Great Power

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It's been two years since you have started attending Midtown High and so far you haven't made that many friends. So far all you have is your best friends since elementary school, Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson,

and your LEGO Star Wars obsessed friend Ned. There's one girl who's almost in all of your classes who you want to get to know better but you've always been to scared to talk to her. You've been doing pretty good in academics though. You're the top of each of your classes which makes your aunt and uncle proud, all of your teachers love you, and you're not even doing that bad in PE. But not that good either. Well soon two amazing things will change your life for the better. Very very soon.

Present Day

The first period of the day starts and your teacher, Dr Connors, walks in the room. "Alright class, as you know the field trip to the museum is tomorrow." he begins. "I am glad that you all have turned in your permission slips and are ready to participate in this learning experience." The room switches from constant eye rolling to groaning under breaths. Dr Connors goes to his desk. "I'll need to take attendance so talk amongst yourselves." he says taking out a piece of paper clipped by a clipboard. Everyone starts having side conversations. You and Harry talk about how awesome the trip is going to be. At least to you think it'll be awesome. "You think you're finally gonna ask Gwen out?" Harry asks nudging your shoulder. "Calm down Harry," you tell him. "We're not even friends yet." Gwen is leaning on her desk in front of you waiting for something to happen.

You gulp reaching your arm out slowly. "You got this, Y/N!" Harry says quietly cheering you on. You actually tap Gwen's shoulder immediately regretting it. She turns around flipping her fluent blonde hair. She smiles at you who can't help but blush. "Hey! Your Y/N Parker, right?" You nod nervously. She giggles. "I'm Gwen. Gwen Stacy." she says reaching out her hand to yours. As you shake it your palm gets clammy. You can't believe both of your hands are touching. You end up having a pretty nice conversation up to the point where the Connors should be done with attendance by now.

Eventually he gets everyone's attention and the class goes on as usual. The topic of the field trip gets discussed again as teacher reminds everyone must be in pairs for the project to do during the field trip. Luckily for you, Harry is cool with you wanting to be with Gwen, who wants to be with you as well. At the end of class something amazing happens. As you and Harry are gathering your things to head to PE, Gwen stops by you two and throws a crumpled paper ball at your head.

You turn to see her smile at you, turn her head, and walk out of the door. You and Harry look at each other and unwrap the paper. (713)-191-965. "Dude," Harry tells you. "You got a number!" You add on to the excitement. "And it wasn't out of pity!" You high five each other. "I'm so proud of you! Wait until your uncle hears about this!" Harry says putting his arm around you as you walk through the massive hall to PE. "Man you seem pretty happy for me!" you tell him. "Hasn't your dad ever been happy for you when you have news like this?" Harry's smile diminishes. "My dad is always busy with science work. He's been working on something for months now. Barely has time for me." Harry shakes it off. "That's not important. What is, is that you got a girl's number! Advice? Don't text her immediately when you get home. Wait a couple of days."

You remember that, since you've known Harry to be a player since early middle school. The rest of the school day goes on as usual with classes being the same and Flash Thompson, the school bully, star of the football team, and most popular kid in school, beating you up as usual. That doesn't even bother you as you can't believe Gwen likes you at all.


You walk inside your house. Your uncle Ben is trying to fix the TV while your aunt May is fixing dinner. "Hello there sweetie! How was school?" May asks in her usual sweet voice. "Good Aunt May. Better than usual. You know that girl Gwen? I finally talked to her!" Ben joins the conversation. "Hey there, Y/N! That's great! And hey, you're just in time to help me with the TV!" Ben laughs. You smirk putting your bag down to help him. "Got any homework?" He asks you. "Got it done on the bus. Double checked." you reply. Ben chuckles. "That's my nephew." You fix the TV easily with you doing most of the work. You go up to your room to text Ned the news.

The Next Day...

You wake up excited for the field trip as well to see Gwen again. You almost miss the bus but luckily someone stops the driver from leaving. Your best friend MJ. Good ol Mary Jane. You've known her since elementary school and have always had each other's backs. One time in middle school you two tried to "get serious." MISTAKE! Luckily you both have put that awkward moment behind you and continue to be best friends. You sit together on the ride to school and talk about what happened yesterday. "Oh, Gwen?" Mary Jane starts. "I know her very well. We're in a band together. I can help you if you know what I mean." she says nudging your shoulder. You both chuckle.


The bell rings as Dr Connors walks inside the room. "Alright everyone, pair up with your partners and we'll be leaving in 10 minutes." he says as Gwen looks behind her and smiles at you. You ger up, sit next to her, and talk some more. You talk about Gwen being in a band and how she loves playing the drums. "My dad doesn't really like me going out all the time with the band." Gwen sulks. "He's...overprotective to say the least." Pretty soon the ten minutes pass and everyone heads for the bus. Of course, you and Gwen sit together and get to know each other even more. The bus soon arrives to the museum much to your delight. "Well, someone's excited to learn." Gwen says laughing. "How could I not be?" you ask her. "Learning is what makes us smarter as humans. Knowledge equals power." You tap your temple with one finger eyes closed and smiling. Gwen jokingly rolls her eyes. You all enter and are greeted by a woman in a pan coat. She walks you around the building while the class does their project of finding objects, quotes, etc around exhibits and checking it off on paper.

You and Gwen are ahead everyone in the class. "And here I thought you didn't like learning." you tell Gwen smiling. "Well I didn't say I wasn't smarter than the average 17 year old, I just don't like to rub it in. I just wanna play drums all day." Gwen says shrugging. The class soon moves on to the spider exhibit. As you check off the items from this exhibit and the tour guide keeps talking, you notice that a tank is missing a spider. You see Flash and two other bullies coming towards you and Gwen while thusting his fist into an open palm. "Sup L/N? You got any money?" Flash asks you aggressively. "I don't have any." you tell him shaking. "Well then, looks like I'll have to beat you up to fill in the payment." Flash says grabbing you by the collar.

Gwen quickly steps in. "Flash, let him go. I could easily just cancel our date." Flash stops and looks at her. He puts you down. You can't believe it. Gwen has power over Flash and because they're dating! Your head sinks down as your dreams of dating Gwen die slowly. "I'm-I'm sorry Gwen. Didn't mean to hurt him. Friday right?" Gwen nods. Flash and his friends quickly walk away. On the ceiling, an eight legged creature so genetically altered it's considered radioactive, watches from above from it's web. It begins to crawl down a pillar towards you and Gwen. "Thanks for the save." you tell her. "No problem. I'm not even going on a date with Flash. I'm just helping him study!" Gwen says laughing. The spider inches closer and closer to your head.

As your dreams quickly become revived, you see the class move on the next room. "Come on, let's go!" Gwen says while catching up with the class. You begin to go after her but the spider jumps onto your shoulder. You immediately try to shake it off. You try to also keep quiet as screaming would make a scene. It crawls all the way down your arm to your right hand. You shake your arm violently and yet, the arachnid is able to stay on without falling and is continuously crawling towards your hand. Once on your hand, the spider quivkly bites you causing a sting. Suprisingly it doesn't hurt as much to cause you to scream. "Agh! Damnit!" you softly shout to yourself.

Luckily no one turns around. The spider falls off and crawls away. You can't believe you just cursed. It felt new yet exciting. You grab your wrist to look at the mark. It seems to be just a pinkish red mark. "L/N! Let's go." Dr Connors says to you. You nod and keep walking.

Spiders In Love: A Gwen Stacy X Male Reader/Spiderman Insert (+18)Where stories live. Discover now