New Comrades and New Problems.

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Shisui's POV:

"Finally, after seven months of school, we finally have the day off right, 'Tachi?" Itachi was currently being dragged by his gang of friends the Akatsuki, they claimed that he doesn't hang out with them enough. "Come on Itachi-san, your always so serious, let's go to the mall and shop un!" Deidara said while Kisame pulled Itachi toward the group....I might as well follow them, I wonder what kind of trouble we'll get in today. "Sasori no danna we should check the arts and crafts store, un." Deidara said, Sasori just stared at him before smirking. "Fuck this! I need to fucking kill some bitch and offer it to lord Jashin-" Hidan yelled but was cut off by Kakuzu. "Shut up Hidan." Kakuzu said with what looked like a glared. "Fuck you, you damn money fucking horeter!" Hidan yelled which caused Kakuzu to glare at him, Pein seemed annoyed while Konan was practically latching on to his arm, Zetsu was arguing with Toby over something pointless, Itachi looked like he was going to murder Kisame, Deidara was fighting with Sasori about art...again....and I just watched quietly. "Shisui...." I heard the unspoken warnings from Itachi, time to act. "So we're going to the mall?" I asked loud enough for everyone to hear, they all stopped and stared at me, with the same unreadable expressions. "What?" I asked. "..When did you get here?" Pein asked as Konan glared at me for taking his attention of her. "I've been here the whole time..are we leaving or not?" "Let's fucking go Jashin-damnit!" Hidan yelled, we all got into Pein's limousine. "To the mall un!" We sped down the streets, I texted Obito while Kisame bugged Itachi.

Shisui: Obito? Are you free?


Obito: What do you want Shit-sui, I'm working so you better be contacting me for an emergency.

Shisui: I just wanted to let you know that you'll have to pick up, the trouble trio.



Obito: Why can't you and Itachi do it, Kakashi and I have to work till closing.

Shisui: The Akatsuki basically kidnapped us and we're being forced to go to the mall.


Obito: Just have the demonic brats meet you at the mall, remember they have after classes that end at 4:30, goodluck, Shit-sui.

Shisui: Same for you, O-bitch-to. You do have to work a ten hour shift.




Obito: Fuck you.

I smiled and turned off my phone just in time to stop Itachi from punching Kisame. "Itachi!?" I whispered in worry. "..He mentioned father and mother...." Itachi and Sasuke was forced to watch them die by a masked man, so uncle Madara and uncle Izuna took the in, I've always lived with them since my parents abandoned me, and Obito's parents were killed in war. "Itachi...we've all lost our family, friends, and home now we're each other's family." Pein said. Who knew that he could be.. ......considerate? " and his friends will meet us at the mall, since Tobi couldn't pick them up." "..Very well." Pein said with a frown he really wanted Itachi to open up, but he can't not until Kisame is dead. We stopped at the mall after a long and awkward car ride when we reached the mall Pein made everyone split into pairs of two, Pein and Konan, Hidan and Kakuzu, Sasori and Deidara, Zetsu and Tobi, and Kisame and Itachi...along with me because I have no desire to leave Itachi with the psychopathic shark like guy. "Alright, we'll meet at the food court in seven thirty-five, don't be late." And the teams went their separate ways. "Hey Itachi, let's go to the-" "Oh Sasuke texted me, he says they're on there way, we have to meet them at H&M." Kisame glared at me, and Itachi smiled..slightly. "Sasuke is your brother right?" Itachi shot me an annoyed look before returning to his emotionless mask. "..Yes.." Kisame grinned, I for one didn't like where this was going but Itachi glanced at me and told me not to intervene without actually speaking. "I'll go get Sasuke, and the other two." Kisame's grin widened. I walked away from the two and headed to my meeting place, but not before sending Itachi a worried look.

Itachi's POV:

How should I kill Kisame, I could activate my mangekou sharingan, or lead him to believe I'm interested then stab him when he least expects that will do I'll go with the third option. "So Itachi do you really like him, or are you using him?" He really is a idiot.. "..No..." Was all I said, if I have to talk with him I might as well have some fun. "No you're not using him or no you like him?" "..Why does it matter?" "If you want we could kill him and he'll finally be out of our way." Kisame grinned. "...No, he's not in our way he's in your way and I'm not going to kill him since I love him, and if you try to put your hands on him....I'll kill you...don't make that mistake Kisame because it will be your last." Kisame glared at me but I just turned around and headed to where Shisui was. "Come on Kisame keep up." I could hear his footsteps behind me, and they were to close for my liking, he went to grab me but I dodged and glared at him. "You said I couldn't touch him, you didn't say anything about you, so you are using him, this means you love me." What? Did this Idiot just....? He is going to die now. "I don't like you Kisame." "I know you love me." I could feel myself get angrier that means that...oh yes that will work. I activated my mangekou sharingan. "Amaterasu." I aimed my black fire at Kisame's leg, he screamed but I just turned around and continued to where Shisui was. "Kisame I told you not to make the mistake. You didn't listen, so now you'll die." I walked away.

Shisui's POV:

I wonder what Itachi's doing, "Shisui-nii!" I look to my left and Sakura was running toward me with Naruto on her heels, Sasuke gave me a smile before noticing the lack of his brother. "Where's Itachi?" "Right here." I noticed that Kisame wasn't with him, "Where's K-" "Dead." Itachi cut me off before glancing at his phone, "Six forty." "Let's go shopping in here." Sakura said with a grin. "Alright why not." Sasuke said while looking at Naruto who happily jumped up and down in excitement. "Alright what are we waiting for!" Naruto and Sakura rushed into the store while pulling Sasuke with him. "Itachi if you killed Kisame then we are in big trouble, we need to find a replacement for him." "You, you're more powerful than Kisame anyway." "Oh Itachi, there's no way that Pein will agree to this.

Fifty minutes later.

"You killed Kisame why now?" "..He insulted what was dear to me." Itachi replied. "...And who will take his place?" "Shisui, me and him know each other's moves so well that we could fight together with our eyes closed and hands tied and we'd still best anyone." Itachi replied. Pein glanced at me before turning to Itachi, if he betrays us then we're killing him, and if you try to save him we will kill you too." "I understand." "Very well, welcome to the Akatsuki, Shisui Uchiha." I smirked and nodded, well this is not how I wanted to spend my spring break, but at least I can play pranks on the Akatsuki, let's start with Konan, since she seems to really hate me anyway.

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