(Rewritten) This is my truth.

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Be real with the ones you love:
Naruto's POV:

Madara dropped me and Sasuke off at some expensive restaurant with over one million dollars and said "Go inside and go to the first desk when the lady asks Do you have any reservations' Say yes and your last name is Uchiha. She will give you a paper and show you two your private seats follow the instructions on the paper and come home before 1:30 a.m. if your not home by then....well let's just say you won't find anything in your rooms..enjoy brats." I sometimes hate that old bastard.....

In Naruto's head: Naruto's POV:

"What should I do I'm all alone on a date with the Sasuke Uchiha?" I asked Kurama who went back into the seal before I left. "Just be you brat." I glared at the fox "Your no wrong what if he doesn't want to be with me because of the power I hold......" I said looking down. "Oi Naruto you don't trust enough to tell him the truth about your power?" I looked down in anger and sadness "Ok....I'll tell him but if he leaves me I'll hate you forever..." I was on the verge of tears. "Naruto I'm Sure he won't leave you but you have to be the one to tell him because you have to be real with the ones you love." "I hope your right......" I said before leaving my mind scape.

Back to the world: Naruto's POV:

"-Ruto, Naruto hey are you ok you just spaced out on me..." Sasuke looked really concerned I couldn't look him in the eyes so I looked at the ground. "Sasuke I have to tell you something..." I never once looked him in the eyes because I was scared of him leaving me....because I'd be alone again.. "What's wrong Naruto? You have been acting weird lately are you going through puberty?" "No!...You know how I said that Kurama was my cousin....well he's really a nine tailed demon fox and I'm his holder..I'm the Jinchūriki of the nine tailed demon fox...I hope you can forgive me for hiding the truth...." At this point I was crying...that was until I felt arms around me..."Dobe you should have been real with me I love you no matter what's wrong with you and nothing will ever change that....now let's enjoy our date.." "Wait! Is it ok if you go on a date with me?" "Naruto Uzumaki I love you and your mine never ever forget it." He said with a smirk which caused me to blush and smile. I hope Kurama doesn't do anything reckless.

Sasuke's POV:

"Sasuke....you fucking cocky bastard why the hell would you think that we-no I want to be yours you asshole.." I looked at Naruto shocked he was blushing alot but his words and actions were totally different he acts mad when he's clearly embarrassed....oh this is going to be fun. I'll enjoy teasing Naruto. "Naruto would you like to continue our date?" "Y-yea." I hide my amusement. I open the door and I see familiar pink hair. "Sasuke you came to visit me....wait why is Naruto following you...Naruto don't you know that Sasuke's dating me so back off of my man demon." I stare at her before looking at Naruto he looked like he was about to kill her, his blonde hair turned dirty blonde and his blue eyes turned red with fox like eyes. "Haruno..I don't know who you thought you were but Sasuke is mine you can't have him and if you try to hit on my man EVER again I won't hesitate to rip your eyes out, gut you and use your head as a trophy for my wall!" Everyone's eyes widened at this well everyone expect me, Sakura, and Naruto. "Sakura we have reservations under Madara Uchiha so can you guide us to our seats." "Right." She started walking to our private seats in the back a with a big smile on her face...wait isn't she to young to work? ..Once we sat down she gave us a paper "Sasuke and Naruto I apologize for making it seem like I actually has interested in Sasuke you see it was just to hide my love for yaoi..you see I actually shipped you guys." She looked down with a blush. I smiled at her while Naruto glared daggers. "Sakura we forgive you besides you seem like a nice girl and we would love to for you to be our friend you..right Naru~." I said looking at a very shocked and pissed Naruto. "Sasuke why! I don't want to be friends with..her!" To bad Naruto's protests fell apon deaf ears right. "Oh I would love to....and Naruto I did some research on you and from your sudden change in personality I'm guessing your Naruto's other personality that's caused by the immense chakra you have stored..." How the-you know what girls are weird. I wonder if she stalked us to gather her information. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze or Naruto Uzumaki..and to be clear I want you to stay away from my Sasuke!" "Sorry I can't do that since we're all friends now." She winked and gave us another paper "My number, address, and business hours oh and I have to leave now since my shift is over..my uncle owns the place so I can work at twelve." I smile and grab the paper. "Bye Sakura." I said with a smile. "Bye Sasuke." She walked away and I logged her into my contacts and do the same for Naruto even though he kept protesting. The rest of our date went smoothly we went to the park, ate some ice cream. (Yes in the winter don't judge me I do this kind of stuff with my friends..and sometimes my annoying older brother..in the summer, spring, fall and winter!) and ended our date with a movie. But what was weird was everywhere we went Sakura was there taking pictures of us and hiding while following us...but my favorite part was how happy Naruto looked.

I hope you guys liked that chapter. I have also decided that instead of a Sasuke x Naruto I'm going to do a vacation chapter why because that's what I need.😭 School will be the death of me.

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