairs and I'll get clothes on and I'll take you home." He smiled and scratched his head.

I became fully aware that JC was still in his boxers and nothing more. I became very red and avoided eye contact and quickly left the room. I was jogging down the stairs when I ran into Sam. No I literally ran into him, unfortunately he and I both tumbled down the last few steps.

"What the fuck?" He spat standing up.

I rubbed my head in shock. Did Sam just curse at me?

"It's bad enough you already hurt most the house you have to hurt all of us?" he waved his arms around angrily.

I was utterly shocked. Sam is so laid back and sweet to see and hear him yelling at me it hurt to be honest.

"S-sam I didn't mean to-" He cut me off by slamming a bathroom door leaving me alone.

I put on my shoes and walked out the front door. I didn't bother to tell JC I left, I figured he felt the same way Sam did and was only going to drive me home because he wanted me gone too.

I walked down the side walk tears at the brim of my eyes, I was hurt both physically and mentally. I touched the back of my head to see if there was a pump and I realized I was bleeding.

"Fuck." I muttered looking around to see if there were any stores around. Nothing. I was a long way from my house and thinking about my head put me in a small panic.

What if I need stiches? What if I'm bleeding out? What if its already infected?


I finally made it home and Melody was waiting up for me.

"IRIS! ARE YOU OKAY?" she went to my back and saw the blood.

"Sorry I fell I didn't think it was that bad." I reassured her by lying.

"C'mon we are going to the doctor." She grabbed her jacket and dragged me to the car.

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