Catching Thiefs Like Flies

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It's been two weeks since you and Gwen have become the masked, web slinging, vigilantes known as the Spiderman and Ghost Spider and you've already gotten a fanbase. Plenty of people have already become fans of you two while a lot still don't trust you. You both are so popular much that there are already a couple peices fan art all across the internet, and of course there have been plenty of fan art that ship you two as well.

Currently you two are web slinging through the skies when you hear a police car's siren

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Currently you two are web slinging through the skies when you hear a police car's siren. You both land on the roof and look to where it could be coming from. "There!" Gwen says pointing at what looks like to be a car chase. You look at each other, knod, and head right for the two vehicles. You two web sling down the road as the car chase pursuits. The driver focuses on driving, while the other robbers shoot at the cops. One in the passenger seat and two in the back seat. A bullet hits the tire causing it to spin out of control. "I'll save the officers. You get the robbers!" Gwen says as she falls behind straight for the cop cars.

She lands behind the bar as it starts to flip towards her. Gwen spins millions of webs making a giant web. The car lands and the officers get out onto the road. "We would've been fine, didn't need your giant--" one of the officers says coldly. "Whatever, man, just call for backup" the other cop tells him. He then turns to Gwen. "I wanna thank you Ghost Spider, for both of us" he says as the other cop grumbles other his breath. "You did a favor for the whole department. The city's gonna need as many heroes as it can get. No matter what their abilities are." Gwen's smile under her mask is seen by the cop. "Thank you sir" Gwen replies. "Now go" the cop says. "Looks like your partner is gonna need ya." Gwen turns and heads off to catch up with you.

Meanwhile you get closer and closer to the car. You let go on the web and land on the roof of the car, before leaning over and knocking on the right passenger window. "'Scuse me? Mister criminal?" The window rolls down as your spider sense starts going off. Suddenly, you're dodging bullets coming from the inside. "Woah, okay! Aren't you a great host to your guest of honor?!" You do a backflip off the car, spin two web lines that hit the car door, and pull yourself towards it. You crash through the door and fly through the car knocking two robbers out of the other car door. They land onto the road wondering what just happened. "Crap," one of the robbers says. "the boss ain't gonna be happy about this!" They're quickly webbed up without even realizing it by Ghost Spider as she keeps web slinging towards you.

"Sorry boys" she says as she swings by

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"Sorry boys" she says as she swings by. "No time for chit chat!"

A/N: Yes. I know what those two are from It was the only picture of tied up robbers I could find! Gimme a break.

You flip up onto the roof again and look down at the passenger window, only to be met with another gun. You quickly snatxh it with a web and toss it. "Didn't Mama Spidey teach you not to play with guns?" Now, risk-free of getting shot at, you flip onto the hood of the car and cover as much of the wind sheild as you can with webbing. Eventually, the driver can't see a thing and the car swerves out of control. You hop off and watch the veichle crash into a stop light. Casually, you walk over and quickly dispose of the two criminals, just in time for Gwen to catch up and help web them up. "Just sit there until the cops get here, 'kay, pal?" A few more police cars and a small crowd of people gather behind a news reporter recaping the car chase to her audience.

After a couple of waves to the camera and crowd, you both web sling away. You're not aware of this but the robber takes out a small switchblade, cuts himself free, grabs two bags of money from the trunk of the car, and quickly finds the nearest manhole to get in. "I gotta tell the boss! He'll take care of this!" He lifts it open, gets in, and closes it. You and Gwen continue to web sling throughout the city. "Man so far this has been an interesting weekend for us hasn't?" Gwen asks. "Yeah," you reply. "We've stopped four bank robberies, two muggings, and four people from dying in a burning building." As you two continue to travel by web you see the restaurant that you two have started going to since Uncle Ben died. "Hey look! There's Ray's! You hungry?" Gwen replies yes and you both find an alley to change into some regular clothes.

Meanwhile In The Sewers

A taller more scaley Dr Connors roams his lab wondering where the money is. "Where are those idiots? I sent them just a couple of minutes ago and they should've been back by now." He hears footsteps running in puddles that seem to get louder and louder. "Boss! Boss! We gotta situation!" Once he gets in arms reach of him, Connors grabs the robber by the collar of his shirt and lifts him up. "Why didn't you get all of the money?!?" Connors asks angrily. "It was the Spiderman Boss! And his partner Ghost Spider!" Dr Connors pauses and then throws the robber aside. He goes straight to the computer to look up Spiderman and Ghost Spider on Google. He clicks a link to a YouTube video that was just uploaded a couple of minutes ago. It's the same reporter from before.

"Eddie Brock here on the scene of the aftermath another car chase that's been successfully stopped by the new yet fairly popular vigilantes known as Spiderman and Ghost Spider." The camera zooms in on the giant web that holds the car. Connors turns off the computer. "Well then, it looks like I'll have to deal with this myself...."

The Next Day

You and Gwen walk out of school and head for the bus. "After we finish up on our project do you wanna go to the park that's near your house?" Gwen asks you smiling. "Wait, but what about patrol?" you bring up. "Y/N, we've been doing this for two weeks and so far crimes have been mild" Gwen says still smiling. "I think we can take a break for one day." You look down and think. I guess it couldn't hurt for one day to take a break you think to yourself. As you both get on the bus you just realized something. Gwen doesn't live in the same neighborhood. "Gwen, your dad knows about this right? You coming over to finish the project?" you ask her. Gwen nods smiling.


You both finish the project in less than half an hour and head over to the park. You both sit on the top of the equipment watching the sun slowly set. "Your aunt looks better Y/N" Gwen tells you. "Yeah, she's gotten better. They've been in love for so long..." Gwen looks away from you and back at the sun. "Must be nice to love someone for so long..." Gwen says blushing lightly. "You've never dated anyone before?" you ask her. "Well I have" she replies. "But they've all been the same. Immature dull jocks that only care about bodies and don't give a damn about personality or smarts. I've been looking for someone better since I started to go to Midtown."

You scoot closer to her stealthily hoping she doesn't notice. "Well, maybe you've been looking in the wrong place." As she plays with her hair, you both look at each other to what it seemed like hours. You stare into her beautiful blue eyes.
Your faces get closer and closer and.....
You hear a car horn blare and look straight ahead. You see a police car with the officer calling out for Gwen. "Gwendolyn Stacy it's time to go home!" Gwen jumps down to the ground. "Sorry Y/N, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" She smiles and waves as you as she runs towards the car. She gets in and they drive away. All you can do us sit there jaw dropped and ask yourself one question. "What just happened?"

Spiders In Love: A Gwen Stacy X Male Reader/Spiderman Insert (+18)Where stories live. Discover now