Chapter Six~ Not Again

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I woke up to the sound of Melody and Jen yelling at each other. I groaned and slumped out of bed. I felt the salt still in my hair and sand between my toes so I showered before going downstairs. I had two hours before work so I just slipped on my work clothes. I bounced down the steps to see a mushed Jen under Melody.

“what is going on?” I tried not to let the giggle escape from my lips.

Melody rolled off Jen and glared at her then up to me.

“She tweeted an ugly picture of me and won’t delete it.” She grumbled.

“I was woken up for this?” I sighed in frustration.

I walked away from them and decided to skip breakfast because I was feeling a bit nauseous. I don’t bother to put make up on, just as I’m walking out the door I realize Kian actually kissed me. I’m so mad but excited.


After work I had gotten 14 texts from Kian which I decided to ignore. I pulled into the driveway to see a smiling Ricky Dillon sitting on our front step. I hopped out of the car and he walked up to me and gave me a warm hug.

“Hey Iris!” He pulled away leaving a hand on my arm.

I smiled up at him with a somewhat confused expression.

“Whatcha doin here?” I said closing my car door.

He laughed and handed me a movie ticket. I looked up at the perfectly pouted lipped boy and smiled.

“I’m still in my work clothes!” I giggled.

“You have twenty minutes.” He motioned for me to go inside


We got to the movies and he bought snacks and drinks. A group of girls came up to him which is odd. I knew he was cute but cute enough to take pictures with that’s a little much. I waited a good five minutes and he finally said goodbye to the girls.

“Sorry about that, I just feel like I always have to stop for fans.” He shrugged.

I gave him a puzzled look.

“Fans?” He opened the theater doors for me.

“Did Kian not tell you?” He was the one who gave me a confused look now.

I was rethinking almost every encounter I have ever had with Kian but nothing ever came up about Ricky having fans? I am not utterly confused and I don’t like that Kian kept this from me.

“No I guess he didn’t.” I sighed and took my seat in the top row, there were only a few other people in the movie. I guess nobody else wanted to see TFIOS.

“Don’t worry girl I gotchu.” He said popping a small piece of popcorn into his mouth.

Girl? That’s strange, did I just get friend zoned? I mean I don’t like him like that but I don’t want to be ‘one of the guys’. Ricky started his story of fame and I was in awe. So Kian is famous too? Well I mean all the guys are famous. Why wouldn’t Kian tell me this?

I quickly pulled out my phone as Ricky sent out a ‘tweet’ to all his fans.

To: Kian:) From: Iris

We need to talk. Meet me tomorrow at the park near my house.

I slipped my brick of a phone into my pocket, and settled into my seat. Ricky placed his arm around me, but I think he meant it in the most friend like way.

The movie ended and I was a wreck.

“I hate cancer.” I mumbled walking out of the building with Ricky right behind me.

“I’m sorry, I do too.” As if there was a surge in my head I started to get flashbacks.

“I love you baby. Be strong for mama.” A sickly middle aged women patted my hand pulling me closer to her. I nodded my head and kissed her cheek. “I will mommy!” I smiled proudly. I was taken out of the room with my wreck of a father. Within an hour a man in a scientist coat came out to me and my father, instantly my dad started crying. I didn’t know why my father was hugging me and crying i was lost. “Can I see mama?” I questioned the tall man and he shook his head. “Sorry Iris your mommy isn’t here anymore.”

I snapped out of my gaze to see Ricky worried; I had a tear drop my a stream down my face.

“Iris are you okay?” He placed his large hands on my shoulders

“I need to go home.” I sighed and he gave me a meaningful hug.

He quickly took me home and walked to my door.

“Do you need anything?” He asked stopping right before the stoop.

I shook my head and looked off into the distance. I didn’t want anything but to curl up in bed and cry.

“Well that’s not an answer.” He smiled and opened the front door. He instructed me to go to my room and get comfy because he was making me hot chocolate. I switched into PJ’s and laid under my soft covers. Within minutes Ricky was in my room with a mug and a napkin.

“Here ya go!” He handed me the mug.

“Thanks Ricky.” I half smiled and sipped the chocolaty warmth.

It was now 11:30pm and I was tired.

“Ricky I’m going to go to sleep.” He felt bad for implying him to leave.

“Okay Iris, I’ll see you soon.” He stood up from the edge of my bed and did something surprising.

He leaned over and kissed the corner of my mouth. Shocked, I looked at him confused.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been dying to do that since I met you.” He gushed, worried of my reaction.

I was furious. He knows I’m upset right now, he knows I’m not ready for this.

“You should go.” I looked away and slinked under my covers. With that a sad Ricky left. I did feel bad but I can't just let these guys think its okay to just kiss me. I don't need a boyfriend, they know that.

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