Going to the Zoo

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The Next Day

You and Gwen haven't really spoken about what happend yesterday even though you both remember every second of it. You try to focus on school as you walk to your next period. You walk past Dr Connor's room. He's been out for a while and you wonder what happened to him. You think about what could have happened when MJ sees you and start walking with you. "Hey there, Tiger," she greets you smiling. "where you headed off to?" You tell her you're heading to 7th period. "Oh, ok. Hey, have you seen the news about Spiderman and Ghost Spider? They're awesome!" Obviously you can't tell her anything so you just play along. You both talk about how cool they are as you walk down the halls. A couple of minutes pass and you now have to part ways. "See ya later, Tiger!" You smile as MJ walks into her 7th period class. If only she knew... you thought to yourself as the bell rings.


You web sling up to the top of an apartment building, holding a sandwich and sit on the ledge. You lift open your mask enough to show your mouth and you start eating. You soon hear the police sirens and start stuffing the sandwich in your mouth. As you get closer to finishing three police cars pass the building your sitting on. You finally finish as the sandwich as the cars go around the corner and put back on your mask. "Hope I don't get cramps. I just ate." You quickly catch up to the cars as they head for the same bank that those robbers from last time robbed. Should I call Gwen? You asked yourself. It's probably a standard robbery. I can deal with this myself. You land right in front of the cars and head inside. "It's okay guys" one of the cops calls out. "Spiderman's got this!"

Inside the Bank...

You walk down the corridor pass the counter and you hear a loud growl. You turn to see claw marks on the opened vault door. Your spider sense goes off and you jump up to the ceiling and cling onto it. You see a giant, green, scaly creature come out with six bags of money, three bags in each fistful. You stealthily jump down and grab his tail. You start swinging him around and release him into the wall knocking down the clock. "So long gay--wait, what did that short guy say to that other lizard man?" you ask yourself. The lizard man shakes his head and snarls at you. "You...you and that girl stopped my henchman. Stopped them from getting me the money..." he growls. "Well, nothing's free in the real world" you tell him.

"You want money, get a job, or in your case, get into car insurance." The lizard man charges at you on all fours and slashes at you. You do a backflip and land on the vault door closing it. You shoot a web line at two bags of money and pull it away from the lizard's path. He jumps up at you and grabs you by the throat. He throws you down and jumps up. He attempts to body slam you, but you roll out of the way. The lizard starts punching you multiple times but you block a couple as well. The lizard's tail wraps around your waist and starts slamming you down against the floor. You try prying the tail off of you but the creature seems to have a grip.

 You try prying the tail off of you but the creature seems to have a grip

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"Should've...called...for Gwen..." you say under your breath. Suddenly, two peices of web fluid hit the lizard man's eyes, blinding him. You turn around to see Ghost Spider standing there with her hands on her hips. "Heyyy....." you say knowing she's probably mad you didn't call her. "Next time, call" she says walking towards you. You turn towards the lizard and punch him in the face, freeing you. You land next to Ghost Spider and attempt to apologize. Gwen stops you, saying it's fine. You can see her smile beneath her mask so you get your full courage back. You both sprint at the creature, who starts snarling at you. He sweep kicks Ghost Spider with his tail, knocking her down. You dodge his tail and start web slinging around him looking for a weak spot.

You let go of the web and head straight for the creature's neck. You form a fist as you fly straight for it, but your plan fails with the lizard man catching you and throwing you at the wall. Ghost Spider trys to knock out the lizard man, but he's too angry. He flings her away as well and he goes to gather the bags of money. Gunshots go off as a couple of policemen barge in. "Don't worry guys" the same cop from before says. "you've done enough. We'll take it from here." They start shooting at the lizard man scales and he starts to shed as one by one the scales fall off. He screams in pain and grabs two bags of money.

He charges at the policemen and go right through them, knocking them down. Ghost Spider helps you up as you groan in pain. "Thanks boys, but this is far from over" Ghost Spider says as she helps you out of the bank.

Back In The Sewers...

"Raaaaagh!!!" the lizard man snarls, clawing against the sewer walls. He begins to morph back to somewhat human form, but there are still plenty of scales. "I'll find a way...I have to...can only imagine what they must think of me..." The robber from before sits in a chair monitoring a computer. "Hey boss! Look at this!" He shows the doctor the screen that's monitoring his bloodstream. "Looks like it's gettin' worse." The doctor walks away from the computer. "It appears I'm going through another mutation. Only this is more of an adaptation." The robber asks something that makes the doctor change his entire plan. "Boss, what if the hospital can't really do anything in your...uh..condition?" Dr Connors' eyes fidget between reptilian and human form. "Go home to your family, Randy. Your wife and son need you." Randy hesitates. "Boss...are y...are y' sure?" The lizard sharply turns to him. "GoooOoORRRAAAGGGH!!!!" Randy runs for his life as Connors holds back as much of his primal urges as he can, wrestling himself in a puddle of sewer water.

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