(Rewritten) The Winter Vacation in Paris! Part~2

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Obito's POV:

Argh all these kids are getting on my fucking nerve. First the Terrible Three decieded to piss off one of the plane workers, then Shisui and Itachi wanted to 'play a game' with the pilot, and then Kakashi showed his porn to the pilot like what the fuck! And now I know why Madara sent us away he was probably tired of our shit...damnit I have to babysit these guys and girl for one whole fucking month! Hell no. I grabbed my phone and called Madara. "This is Madara the fact that I did not pick up the phone means that you are unimportant to me so leave a message and don't bother calling again." I frown that damn bastard...oh well looks like I'm babysitting..he better pay me. "Obito when can we go to the hotel?" Sasuke asked me. "We can go now." I called a cab...well two cabs cause seven people can't fit in the cabs, so Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were in one and, Shisui, Itachi and I were in another. "Please take us to Uzumaki resort." Did I mention that Naruto's mom owns the resort and a hotel, she also has her own clothing line, and she makes cosmetics, so she's famous just like us Uchihas though we are auto manufacturers so we own the Uchiha 2000-2020 sports cars and motercylcels..though my favorite sport car is the Uchiha 2019..it can hover unlike the 2020 oh and we own hovering motorcycles but I could care less about those, we also own a goth-like clothing line unlike the Uzumaki's who own bright clothes, and we're models so..we're also famous..very famous. Anyway once we arrived we were checked in by the door man. "State your names." I went first. "Obito Uchiha." Next was Kakashi. "Kakashi Hatake." Then Shit-sui, "My name is Shisui Uchiha." Itachi who looked slightly annoyed. ".......Itachi... Uchiha." Then the three trouble makers. "Sasuke Uchiha." "Sakura Haru-I mean Uchiha." The Haruno's own a famous bakery but Sakura was abused so she prefers to not use her last name so we told her she could use ours since she's basically Sasuke, and Itachi's sister, I mean she acts like an Uchiha, she helps Itachi wth the chores, and she gives Sasuke sister-ly love. "And my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and I will be come president believe it!" He yelled with his signature thumbs up. "O-oh hello Mr. Namikaze I'm sorry about you having to go through this no one told us you were coming please follow me I'll lead you to a more private room." He lead us through the crowd that was taking pictures and asking for autographs. We quickly rush into a elevator but a girl and a boy were already there. The girl had black hair and white eyes and the boy had long brown hair and white eyes. (Can you guess who?) "Hey Neji, what's up Hinata!" Sakura said happily. "H-hi S-Sakura.." Hinata stuttered. Sakura smiled and we all turned our attention to the two Hyugas. "Neji what are you doing here?" Sasuke asked slightly annoyed. "I don't have to answer to you Uchiha." What the hell is his problem? Stuck up brat. "Neji don't be mean!" Sakura said with a glare that caused Neji to frown at her. "We're staying here since because we're on a very important business trip." Oh yeah I forgot that the Hyuga's are business owners, they own a modeling company and are our rivals even though the Uzumaki's bring us all together so you can say that we're all business partners. "Oh we're here on vacation too! Maybe we can all hang out! How about Hinata!" Naruto yelled. "Ahh..S-sure maybe w-we can h-hang out a-around f-five me a-and Neji h-have a m-meeting to go t-to s-so b-bye!" They left after the elevator opened but I spotted a weird redhead he was standing near a wall almost like he was hiding from someone. He was staring at us with emotionless aqua eyes. "Oi Naruto do you know him." I point out the redhead. Sasuke frowned, Naruto grinned and Sakura smiled. "Gaara!" Naruto and Sakura ran over to the redhead.

Naruto's POV:

"Naruto..Sakura..Sasuke what brings you three here?" Gaara asked with a small smile. "Hey Gaara! We're on vacation how about you what brings you here?" I asked. "..I'm here because my siblings forced me to take a vacation from my work and studies." Gaara said. "Oh that's right your working your way up to becoming the sand president just like me!" I said with excitement. "..Yeah.." He replied with a small smile. "Gaara you should totally hang out with us later at five, Neji and Hinata will be there too." I said. Hm..why do I feel a glare on my back? "..Sure." Gaara said with a red face....I wonder if he's sick? "Oi Naruto, Gaara, Sakura and Sasuke what are you guys doing here?" Kiba asked (more like yelled). "Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Sai and Kiba!" Sakura yelled. "I'm here too." Some weirdo in dark shades said. Um why does he have a ladybug on his black shades. Wait! I've seen him before umm what was his name I think it was Shin, no or was it Sho...ah I think I got it. "Shino!...That's your name right?" I asked just to be sure. "Why does everyone forget me?" He asked while hiding in a corner. "Well you guys are just in time, Me, Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, Neji, and Hinata were going to hang out do you guys want to come?" I asked and glanced at Sasuke face...oops he looks pissed. "It's a drag but we'll be there." Shikamaru said. "Hey you guys!" We all turn around to see Tenten and Rock Lee. "Tenten, Lee you guys might as well join as well we're all hanging out." Sasuke said with a small angry smirk. "Oh sure what time and where?" "Hm..how about at the top of that snow mountain at five." We all nodded and said our good byes after that and then we went inside the mansion like hotel. "So you three are hanging out with your friends right well you better be back here before 10:30." Obito said. "Hey Obito let's go on a double date me, you, Kakashi, and Itachi while their gone." Shisui said while playing with Itachi's hair. "Sure why not." Kakashi said. They went to their own rooms after that. "Sasuke....are you mad?" I queitly asked. "Yea..I don't like you being so friendly with other men." I nodded. "Sasuke, Naruto in going to the cafe with Ino and Tenten." Sakura said with a sad smile that was saying not to let her go. "Bye Naruto....bye Sasuke...you guys will always be my family." And then she ran out the hotel room. "Sakura! Sasuke something bad is going to happen you get your cousins and brother I'm going to follow her!" I yelled and ran after Sakura.

Sasuke's POV:

Naruto ran after Sakura. "Itachi! Shisui! Obito! Kakashi! Come quick there's a emergency!" "Sasuke stop yelling and tell us what happened." Obito said. Why is he acting like I stopped him from fucking Kakashi? "Sakura was acting strange and then she ran out the door, but what she said made it seem like she was leaving." "Lets find her before she gets hurt..where's Naruto?" "He ran after Sakura." Obito nodded and we all got into Kakashi's car. I called Naruto. "Naru where are you?" "Infront of the cafe Sakura looks worried but I can tell that she's waiting for someone, hurry!" "Ok we'll be there in five minutes stall her." I said and told Kakashi where they were.

To be conitued!!!

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