thirty four

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i dream at night, i can only see your face
i look around but it's you I can't replace
i feel so cold and I long for your embrace
i keep crying baby, baby, please

Millie was finally home in bed, after being poked and prodded within a hospital. She hated it, having to speak to people every ten minutes had her anxiety through the roof. She just wanted to be home. And she finally is.

And here she was, led with her best friend sat by her side. Noah was looking at her intensely, Millie looked back with the same expression, knowing what he was going to say next. She was in the hospital for two days, two whole days and she didn't even mention it to him. He was beyond livid.

Noah sat on one of the small stool from Millie's vanity with his arms crossed out in front of his chest. His foot tapped up and down lightly at a miraculous speed. Millie was afraid to speak up, she knew Sadie was just in the other room just in case she needed to put out the fire. He was still looking at her, raising his eyebrow with a stone expression - silently mocking her into saying the first words.

She surrendered.

She didn't need her best friend holding a grudge towards her, what she did was wrong but she had far more worrying things to dwell on. She's been thinking about the court hearing since she heard about it and now, now she only had 6 days whether to say she'll be attending. Whether she'll take the stand, letting go everything that has been built up for years and years on end in front of the monster himself.

"Noah - Listen I-"

It only took barely two words to fuel Noah's fire.

"FIRST OF ALL, I can't believe you didn't tell me you were in hospital. You knew that I would've been at your side within a minute, that really hurt my feelings Millie. Why didn't you tell your best friend, who already knows about the whole father situation, that you were put into hospital because of him."

"Noah, it w-"

"SECOND OF ALL," Noah interrupted once more, now stood on two feet as he paced the room. Sadie was now stood outside Millie's bedroom door, she met Millie's grandmother that morning and was so glad that Millie had somewhere to stay.
"Are you fucking stupid? You literally went back into that house for minim? Are you kidding me?"

Minim is what Millie called the rag of material that she risked injury for when she was around 4 years old. She silently told herself that it was worth it, twiddling the silk as she watched her best friend be mad at her. He had every right to, she always kept him in the loop with everything and now suddenly, it was a Saturday evening and she was bed bound with injuries he couldn't count. He didn't want to count, Noah didn't even want to look at her face because of the purple bruise that accompanied her appearance.

"Was that question rhetorical or...?"

Noah then sighed, feeling bad that he was so annoyed as he flopped down next to her on the bed with a big sigh, getting out the things that weighed on his mind.

"I just don't know why you didn't tell me." Noah admitted, turning to look at her face. Luckily, he was on her clean side but he still aches knowing it was there. That man hurt his best friend and it had his fingertips twitching.

Millie heard the hurt that was attached to every word he spoke. She felt bad - she felt really bad and to be honest, she didn't have a reason as to why she didn't tell him. Maybe it was a subconscious decision that would refrain Noah from worrying about her.

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