Great Responsibility

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You return home feeling sick. "Everything okay Y/N?" Aunt May asks. "How was the museum, sport?" Uncle Ben asks. You at grip your shirt. "Uh..." you start. The bite really has an effect on you as you struggle to even start a sentence. "...I'm-I'm fine. Had a bad hot dog. I need to rest. I don't feel so good..." you finally get out as you head straight upstairs to your room. Your aunt and uncle watch in discomfort hoping that it's not too serious. You close the door and collapse onto your bed. You fall asleep almost instantly staying that way for the rest of the day.

Later in the night...

Doctor Kurt Connors is working in his lab. He walks past a table with a turned on computer. It shows a 3D model of a lizard. "It's almost complete!" he says mixing two chemicals together. The two liquids fuse and he pours it onto his test subject. A cage filled with three small lizards missing their tails. "Now let's see if this serum can fix both of our disabilities" Conners says as he takes a dropper pipette labeled 11636 and injects the serum into it. He them drops a little droplet onto one of the lizard's lower half. Seconds pass and the lizard's tail slowly grows back. "Yes! YES!!" the doctor rejoices. He runs off to jot down his success unaware that soon the lizard eats the other two making it rabid.

The Next Day...

You wake up feeling completely relaxed. Like a ton of weight has been lifted off of you. You glance at your alarm clock. 7:25 am. That doesn't give you a lot of time to get ready and get to the bus stop at 7:30. You hear a vibrate and look at your phone. It's a text from Gwen. She wanted to make sure you were okay since you acted strange after you were bit by the spider. But she doesn't know that...yet.

You text her back letting her know that you're fine and that you were just feeling a little sick. You put on your glasses and see that your vision has been enhanced. The blurriness of wearing the glasses hurt your eyes as you quickly take them off. You walk past your mirror to go get dressed when you notice something for a split second. You go back and notice you seem more muscular. You smile at your newfound appearance and go get dressed. As Aunt May and Uncle Ben still sleep, you head downstairs feeling like a new person. You eat breakfast and head out the door. The bus leaves as you approach the bus stop. "Crap" you say to yourself as you immediately start sprint after the yellow vehicle of laughing high schoolers as they watch you chase them. You slowly catch up getting closer and closer to the doors. "Was I always this fast?" you ask yourself. You knock on the door but the driver doesn't budge. You look at the top of the bus and decide to ride the bus in an alternative way. You jump up landing on the roof not believing it actually worked.


"Call in a substitute for my class" Dr Conners says through the phone. "I'm going to have to miss a couple of my classes. I've made a breakthrough!"


You sit at lunch with Harry and MJ telling them the crazy story. You seem to brighten up even more when you see Gwen coming towards your way. She sits down next to you and you tell her the story. Behind you, Flash Thompson and his friends notice you not being in misery. He gets an idea as he picks up an apple. "Never liked fruits anyways..." he says aiming straight for your head. He chucks it in a perfect spiral. In mid air you quickly feel something. Something pounding in your head. Almost like a warning. The hair on your arm stick up as well. Without even realizing it you move your head to the left grab the apple and throw it back at Flash. The feeling felt primordial. To quickly react to impending danger. The apple flies back and hits Flah in the head. His friends laugh hard while Flash grits his teeth.

Meanwhile your friends at your table praise you. Especially Gwen. "Dude, how did you do that?" she asks. "I thought I was the only one..." she says to herself as Flash gets up and walks towards your table. He grabs you by the shirt and throws you into the center of the cafeteria. You quickly get up get up. "That's it L/N, you're dead now!" Flash throws a punch at you forcefully. You surprisingly dodge it rather quickly, once again feeling that primordial feeling. Flash's confusion makes you smile. Flash throws multiple punches but no matter what he can't hit you. "How...huff...are you...pufff...doing this...L/N?" Flash asks out of breath. You see how this is your chance as you step back and do a helicopter kick right onto his jaw. He falls down unconscious.

While most people cheer a couple of people glare at you. "That was awesome Y/N!" Harry says picking you up on his shoulders. He starts chanting your name and everyone joins in including Gwen. You feel like nothing could go wrong for you at all. The rest of the day everyone is talking about how you beat Flash. Everyone treats you like you're the king of the world.

After School...

Instead of heading for the bus loop you decide to walk. You need some time to think. How did I do that? Am I a superhero? A mutant? Your ask yourself walking further and further from the school. You soon realize your in the wrong part of Queens. You look at your hand that holds the spider bite. You think back to the fight at school. You then look at your fingers. They seem...different. You turn and walk into an alley so no one can see you. You put everything together and you begin to run towards a brick wall. As you tightly squeeze your eyes shut, you jump up and hold on for dear life. You open your eyes and see that your sticking to the wall. You smile as you realize that you now have spider powers. You continue to climb the wall all the way up to the roof.

You soon realize what else spiders can do. You turn to your backside. "Nope!" you say to yourself. "Hmm...maybe my hands..." you say looking at them once more. First you punch the air leaving a fist out into the open waiting for something to happen. You try different hand signals as well as different sayings that might activate the webs. Finally you try using the hand signal of "I love you".

Suprisingly it works and a piece of webbing comes out of your wrist

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Suprisingly it works and a piece of webbing comes out of your wrist. The peice sticks to an abandoned building. You grab the webbing with both hands. "Here goes..." you say as you jump off the building and swing towards the building. "THIS IS AMAZING!!!" you say shouting in your best Tarzan impression.

You stop yourself from hitting the wall by putting your feet in front of you and jump down. You smile all the way walking home that is until you see the disappointed faces of May and Ben. "Getting into a fight Y/N? I thought we raised you that violence isn't the answer" May says, crossing her arms. "Flash was going to hurt me! Again!" you protest. "Did you start this fight?" Ben asks. You shake your head no. Ben motions to May that he wants to talk to you alone. She walks upstairs. "Y/N...I'm not punishing you. But I need you to know something. There are bad people out there. Crazy people who just want to see others suffer. What you did probably got rid of one of those people. You defended yourself instead of looking for trouble, but don't lose yourself in the process,  either. You have a gift. Just remember that with great power...there must also come great responsibility." You look confused. "Are you afraid I'll turn into some kind of pysco?" you ask. "No not at all Y/N. I'm just trying to help you. And I know I'm not your father but--"

You start to get irritated. "Then stop trying to be! You're my uncle! That's it. Dad's not coming back and I've excepted that!" You start to tear up. "Just...just leave me alone!!" you say running outside. "Y/N! Ben shouts. You slam the door causing it to break. This causes Aunt May to run downstairs. "Where's Y/N?" she asks worried. "I'm going after him." Ben says walking outside. "Be careful!" May yells after Ben. "Oh, Richard I'm so sorry..." he says as he continues to look for you.

Spiders In Love: A Gwen Stacy X Male Reader/Spiderman Insert (+18)Where stories live. Discover now