Trick or Treat!

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Halloween is finally here and so many things are happening. Kids are trick or treating, Harry is throwing a Halloween party at his house while his dad is out of town, and even better, The Mary Jane's are preforming there. You just picked up Ned and you head to Harry's house. Ned is dressed up as Darth Sidious, wearing a dark cloak and face makeup. You're dressed up as a pirate and know that so is Gwen. At first you were gonna wear your super-suits, but Gwen thought that those are like work clothes.

Halloween is supposed to be fun. Plus if something happened near the party and you had to spring into action, people could connect the dots. You get a text from Gwen saying that she and the Mary Jane's have made it to Harry's house and that it looks amazing. You soon make it to Harry's penthouse. You enter the main lobby and take the elevator to his floor and make it to his door. You enter to see that he's gone all out with this party as there are various decorations including orange lights, awesome music, plenty of Halloween treats, and even a dance floor lit up with orange lights. You even see a stage det for the Mary Jane's to perform. You see that you're not the first person to make it as there is already a good amount of people dancing, eating, and having a good time. You look around to see where Gwen is and soon find a very beautiful blonde pirate talking with her friends. Her spider sense goes off as she quickly turns around and sees you. She lights up brighter than any of the lights in the room as she quickly walks over to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bout time you made it!" She looks over and sees Ned in his costume and tells him he looks awesome. "Something something something something something something...dark side," Ned says in his Darth Sideous voice making you both laugh. You all walk over to the rest of the Mary Jane's where Ned seems to be getting along really well with one of the members, Gloria Grant. After about an hour of eating, dancing, and socializing with others, Harry goes up to the stage and turns on the microphone. Gwen tells you that she has to get ready, pecks you on the cheek, and heads off with the rest of her bandmates. "Good luck!" you tell her as she walks away.

"Hello everybody!" Harry begins. "I'd like to thank you for coming to probably the biggest Halloween party in Manhattan!" Everyone cheers in agreement. "Now I'd like to welfome a band up to the stage. You know em' and you love em', please give a huge welcome to...The Mary Janes!!" Everyone cheers as the curtains pull back to reveal the Mary Janes ready to play their hearts out. "Hello everybody!!" Mary Jane yells through the microphone. Everyone cheers even louder. "Are you ready to rock Halloween style!?" The crowd continues to cheer. "Well we got something extra spooky for you!" The lights dim as nearby fog machines start producing numerous clouds of fog. Nearby screams can be heard as the band begins to play.

A/N: Can you guess what song it is? You probably can. It's Halloween's national anthem at this point.

After the song ends, everyone cheers demanding more songs.

One hour later...

The band finishes their last song and the curtains close with the crowd cheering louder than ever. You and Ned can't stop clapping. Soon Gwen and Gloria run towards you two. Gwen hugs you asking how she did and you tell her she did amazing. Gloria gives Ned a hug and asks the same question. Ned gives her the same answer and Gloria gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks, Ned!" She giggles and runs off to talk to the other band members as Ned blushes through his face makeup. You and Gwen giggle at his reaction. The party goes on for a few more hours and Harry soon announces that the party is over. While disappointed, everyone willingly heads home.

You walk up to Harry who's cleaning up after everyone. "Great party, man" you tell him patting him on the back. "Thanks! Hopefully I'll be able to throw a lot more!" You ask him if he needs help cleaning and he tells you he's fine. You look around and see how much there is to clean. "You need help." You tell Gwen to go ahead home and that you're helping Harry clean up. "Okay! Love you!" You tell her that you love her too and she walks out the doorway. "Let's get to work" you say picking up cups and streamers. Harry thanks you and you reply with a question. "What are friends for?" Harry smiles as you spend the rest of the night cleaning.

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