The Winter Vacation in Paris! Part~1

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Itachi's POV:

Madara and Izuna decieded that we should go on a he sending me, Shisui, Obito, Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura on a vacation..he probably just wants to get rid of us. "Shit-sui, Itachi! Are you two ready yet? We gotta go..even Sasuke's ready!" Obito yelled. "We're almost done O-bitch-toe!" Shisui yelled back. I raise an eyebrow. "...What?" He asked. "O-bitch-toe...really?" I asked in a teasing voice."What can you think of a better one." He replied smile. I think for a while. "...Touché." (I hope I spelled that right.) He smirked. "Let's hurry before Obito gets angry..we do have to go on a plane ride with him for four hours." I nodded and grabbed my suitcase. We left after Shisui was done packing...or throwing stuff into his suitcases and struggling to close them. We walked down stairs. "Took ya long enough." Obito said while grabbing car keys. "Um..cousin Shisui what's in your suitcase and why does it look like it's ready to burst open at any moment." Sasuke said. Shisui gave him a sheepish grin. We all jump in the car. Obito was driving, Kakashi was sitting in the passenger seat, I was in the second row with Itachi, and Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were in the third row. "Alrighty to the airport!" Naruto yelled happily. We took off. "Obito you're going thrity miles over the speed limit." I said trying to remain calm why the phsyco tried to throw us out the window. "Yeah...we don't want to miss our flight." "Obito...our plan leaves in fifteen minutes you can obey the law." "Hell no we still have to sign in and shit like that." He increased the speed. "We're all gonna die!" Naruto yelled, while Sakura looked like she was going to cry and Sasuke actually looked scared. "Obito watch out for that lady!" Kakashi suddenly yelled. The car cane to a stop and I swear we almost flew out the fucking window!

On the plane Sakura's POV:

I asked Madara if I could have a room with a secret window next to Sasuke, and Naruto's room. He said whatever. I can't wait to show the tape to Hinata, Ino, and Ten-Ten together we're Yaoi S.H.I.T. Yup that's us! "Sakura are you ok? You kinda spaced out on us." I smiled at Sasu and Naru. "I'm fine you guys...let's get some food!" "Let's go with ram-" I cut Naruto off. "Hell no! Let's go with rice balls!" I yelled. Naruto frowned and Sasuke nodded. "Rice balls it is!" We called over a worker. "Is there anything that you three would like?" I saw the bitch checking Sasuke out....hehehe I wonder how this will play out. "We'll take some rice balls!" I yelled happily. She totally ignored me. "Is there anything you'd like sir?" She was still staring at Sasuke. Naruto glared at her and grabbed Sasuke's tie. They kissed and the lady's eyes went wide. "We'll take some rice balls..bitch!" I yelled smiling. She glared at me and walked away. "N-Naruto...why'd you just kiss me out of nowhere for?" I frowned I swear he can be a idiot sometimes. "Sasuke she was flirting with ya." I said with a eyeroll. "Hey kids..did you piss off another worker?" Obito asked slightly annoyed. "The bitch was flirting with our Sasuke!" Me and Naruto yelled at the same time. Obito just sighed and walked away. A few minutes later the bitch came back with our food. "Thanks bitch!" I yelled while sticking up my middle finger. "Sakura...does your parents know where you are?" Sasuke asked me. "...No I just ran away." He nodded "Hey Naruto what about your's?" I asked. "Oh my parents said I could do anything as long as no one knows who I am." He said with a mouth full of rice balls. "Why would they say that?" Sasuke asked. "You know the fourth President?" Naru asked. "Yea?" I asked slightly confused why wouldn't we he's fucking famous! "He's my dad." We all went queit. Naruto is the son of the president. "What." Obito asked. "The." I said. "Fuck!?" Sasuke finished. "Oh you guys didn't know?" He asked putting the last rice ball in his mouth. "No!" Sasuke and I yelled. Naruto laughed. "Kids we're here." We grabbed our luggage and walked outside..."We'!" Naruto, Sasuke and I yelled this is gonna be fun!

Ok so this is just the beginning for our vacation in PARIS chapters. Hope y'all enjoyed! Oh and don't for get to show some love by clicking the vote button and leave some comments so I know what I can do to make this story better!

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