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i know that you need help,
your tongue is twisted, your eyes are slit
you need a guardian

"She'll never be the same, she'll never be the same and I'm the one to blame when you, got off that train. Off that train."

The last chords of the day was really a relief when band practice was normally the best part about his Sunday - she was the best part of his Sunday so far. He sounded so soppy, full of lust but she's a changed him. Before her, he was this sad teen who's mother was begging him to see a counsellor. Even though she hasn't done anything to help him, her presence was enough.

"So, what's happening with that girl then?" Jack asked, setting his bass guitar down as he grabbed a bottle of water from the side.

Finn shrugged, downing his whole bottle in nearly one.

"Wait, there's a girl involved? And I didn't know? I'm offended." Ayla said, putting her hand on her heart with her guitar still strapped around her chest.

"It's-it's nothing really. We're friends, she has it pretty tough, it's not my place to say anything." Finn stated. He felt like it was an appropriate answer, he didn't give away too much but just enough to fuel his friends thoughts.

"Guys, take it easy. He'll tell us when he's ready." Malcom eased the situation, setting his guitar sticks down on one of the drums as he stretched out his back, it's been killing him for days.

"Thanks, Pinky." Finn smiled, standing up to get ready to leave.
"Same time next week?"


Back at the house, Sadie was seething at her best friends stubbornness. There was something going on, all she wanted to do was know. She hated being left out of the loop.

So when Millie came downstairs to join Sadie in the kitchen, Sadie smiled at her schemingly.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Millie asked confused, pouting herself some of Finn's precious orange juice.

"Do you have feelings for Finn?"

Millie practically choked on her drink. The question was so straight forward, so bluntly brutal that she couldn't come up with words to form a sentence with.

"Are you stupid?" She said back. She thanked the lord for her wall she built because without that, she wouldn't of been able to act stubborn, when in fact she was beaming red hot embarrassment on the inside.

"Then why are you sleeping in his bed?" Sadie pushed, winking at Millie in order to cut some of the awkward tension that filled the room.

"His beds comfy and his rooms warmer than yours. I can't sleep in a cold room, besides, he sleeps so far away he's practically falling off every night." She lied, they slept closer than ever, especially last night. Millie tried to avoid eye contact but she knew that would make her look guilty so she tried to maintain this action.

She couldn't like Finn, she's only just started liking and tolerating him as a friend.

"Whatever you say." Sadie shrugged, shutting her laptop as she grabbed her bad that was rested on the seat next to her.
"I'm going for breakfast with Caleb, and when I'm back we'll do something."

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