Chapter Five~ Splishing and Splashing and a Kiss?!

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It’s been a week since I have seen Iris but we have texted a bit. I’m dying to see her, she just lights up a room and makes me smile. Ricky has a crush on her, I only know that because he told Connor who accidently blurted it to me. JC likes her only a little but I only know by the way he always asks about her. As for me? I have no clue, yes she’s beautiful but I almost 100% positive she doesn’t need a relationship right now so I’ll just be there for support.

To: Iris: ) From:Kian

Wanna go to the beach?

I quickly hit send, not wanting her to wait on me. Withing a few moments she answered me back.

To: Kian:P From: Iris

Yeah sure! What beach?

I thought about which beach would be less crowded and I decided it would be the one just outside of town. I texted her the address of the beach waiting for a reply, while throwing on a light blue tank.

To: Kian:P From: Iris

Alrighty! Well I’m going to long board over so I might be there in about 15 mins. :) see you soon!

I smiled at the meeting confirmation. I made a quick bag for the beach that was filled with my speakers, a towel, my sunglasses, and an umbrella. I was just about to head out the door when Ricky called my name.

“Hey dude where are ya goin’?” He smiled walking up to me.

“To the beach with Iris.” I stated hinting I didn’t want him to join.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me with a confused expression.

“You two a thing?” He asked hinting jealousy.

I laughed and licked my bottom lip, followed by me scratching the back of my head.

“No man, she doesn’t want anybody right now, just support.” I half way lied.

Truth is I don’t even know what she wants… I just don’t want to see her get hurt.

“Why what happened to her?” He seemed genuinely concerned.

“It’s not my business to tell.” I shrugged it off and headed out the door.

When I got to the beach there was hardly anybody. The sun was beginning to set and the water was still warm. I was sitting close enough to put my feet in my far enough so my bottom wouldn’t get wet. Iris walked up behind me and yelled ‘Hi’ into my ear making me jump.


“Ohmygosh you should’ve seen yourself jump” I spoke between giggle fits.

Kian made a cute pouty face acting hurt. I won’t lie I do have some little feelings for him, but nothing serious. If he was to date somebody else I wouldn’t be hurt.

“How are you?” He simply asked as I sat next to him.

“I’m good!” I lied. I’m hurt, lost, confused, terrified, but happy.

He turned and looked at me not buying my response. He leaned back placing one of his arms behind me.

“You don’t have to act okay in front of me.” He stated looking up at the sky.

I gave a half smile and kept myself from getting too worked up.

“It’s just so much has changed. I’m terrified in a safe place and it’s so conflicting. I’m happy to be safe but he was still my father. Yes he hurt me… a lot but he used to be nice to me… sometimes.” I gushed out feeling an all too familiar liquid form in my eyes.

I’m not sure why I’m about to cry but the lump in my throat is getting bigger and bigger. Kian placed and arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder. It was comforting and I felt safe.

“Iris don’t worry. He can’t hurt you anymore. It’s hard right now but it will look up.” He subconsciously rubbed small circles on my arm.

I gave a weak smile.

“Thanks Kian.” I simply said.

After a while we got into the water and dived into waves. We just hung out and acted as if we have known each other our whole lives. I heard my phone begin to ring at the shore so I ran out of the water and dried my hands the best I could. Kian followed.

“Hello?” I said placing it to my ear. It was Melody asking to borrow a top for some AA meeting she was going to. I gave her permission and hung up.

“woahh look at that dinosaur!” Kian teased.

I pretended to be hurt.

“This is the only thing I have to talk to you so you better respect it.” Laughing lightly I slipped it back into my purse.

He continued to tease me the rest of the afternoon.

Kian dragged me to the water and began to dance. I giggle and spun as he instructed.

"Kian I can't dance!" I giggled looking up to him.

"Well me neither so this will be interesting!" He spun me once more and began to salsa dance with me.

After a while of dancing we began to get hungry so we put on our clothes and went to the nearest fast food place, which happened to be a Zaxby's! After we finished eating he offered to walk me home which I did not turn down. We approached my new driveway and he and I just talked for what seemed like another hour. He looked at his phone and we realized it was almost 11:30pm.

“Today was great!” Kian smiled.

I nodded in agreement.

“It was nice getting my mind off things.” I shrugged.

“Lets hang out again tomorrow?” He stepped closer.

I groaned at the thought of work.

“I work until 5:30.” I acted distraught.

I saw disappointment fill his features. I felt bad but I needed to make money so I could live on my own.

“I’m sorry Kian! I just really need the money for a apartment or something of my own.” I informed and he nodded.

He stepped closer, closing the space between us. He leaned down and connected his lips to my fair cheek. I ever so slightly blush at his affectionate action.

“Goodnight. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He said walking back down my driveway.

All I could do was nod. He made my heart flutter but It was very serious yet. I can’t let things become serious. I need to focus.

YAY TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY! :) Sorry this chapter was so cliche but I'm trying to make the chemistry  build quicker between everybody! 

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