chapter 5

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*All of this time jimin was watching you both and anger was clearly shown on his face,but what's wrong with him? Is he not feeling well?
Why does he always look angry whenever you're near Taehyung*. You approach him with a concerned look on your face...

"Jimin-ah  gwenchanayo?".you said as you came closer to him.
"Uh I'm fine just continue what you were doing". He said without looking at you.

"Oh come on! I've been friends with you since we were 5 and I know you better than anyone else,also I know  when you're upset so stop hiding it already!".
"Yeah right you're more like a childhood friend who doesn't have any single memory about 'her childhood friend' ".

Jimin said before realizing what he has just blurted out, he tried to explain himself but ...
It was too late you already left while crying so hard. You never imagined such words would come out from Jimin's mouth specially that he knows more than anyone about your memory loss. Its not the first time you guys fought but its the first time he's ever said such a hurtful comment. It already hurts thinking about not knowing your own identity but it hurt much more when Jimin said it in that way...
You keep running until you bump into someone..its Yoongi, he notices how your eyes are teary and how you were sobbing so hard , so he didnt want to force you to talk, instead he asked you to go with him to the cafeteria to drink something refreshing so you agree and go with him.

"(Y/N) drink this and you'll be alright!".
he said while giving you his cute gummy smile and passing your FRAPPE to you.

You stop crying and instantly drink your frappe, your mood changes completely changes afterwards and you smile while enjoying your drink.

"Didn't I tell you that you'll feel much better!!".

Aww thanks yoongs thats really delicious and quite refreshing! But how did you know that my favorite drink was frappe?!".
"Hoseok told me that you and Jimin liked frappes a lot!".

Then he noticed that your smile disappeared on mentioning jimin's he tries to figure out what's wrong with you.

"Did you both fight?". He asked with a confused expression.
"Honestly yes and this time he really crossed the line!! How dare he specially when he knows my condition already!". then you told him about What happened between you two.

"Maybe He was a bit jealous of taehyung since you both got close to each other lately so maybe he's afraid that he'll be replaced someday".yoongi tried to explain.

"But he isn't the type to get jealous over simple things, specially when he knows that there's nothing between me and tae".

"Believe me Jimin isn't the kind of guys that says stuff without a reason and maybe he was too sensitive to hold it in, so he just over reacted. I Know​ he's  at fault for saying hurtful words without thinking but he never meant them I'm sure .plus you can't deny that he deserves attention as much as tae does".

You think for a second and then realize that you haven't been paying attention to jimin lately and yoongi's words were quite convincing , he's way smarter and wiser than he seems after all .when you realize the whole situation,
You try your best not cry in front of yoongi but you just can't stop blaming yourself, so you break down in tears again. He suddenly stood up and pulled you into a tight hug .

"Its alright now that you know the situation , go and make up with your best friend and don't waste another second!!" Yoongi pats your shoulder wanting you to cheer up and go to jimin as fast as possible. You took the hint then hug him.

"Min Yoongi !you're the best I swear!! Thank you so much I owe you a lot saranghae!!".

You said before running as fast as you can searching for jimin everywhere while drying your tears until you found him in the backyard of the school so you slowly get closer to him until he notices your presence and to your surprise his eyes were puffed and red from crying, you feel your heart break into pieces since the bright and cheerful jimin is now crying the hell out of him because of you. You want to initiate the conversation but with every try you can't help but sob and eventually both of you stand in front of each other crying and nothing can be heard except for your sobs until jimin stops crying and smiles softly while saying : "this scene looks quite familiar to me, when we were in grade 3 , you lost your lunch box and thought that I hid it from you trying to pull off a joke and we kept yelling at each other until we turned into a crying mess just like now.."
He paused to dry his tears then continues.
"At the end it turned out that you left it at home so you gave me some cake your mom made to make up with me..". He giggled as he remembered what happened that day then he adds,
"I'm really sorry for earlier, I swear I never meant what I said! Its just that I told you not to become close to Taehyung and you didn't listen to me so I only said it out of rage!!Will you forgive me?".
You try to collect yourself and finally manage to talk.
"O-of course I forgive you! Actually I'm the one who feels sorry , I-I sh-ould have paid more attention to you or else you wouldn't have felt jealous of Taehyung and we wouldn't have fought in the first place!".

"Wait what jealousy are you taking about? Its something beyond jealousy ,I really wish I could explain my reasons but I just can't guarantee if you'll be able to handle it!! I'm sorry but its not the time for you to know yet...".

"Its okay you really don't have to as long as we're even now right?".

"Yep you can say so, let's not fight ever again deal?".
"Yes deal! Pinky promise?".
"Oh come on you're too old for these stuff ....but well okay for you here's a pinky promise!".

You both laugh and hug each other then go to class only to find that everyone went home , so you grabbed your backpacks and walked home together like you always do as if nothing happened. Then Jimin's words suddenly pop up to your mind:
(Its something beyond jealousy ,I really wish I could explain my reasons but I just can't guarantee if you'll be able to handle it!! I'm sorry but its not the time for you to know yet... )
you wander for a while what could he be hiding from you but you shrug these thoughts off your mind since you don't Care about anything as long as you got your best friend back.

Author's note:
Hey guys! I can't believe how this chapter turned out to be so dramatic I literally cried while writing it XD! Anyways I'm glad that everything turned out to be good at the end and yayy! They made up thanks to the genius suga😍✨. I'm sure you're all wondering right now what is jimin hiding from you does he maybe have feelings for you or could there be another deep reason for his actions? Please write what you think in a comment.

PS this chapter is the longest chapter up till now! I'm so happy and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned 🙈💞

I purple y'all💜💜💜💜

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