(Rewritten) Dates. Part one

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If you just stop and take the time to listen to your family you might just learn how to fix your problems: Shisui's POV:

"Itachi wake up sleepy head it's morning Madara wants to talk to everyone." He opened his eyes and looked at me for about a minute before looking away with a blush on his slightly tan skin. You see here's the thing Itachi only blush when he's thinking of something embarrassing that I did to him. Causing me to smirk and tease him "Oi Itachi~ what are you thinking about?" His blush deepend and he looked so cute. I picked him up. "Shisui I can walk on me own." He said with a small frown on his (still blushing) face. "Itachi~ please let me carry you...I'll get you some sweet dumplings and dangos." I gave him puppy dog eyes knowing he can't refuse me or Sasuke making it to were the little brat got spoiled but I suppose it can't be helped Itachi loves his Otouto. "....Ok." I smile and march down the incredibly long staircase to the living room where we found Madara kissing Izuna, Sasuke who was sitting while Naruto was laying in his lap mumbling insults and (not so) queitly voicing his dislike for Uchiha family meetings, but what I found strange was that Naruto wasn't being a usually a ball of joy...probably hormones. Sasuke was on the other couch across from the one Madara was on. Obito was complaing about Kakashi being too close to him while Kakashi had a somewhat annoyed look in his eyes and layed his head on Obito's shoulder. Those two were sitting next to Madara and Izuna. And Kurama Naruto's cousin was looking in the refrigerator... probably for some fish cause that's all the guy eats. "Madara you called us out here so what do ya want you old bastard!!!" Naruto yelled as he was tired of watching Madara and Izuna kissing. "Naruto I would stop yelling if I was you because we wouldn't want you to go to the hospital now would we." Kurama threatened Naruto. Naruto shrunk and mumbled a apology and turned his head away from us. I sat down next to Sasuke and put Itachi inbetween us so Itachi could be next to his beloved otouto. "I called you out here to tell you all that some of you are having a date night and the rest are staying here. Why well since most of you are absolutely awful at dates so Izuna and I decided to help you by forcing you to go on a date night...if you have any problems with that...to bad cause your going anyway." "...Understood." (Kakashi.) "Sure it can't be that bad right?" (Obito) "Hn." (My sweet Itachi) "Whatever." (Little Sasuke) "Where Sasuke goes I go!" (Naruto) "We're out of milk and fish I'll have to go to the store while you guys are out." (Kurama.) "So when do we leave?" I asked. "We'll be leaving in a couple hours so all of you wear your best clothes and take showers..oh Shisui, Obito, Kakashi, and Itachi you guys are staying here since you have school tomorrow." Izuna said before going back to kissing Madara. "Hey Obito you claim you like Rin but your basically dating Kakashi so your taking him as your date right I mean Rin wouldn't go with you anyway she'd prefer to go with Kakashi." I said with a smirk. "Why you little son of a bitc-mhaaa!?!" He was cut off from Kakashi kissing him......or me pushing Kakashi on him and their lips connecting accidentally...I don't really care what you call it...(No Kakashi is not wearing his mask right now.) "Damn now that wasn't that bad for your first kiss now was it Obito?" I said smiling widely, while Naruto and Sasuke were laughing and snickering, Madara and Izuna were smirking and Kurama looked slightly sad probably sad about not having fish. Once the two finally got over the shock they looked at me with anger and embarrassment which was clearly written all over Kakashi's face. I picked up Itachi and ran away from Obito and Kakashi up the ridiculously long staircase. "SHISUI THIS TIME YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY SOMEBODY'S GOT TO TEACH YOUR ASS A FUCKING LESSON!!" Obito yelled in anger. "Shisui you should run faster." Itachi said with a playful smirk. "Good idea." I ran even faster making it into my shared room before Obito could grab me. I dropped Itachi on the bed and closed (and locked) the door. "Wow I've never ran so fast in my entire life.." I said panting. "Shisui why did you do that if you knew it was going to make them mad and embarrassed?" Itachi asked innocently. I smile at how he never really understood the concepts of relationship. "Because their getting on my nerves Itachi...we all know that Obito likes Kakashi but doesn't want to admit it and Kakashi well he is too oblivious to know his own feelings so he has no idea that actually he likes Obito..which is kinda dumb I mean he's always so clingy and gets jealous when ever Obito says Rin's name." I said voicing the reason behind my actions to my best friend and lover. "I see but...that doesn't make what you did right." Itachi said trying to hide his amusement. "I know...but you have to admit that it was fucking funny." We both laugh. "Besides if he would just take the time to listen to his family he might know how to fix this uneeded love triangle he got himself into." I sigh before preparing for dinner..something in my gut tells me that Obito will find out who he truly loves very soon....

To bad he still acts like a bitch. >-< that's why his name is O-bitch-toe..

The Next chapter will be Obito's point of view I hoped you liked the first rewritten chapter.

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