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One Year Later...

One night you and Gwen are on patrol as you heard that a couple of jewelry stores were broken into and their most priceless gems and jewels were stolen. Currently you two are web slinging downtown when your spider sense goes off. You land on a rooftop, confusing Gwen. "What is it?" Gwen asks landing left to you. "Spidey sense going off like crazy!" you reply. You look around to see why it's activating it when you see a dark figure leaping off of rooftops in the distance. "There!" You point at the figure and Gwen sees it as well. "Let's go!" You both web sling towards it silently. When you see the figure stop, you land a few inches away from it. The figure immediately turns around.

You both ready your fists as the figure comes out of the shadows. A woman wearing a catsuit and a small backpack, who's a few inches taller than you, with white hair is holding two bags of jewelry. "So you're Spiderman. Might as well introduce myself. I'm Black Cat. You're pretty famous around here, cutie! Why don't you ditch your girlfriend and I'll show you around the city! I know some tight places!" Gwen growls as Black Cat gives you a sexy smile and wink. "Yeah, we're famous" she replies. "And we're taking you down! Right, Babe? Babe?" You agree with what Gwen said. "Well, I'll enjoy the chase! Catch me if you can, insects!" Black Cat runs off and jumps off the building as you both chase her. "She does know that spiders are arachnids, right?" you ask as you jump off the building. She uses some kind of tech on her boots in order to run across the building while you use your powers.

Gwen gets ahead of you and tries fighting her while running on the wall at the same time. Black Cat gets the better of her and kicks her off. "It's okay!" she says to you as she falls. She spins a web and swings over to the side of Black Cat. She side kicks her to another building and you both land beside her. Before she gets up, Black Cat sweep kicks both of you to the ground. She then takes out a drone with a cat head on it out of her backpack, turns it on, and releases it onto the city. "This baby will shoot pretty much any person that it spots! Speaking of which..." She points to the streets of New York below that's overflowed with people. You turn to Gwen. "I got her! You go protect the people!" Gwen scowls at Black Cat through her mask then jumps down to get the people to safety while you stay to fight Black Cat.

You throw a punch, but she dodges it and kicks you in the face. "I know you've been looking at me" she tells you as she tries to punch you. Luckily your spider sense helps you catch it. "I don't know what your talking about" you reply. "Oh come on! Don't act like you weren't staring at these while standing next to your girlfriend!" She presses her large breasts together making them almost pop out of her catsuit. You, for some reason, get distracted by them, allowing her to try to get a kick across your face. For some reason, your spider sense doesn't kick in and her foot strikes right across your face, throwing you to the ground. "Catch you next time, sexy!" Black Cat picks up her bags and begins to run off.

You look back to see Gwen struggling to get everyone to safety and turn back to see Black Cat run off. Regretfully, you jump off to help Gwen. You spin a web to catch the drone and whip it to the ground, smashing it into peices. "See?!?" Gwen yells at the people behind her. "This is what I was talking about!!" You walk over and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay...let's just go." Gwen grumbles, spins a web, and takes off. You quickly follow her to where you two just were. "You let her go?!" Gwen asks. "I had to help you" you reply. You two spend the next three hours looking for her, but no luck.

The Next Day...

You get the supplies you need for homework out of your locker where Gwen is waiting angrily. You see her rage filled gaze and instantly become scared. "What's wrong?" Gwen slams your locker door. "That cat burglar from last night. I saw how she was flirting with you and I don't like it!!" You scratch your head, remembering what she said last night. "Oh come on! Don't act like you weren't staring at these while standing next to your girlfriend!" You see Gwen cross her arms, huffing and puffing through her nose. "Babe, trust me. There's no way that I want her. Just you." Gwen slightly smiles at you. "Okay. But when we go looking for her again tonight and if she tries's gonna be me and her."

Gwen cracks her knuckles. Suddenly a girl with white hair accidentally bumps into Gwen. "Oh! My bad!" she says as she walks off. You recognize her voice, face, and hair. "Gwen--" you begin to say before Gwen interrupts you. "It's her" she says suprised. "It's...her." Gwen grits her teeth and clenches her fists. You hold Gwen back from attacking the girl in blind rage. "We can't expose her without exposing ourselves" you say, making her realize the truth and calming down. "Watch out, Kitty." Gwen walks off and you catch up as you both exit the school.

