21. Failed tests

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Tord's POV:

Only a week later, I realized I was wrong about Paul and Patryck before. They were GREAT! I really enjoyed spending time with them. They gave me their attention and we did all sorts of things. What worried me was that I realized, that I started thinking about my previous family less and less..

I didn't want them to be be sad... But they kept on fighting and arguing. Because of me... Maybe they would even hurt me in the end! The only thing reminding me of them was the blue sweater and Tomee bear that Tommy gave me.

Every single night, I was talking to him, as if Tom was there. Yeah, I did miss them, but I was happy here. I felt safe. But I wanted to go back to Tom. Yeah, maybe he didn't spend as much time with me as those two, but I still loved him.

I was currently sitting on my bed, hugging Tomee close as I watched the night sky. I sighed softly, petting Tomee's fur. "Do I really belong here, Tomee?" I asked him. He didn't answer, he never did. "It feels like I was already here. In this situation."

I had no idea, what I meant. This all did feel familiar. As if I was already here. It felt nostalgic. This room had a specific smell that reminded me of something. I couldn't point my finger at it, though.

I looked down at Tomee and smiled. "I'm sure it's nothing! I'm happy to have you here with me!" I hugged him really tightly, unaware of my own purring. 'I wonder what are the three doing there without me?'

Tom's POV:

When I was certain that Edd and Matt were asleep, I snuck out of my room and went to search for the gun that Tord shot himself with. It didn't take long to find it. I went to the weird lab that little Tordle discovered and started examining the gun, looking for any clues that could help me turn Tord back.

I couldn't find anything and my eyelids were getting heavy. Yet, I didn't give up. I groaned, not succeeding. 'If I shot Tord with this again, would it turn him back?' A thought came to my mind. It was weird, but maybe it was worth a try. But it could also hurt him!

It was too risky to try it on something else, but I didn't care anymore. I wanted Tord back. And I was getting him. I hesitately pointed it at a desk that was in the corner of the room I was in and pulled the trigger. I shut my 'eyes' and waited for something to happen. But...nothing did.

Nothing happened to the desk. It was like I didn't shoot it at all, actually! I was confused and pointed it an empty glass. I fired, nothing happened. Maybe it wasn't really that dangerous as I thought it would be..

I heard a quiet meow from behind me. I spun around in shock and saw Ringo sitting about two meters away from me, looking at me curiously. I pointed the gun at her, but quickly realized that was stupid to try it on Ringo. And besides, the desk and the glass I shot were not living creatures. Ringo was Edd's cat and he loved her way too much. I couldn't risk hurting it.

I placed the gun down and went to Ringo, petting her grey fur. "Hey there, Ringo! I guess you don't have any ideas that could help me get Tord back to normal, do you?" I asked. joking around.

Ringo stood up and went closer to the gun. I carefully picked her up. "Don't touch that, it could hurt you." I put her on my bed and grabbed the gun again. I continued examining it, looking for anything interesting.

And then, I found something. It was a small, but noticeable yellow button. I raised an eyebrow, not understanding this. What was this even doing on the gun? And what did it do? Ringo meowed, as if she was trying to make me push it. And I realized, why not? What could go wrong?

I pushed the button and it made a faint click noise. But nothing happened. I pointed it at a desk and shot it. Nothing happened again, however. I was genuinely confused. I got an idea, but it was the worst idea I could even think of. What if I try to shoot myself with it?

I gently pushed the gun againts my temple and Ringo stood up, meowing like crazy. What was she trying to say? That I should do it? Or shouldn't? I took a breath, closing my 'eyes' and I gently squeezed the trigger.

I fell on the ground, dropping the gun. It didn't hurt, though. I just fell... I quickly opened my 'eyes' to see, what was happening. Nothing happened... I was even more confused at that moment. I picked up the gun and pushed the small button again, standing up. 'Okay, attempt number 2.'

I shot myself again, but this time, it was different... Pain immediately shot through my whole body and my breathing hitched. I looked at Ringo, unable to be standing up anymore. I slid down againts the wall until I was met with the cold floor. It hurt, but I didn't know, what was happening.. What did the button do!?

Ringo ran up to me, pawing at my face. I just looked at it, wanting to do something, but not being able to move. And at that moment, I blacked out.

Edd's POV:

I heard scratching at my door and I sighed, mumbling at Ringo to stop it. But no, she just had to continue. I stood up, not wanting to deal with her this early in the morning and opened the door. Ringo was there, looking up at me as she meowed loudly, running away.

I was confused, she didn't usually act like this. I decided to go after her. We went to Tom's room, only to see Tom laying there, unconscious. I gasped and ran towards him. The gun that Tord used was laying next to him. I immedately examined, how he looked, expecting him to be turned into a kid.... But no. He looked normal.

He wasn't moving so I shook him violently, calling his name and telling him to wake up. He just groaned in responce. After keeping this up for more than five minutes, I was growing tired. At that moment, Tom opened his 'eyes' and looked at me tiredly.

"E-Edd..?" I smiled and hugged him. "Tom! You're okay!" He was confused. "What are you doing here? And what happened to me?" I took the gun and shoved it in his face, crossing my arms. "I think you should explain that to ME."

His face went pale and he gulped, looking down. "I just...wanted to find a way to turn Tord back to his adult-self. I found a small button and pushed it. I tested it on me, but nothing happened. The I pushed it again and tested it. And I blacked out..." He told me the whole story.

"Tom! You could have hurt yourself really badly with this!" I said. "I know... But why am I not a kid?" I couldn't answer to that question. A tired Matt came into the room, rubbing his eyes. "Guys, I need my beauty sleep! What's going on here?" He asked, noticing us.

Tom and I looked at each other. We told Matt everything we knew and even he was confused. We then made sure Tom didn't hurt himself in any way, but didn't seem to find anything.

We talked about it for about half an hour before deciding to go back to sleep. We all went back to bed, but each of us couldn't stop thinking about the events that had just happened. Why didn't it do anything? Did Tom use it the wrong way? Was there a way to turn Tord back?

These questions were on my mind and I eventually got tired of asking the same things all over again. I closed my eyes, sighing. 'The only one who knows the answer is Tord. But the Tord that we need is not here with us...'

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