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been through some bad shit, i should be a sad bitch
who would've thought it'd turn me to a savage?

"How's Millie? She hasn't been round in, what - four days?"

Yes, he was counting the days because quite frankly he missed the company, no matter how dry it really was. It's been four, long winded days since she didn't say goodbye to him. He wondered why she didn't decide to join him on nights anymore, it was a Saturday evening. Finn was expecting his friends to come over soon and his parents were expected back on Friday, that's another week. Another week where she could've stayed without any sneaking around, another week where he could follow through with his promise to himself where he could make Millie admit they were friends.

Although, this faltered during the days. He'd get more and more irritated as to why she'd suddenly dropped off of the radar. Sadie is obviously still seeing her because of their stupid, weird agreement and he knew that he wasn't apart of it, but she still could've said hello.

What was he thinking, this was Millie he was talking about. She wasn't a nice person, especially to him. The more he thought about it, the more agitated he became towards the girl.

"She's fine." Sadie replied, shrugging as she scrolled on her phone.
"Look, if you want to know how she is then go and speak to her."

"Who says I want to speak to her? I'm just curious."

Sadie shot Finn a look that wasn't fooling anyone, she knew that he constantly looked out of his window to see if he could spot a glimpse of her, to just check on her as the curiosity was eating him alive.

"Whatever floats your boat." Sadie replied, standing up and grabbing her bag that was placed by the door.

Finn tried to hold his tongue, he really did but he wanted to know. He sighed to himself, sitting the couch with his palm before turning towards Sadie.

"You...going over there?"

"No." She rolled her eyes in annoyance at her best friends persistence.
"I'm meeting Caleb. Do us both a favour and make the first move."

She was out of the door in a flash, leaving Finn swimming in a puddle of his own thoughts. He wasn't left long until his friends walked in, Gaten first as he was evidently the loudest.

"You know Caleb ditched us to hang out with Sadie, right?" Gaten stated as soon as he walked through the door. Jack and Malcom followed after him, shaking their heads at the lack of greetings.

"Of course he knew, dipshit. Sadie does live here." Jack scoffed, hitting Gaten up side the head before patting Finn on the back.

"Hey dude." Pinky greeted, leaning forward to pull Finn in a tight hug. Finn laughed at him, patting him on the back as he did so. Malcom pulled Finn up off of the couch with him.

"Did you get it?" Finn asked. Malcom nodded.

"I'm not rolling." Gaten said dominantly.

"Who said we wanted you to roll? You're shit at it." Jack laughed, winking in Finn's direction. Finn laughed under his hand, knowing that was completely true.

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