12. Let's play!

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My picture again  =3

Tord's POV:

I was way too busy to notice that papa was walking away from the room. When I did find out he was not there anymore, I just brushed it off and continued playing with Edd and Matt. He did seem kind of upset though. He did not come back even after an hour.

I asked Eddie where he went, but he didn't know. Mattie had the same answer. So I stood up and decided to invite him to play a game with us. I wanted to play hide and seek and my greatest uncles agreed on joining me!

I knocked on the door, smiling. "Papa! Wanna play hide and seek?" I asked. I heard some shuffling noices coming from the other side and the door opened. I saw daddy, who looked down at me. I saw that his cheeks were red and he was blinking faster than usual. As if his 'eyes' burned. I took a mental note and asked him again. He just stared down at me.

My smile faded a little. "Papa, you okay?" I asked. He sighed and nodded. I smiled at him again and this time, he returned it. Maybe I did make him happier! I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room and back downstairs.

Edd and Matt were looking around for some good hiding spots they could use in the game. "What are we playing again?" Tommie asked me. "Hide and seek!" I giggled. I was pretty excited and couldn't wait to hide. I couldn't really search for my family though, because I still couldn't even count properly!

"You're the seeker, Tom!" Mattie suddenly shouted and we all ran to hide somewhere while hearing Tom's confused voice. "Hey, that's not fair!" We didn't listen to him though and just went to search for a hiding spot. It didn't take long and I heard Tommie counting.

I saw Matt, who hid in the fridge. I just hoped he wouldn't freeze there. I didn't know where Edd hid, but I ran into my papa's room. And my own room. I hid in the closet that was there and curled up in a ball. I covered myself with some of the clothes that were there and hugged my knees tightly, hiding my face in them. And then, I waited in silence, trying not to laugh at first. 'He will never find me here!' I thought, close to laughing. I managed to stop myself though.

I listened closely so I would get ready when I heard footsteps or some other noices to let me know someone was near. It was all quiet. It was also dark in the closet and after a while, I really didn't feel like laughing anymore. I felt kinda scared.

Half of my brain was telling me that I should just give up on hiding and run out of the room, hug Tommie and let him comfort me. But my other side of the brain was telling me to keep on playing. So here I was, sitting in a dark and scary closet, all by myself and waited for being found.

I waited for what felt like years when I heard someone call my name. It sounded like Edd. I listened, but couldn't make out what he was saying. The closet door was closed and when I was covered with clothes, of course I couldn't hear it.

Was he saying that the game was over? But what if he was helping papa search for me? I couldn't just leave the closet. So I stayed still and didn't even move. I heard Edd and Tom call my name and something else I didn't understand.

I was getting convinced to come out and stop hiding, but I didn't give up. Though, I was scared here... I tried to move before finding out...something small was crawing on my arm. I freaked out and brushed whatever it was off with my hand, trying not to make a noice.

I heard the room door open and froze as I felt more small things crawl on my body. I was panicking, what if those things were monsters!? I couldn't hold it anymore. I screamed for help, knowing somebody could have a chance to hear me since somebody was in the room.

The closet door opened and I was greeted with Edd. I looked up at him, my expression was asking him for help. He pulled me out of the closet and brushed my clothes off. I was covered in something sticky and silky. And I saw some kind of bugs with eight long legs crawling on me. I screamed again. "Monsters!"

Tom ran into the room when he heard me. "Tord, there you are!" I looked up at him with tears as Edd killed the monsters and comforted me. "They aren't monsters, they're called spiders. And those sticky things are spider webs." Edd calmed me down. I shivered. Gross.

"Well, at least we found you. Now, the last one is Matt." I smiled instantly. "I know where he is!" I yelled and ran downstairs carefully, the two following right behind me. I ran into the kitchen and pointed at the fridge Matt was hiding in. 

Edd opened it to see Matt hugging his knees close to him while he was stuck in the fridge. His whole beautiful face was blue and he was shaking. Edd immediately pulled him out and dragged him into the living room. He covered him with a blanket and hugged him.

Tom and I watched the while Edd was trying to snap Matt out of it. My arm was still itching, as if the spiders were still there. I was pretty sure they were just some little monsters that were going to eat all human alive on this planet and take over the world.

It didn't take long and Matt snapped out of it. Edd made him some hot chocolate and I wanted to play the game again. Even after the experience. Other than that, I was enjoying the game! 'Just try not to disturb any more mini monsters.' I took a mental note to myself and started thinking about a new, better hiding spot.

Tom's POV:

I saw the smile on Tord's face become wider. I smiled too. I felt like a kid myself, playing hide and seek really WAS fun! Edd and Matt were happy too. This reminded me of the old times, when we were all kids. Not only Tord.

We played hide and seek, because Tord wanted to cheer me up. My dad died, he got shot... Ever since then, I kinda hated bears. Well, only bears with guns. Other than that, I liked bears. Like Tomee bear!

This time, Matt was the seeker. We searched for hiding spots all around the house. I didn't know, where Edd and Tord went. I ran into the attic, thinking about, where to hide. I heard Matt yell from downstairs, that he begun searching.

I didn't know, what I was thinking, but I opened a small window that was there and crawled outside. I was on the roof now. I shut the window behind me and sat down. I didn't know, if this was againts the rules, but there were no rules. At least we didn't say anything about rules.

I tried to hold on and be careful so I wouldn't fall as I chuckled to myself. 'Yup, they'll never find me up here.' Little did I know that climbing up here was going to lead to some serious concequences...

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