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im holding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground
and I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound
tell me that you need me, then you go and cut me down

It wasn't like those books or movies where the two would wake up tangled into each others skin, holding each other with one arm slung over the other. It was reality, Finn's eyes fluttered open as he glanced around his dark room from the dark blinds withholding the daylight from entering through the windows.

He stretched, turning and being startled slightly once he realised he wasn't alone, suddenly remembering the interactions last night with the girl led just behind him. His long legs accidentally kicking her soft ones made him automatically stiffen, relief subconsciously flooding out of him once he realised she didn't stir at all. She was still endured in a deep sleep.

He crept to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror for a few minutes. He never liked the person staring back at him - the one with the dark under eyes and the disheveled hair that stuck out in all sorts of places, so instead of staring at himself for one more second he splashed some cold water over his face as he breathed in harshly from the temperature nipping at his skin.

Millie awoke, sitting up straight away once she remembered she wasn't in her room. She was in his, but for once she didn't wake up with a full ache in her heart...well, that was until she remembered she hasn't been home since yesterday evening. That was when her heart really aches, when nerves fluttered through the linings of her stomach, when bile formed into a lump within the middle of her throat.

The blanket was off of her within a second, not allowing herself to her adjusted to the air as she shoved on her shoes and left Finn's room with hesitation in her step.

"Hey." Sadie smiled, just before Millie could reach the door handle and throw herself out of the house as fast as she possibly could.

"Hey, thanks for letting me stay over but I'm in a bit of a rush - can you just call me in an hour or two?" Millie asked. She remembered she was going to attempt to be the girls friend and from her reaction she could tell she was doing a good job at trying. Her infamous smile stretched from ear to ear as she nodded her head.

Sadie really wanted to ask why the hell she wasn't in her room when she awoke but he differed from that once she was taken back at Millie making an effort.

"Sounds great, speak to you in a bit." Sadie replied.

Millie took that as a signal for her to leave as she quickly left with one of those small smiles you'd do passing an old school friend in the hall, without actually speaking to them in a good year.

Each step that took her towards her house, the more she could hear her heart beat in her ears, representing what it would sound like if a small butterfly was stuck in her ear canal. She really didn't want to leave Sadie's, she really didn't but she'd rather get the consequences over and done with instead of stretching it out and being worried about it for a few hours.

She opened the door and closed it behind her, taking a few deep breaths before turning around an-

A loud slap was heard and an insatiable stinging pain made it's way to Millie's cheek harshly. It was like small little pins and needles were stabbing at her skin but all she could do was cup her face with her jaw almost touching the floor.

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