Later That Night...

You find Black Cat trying to break into another jewelry store. Luckily she hasn't made it in yet. "Well well well" she says after you both have dropped down in front of her. "If it isn't the sexy Spiderman and his partner." Gwen clenches her fists and growls. "For your information we're dating!!" Gwen yells at her. Black Cat simply shrugs, blows a kiss at you, and runs off. "Sorry I couldn't stay, Spider! Maybe next time!" You both take off after her. A while later she escapes once more, making Gwen angry. Weeks go by as you two continually try to catch her. Although you deal with other villains, she is especially trickier to catch than the others.

One day Gwen stops by your house to talk to you. You head up to your room since Aunt May is asleep. "I can't take it with her!" Gwen says angrily. "Look, we'll find her" you tell her. "It's not just that, it's her flirting! Her nonstop flirting! The fact that she doesn't even care that Spiderman and Ghost Spider are an item and practically asks you to sleep with her is making me sick!" You let Gwen go in for a little bit when she soon notices your sudden silence. "You're thinking about her, aren't you?" You look up to her. "What?! No!" Gwen steps closer to you. "Don't lie to me! Be honest! You've thought about how she talks and how she has a bigger chest than me and--" you interrupt her trying to stop her from making her explode of full on rage and more importantly from ending the relationship.

"Sure! She's hot, but I swear, Gwen, that's it! I don't love her at all! She's a criminal! I could never love her! Gwen, I've loved you for years! I could never look at or think about or care about any girl the way I do to you." Gwen covers her mouth in silence. She moves in closer to you and hugs you, crying. "I'm...I'm sorry. I should've known that even though you can have lustful feelings every once in a while, it doesn't mean that you'd leave me, right?" You tell her of course you wouldn't leave her and that you love her no matter what. You then look into her eyes. "Gwen, I'm sorry too." Gwen looks at you confused. "This isn't all on you. I shouldn't even be thinking about Black Cat like that. She's a criminal, and it's our job to stop her, bring her in, and be ready if she ever escapes." Gwen kisses you passionately and gives you another hug. "I love you so much" she says wiping a tear from her eye.

The Next Night...

You wait on top of a ledge right across from a jewelry store where Black Cat hasn't hit yet. Soon enough, she shows up. You move in where she's expecting you. She throws a few cat head smoke bombs which you've delt with before. You and Ghost Spider use your Spider sense to find out when and where she's about to strike. You block a punch, get behind her, and hold her, allowing Ghost Spider to spin a few webs to her stomach. You let go and take the bags of gems. "No! Hold me some more!" Gwen angrily pulls Black Cat towards her. "Hey, bitch! Stay away from my man!" Gwen punches Black Cat so hard that she immediately loses consciousness. You walk over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" Gwen nods and puts her arm around you.


Black Cat wakes up tied up in webbing. "Alright, Black Cat. Where are you keeping the rest of all the things you stole?" Black Cat simply laughs. "What's in it for me, precious?" Ghost Spider walks up to her. "Maybe I won't beat you senseless" she growls. You hold her back. "If you bring us to where you're keeping them....I'll....sigh...kiss you." Ghost Spider gasps. "Hmmm....kiss me first then I'll take you." You tell her no. "How do I know you'll just let me on a wild goose chase? Look, either show us now and you can get a reward, or wait until the cops come and we'll go looking ourselves." Black Cat sighs. "Fine. I'll show you."


You and Gwen lower down the bags of gems from Black Cat's apartment to the cops who are on level one using web lines. "I got a question for you" Ghost Spider asks. "How can you afford an apartment? You haven't even graduated high school!" Black Cat asks how does she even know that and Ghost Spider responds with that she can tell how old someone is with specific facial features. "I was able to...convince the realtor. My adoptive parents don't even care or know that I'm here. Since I look older I can buy almost whatever I want. What I can't buy I steal." You get ready to leave when Black Cat stops you. "Hey! We had a deal." You look at her and then Ghost Spider. "Well that would be cheating." You hold Ghost Spider's hand. You jump out the window and swing off into the night sky.

Spiders In Love: A Gwen Stacy X Male Reader/Spiderman Insert (+18)Where stories live. Discover now