Triple Trouble

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A couple of months have gone by since you and Gwen have become a couple. So far the new school year has gone well as almost everyone in school is shocked that Gwen would choose you, but you ignore the mean comments and enjoy the nice ones. Harry and MJ are extremely happy for you two. Currently you and Gwen are on a date at Ray's right after school. "So, how was band practice?" you ask her as you eat your meal. "Pretty good actually. We got a gig at the stadium in Central Park."

You take a sip of your drink. "Well, I'll definitely be there." Gwen smiles and holds your hand across the table. "Imagine if someone from school saw us here, they'd go nuts!" you joke causing Gwen to snicker. "Yeah, at least Daddy took it...better than others." You both laugh reminiscing the time when you finally told him. Captain Stacy wouldn't stop quizzing you on what you should do on a date. If someone tried to mug you two, what do you do? Who should pay the bill every time no matter what? You come back to the present when you hear small explosions and screams from outside. You look at each other and sigh. "Check please!" you say to the nearby waiter. "Sigh, we never get a break, do we?" Gwen says leaning her head on her other hand.


You and Gwen land on a nearby rooftop and loom to see where the crime is happening. Gwen spots and points out to you a jewelry store with a giant hole in it. Three men run outside carrying bags of jewelry. One of the is wearing a cowboy hat and holding a lasso. The shortest one is wearing a hat as well, but he also has a very skinny mustache. The tallest one is very muscular. He probably caused the hole in the store. "Dan, where's the car?" the man with the cowboy asks the short one. "I know where it is! Calm down! Remember who we are! We're the Enforcers. We've gotten away with worse crimes then this!" The short one leads the three down the street where you jump down. "Hi there, boys. You seem to be new in town so I'll take it easy on you. Please hand over the bags of shiny rocks" you say motioning your hand.

The big guy raises his fist and throws it down at you. You dodge it doing two back handsprings. "Wow, you got a pretty big fist!" You shoot a web line and take the bag that the big guy is carrying. He charges at you, but you do a flip over him. The man with the lasso gets ready to tie you up when Ghost Spider sneaks up on him and takes it. She then attempts to use it, but isn't very good at it. The man takes it back and pulls out a gun. "No one steals from Montana!" He starts shooting at Ghost Spider. Luckily gunshots are nothing as she simply dodges the bullets. She does a flip towards him and sweep kicks him off the ground. She webs him up keeping him sticking to the ground. Meanwhile you tire the big guy out, who you find out his name is Ox, and quickly web him up the side of a wall.

You notice you're missing a criminal. The smallest one. You and Ghost Spider look around in confusion wondering where he went. You then notice the bags of jewelry are gone as well. You then see an armoured car speedily drive away. You turn back at Ghost Spider who saw it as well. You nod at each other and head off to stop the car from getting away. The driver of the car, named Fancy Dan, swerves in between various gaps made by various cars not knowing that you and Ghost Spider are right behind him. You land on the roof and walk across it all the way to the windshield. You wave at Dan, blocking his view. "Get outta my way!!" He swerves the car around trying to shake you off, but it doesn't work. "Spider powers, remember?" Dan growls as he continues to try and shake you off.

Meanwhile Ghost Spider crawls on the side of the car and spins a web line on the car door. She uses her strength to pull it off and slide into the car. She quickly finds the bags of jewelry, grabs them, and gets out of the car. She meets you at the windshield and tells you she has the bags and you wrap things up with Dan. "Well looks like our work here is done. Been fun hangin' out with ya Danny Boy!" You and Ghost Spider jump off the car and land on the side of a building. Dan, thinking he just got off the hook, continues to drive away. You and Ghost Spider spin a couple of webs stopping the car in it's tracks, leaving it for the cops with Dan inside. With the bags of jewelry still in hand, you both wait for the cops to arrive on a building that have a view of both the jewelry store and where the armored car is webbed up.

Spiders In Love: A Gwen Stacy X Male Reader/Spiderman Insert (+18)Where stories live. Discover now